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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Who is inspiring the people?

Published in Blog on May 31, 2020 by Thomas Ward

Sadly, most people in America still don't know that there is a way in the Constitution for us to save the Constitution.

They don't know about the Convention of States.

I call it "The Tyrant Slayer."

This is why education of the masses is so important. We are running out of time, as recent events should tell you. We need educators who can inspire others.

Where is the modern day Thomas Paine, who inspired so many during the American Revolution?

He is what we need to inspire the people of today to unite and fight against the tyranny in this country.

The truth is that there are thousands of Thomas Paines all over this country. They are the Content Writers, Social Media Warriors, and other volunteers of the Convention of States movement.

So let’s all get out there and write those blogs, post all over social media, and talk to people. We’ve got a country to save from tyranny. 

Let’s get to it!

Click here to get involved!
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