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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Talk or Action? Where are you?

Published in Blog on January 26, 2022 by Kassity Gibbins

“The best way to predict your future is to create it.” – Abraham Lincoln

What kind of future are you creating? Do you love the freedoms you were so graciously granted by God that are protected by the Constitution? Right now, do you foresee a comfortable and free future for your grandchildren? What are you willing to do to protect our freedoms and ensure they are passed on to all future generations? 

The federal government has reached a breaking point - it is now completely out of control. It has taken the power that, by law and by nature, We The People were granted. Federal overreach plagues us like never before. They have been spending our hard-earned money on things not in the peoples’ best interest. There are career politicians who have done nothing but cause dysfunction and division.

It all boils down to one question: Who do you think should decide what’s best for you and your family, you, or the federal government? We’d vote for the American people every single time.

Now, this is where the Convention of States comes in. We have a solution as big as the problem!

Convention of States Action started in 2013, and is a non-profit organization of millions of grassroots citizens across the country, everyday Americans, who are fed up with business as usual in D.C. We’re funded by thousands of everyday patriots who have committed their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to protecting liberty for future generations.

Article V of the U.S. Constitution gives states the power to call a Convention of States to suggest and ratify amendments. The convention would only allow discussion of amendments that do the following (refer to “Section 1” at link): 

(1) create fiscal restraints on the federal budget,
(2) create term limits on federal officials and Congress, and
(3) limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.

This is not a free-for-all, but a very rigid process where 34 states must pass the exact same legislation, calling for an amending convention. Delegates from those states must agree on all proposed amendments and 38 states must vote to approve ("ratify") before the Constitution is altered.

The Framers included this provision precisely to allow the people, through the proxy of their state government, to check the power of the federal government.

We must ask ourselves: If we care about our country and we are not happy with the path we as a nation are headed down, what is there to lose by trying? Why not help?

If not you, then who?

People always say that they want to help, but seldom show up when the time comes. It begs the question: Are you really here to help the mission, or more worried about your personal feelings? Mission, or me?

If you truly believe in this, don't let your thoughts of self doubt or fear stand in the way of your abilities to take action and do the right thing. The time has come to be fearless, loud and proud. Do it while you still can!

Join us, take action today, and help us tell the Federal Government that we are done being controlled, manipulated and pushed aside by them. We The People are in control and it’s time to show them that. 

The time is now, patriots, and we must stand hand in hand.

Your country needs your help, and so does the Convention of States movement. We are not going to be able to just close our eyes and ignore what the federal government is doing anymore. We must take action now

We have many roles available; it is so easy to take action and join the largest grassroots movement in history. There are positions for everyone and plenty of opportunities that will fit your schedule, interests and talents.

Even if you can only spare 20 minutes a week, that will go a long way. Below is a list of roles and the corresponding time commitment. Keep in mind, we give you all the training, and that's flexible too!

Volunteer Activist - 20 minutes/week

Social Media Warrior - 20 minutes/week

COS Prayer Warrior - 20 minutes/week

State Content Writer - 1 hour/week

Events Coordinator - 1 hour/week

State Information Analyst - 1 hour/week

District Captain - 2 hours/week

Follow Up Team - 2 hours/week

State Videographer - 2 hours/week

Legislative Liaison - 4 hours/week

Veterans Coalitions Director- 4 hours/week

Block Walker - 4-6 hours/month

To join our movement, visit our main website,, sign the petition, and then press the 'Take Action' button. Here, you’ll see a variety of opportunities to choose from. If you’re unsure where you’d fit best when first signing up, no worries, we will work on that together! Just select the 'Volunteer Activist' role for now. We will figure out what position will work best for you and get you going in no time. 

The federal government is out of control and only you, the people, can help us pull the reins back in. Help us give the power back to We The People by signing our petition, helping out when you're available and spreading the word about the Convention of States movement.

“Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.” -Thomas Jefferson

We have now reached the point that our Founding Fathers have warned us about since the very beginning. We must use the power given to us, via the Constitution, to turn this around, and fast. If you wish to see America still standing for your children, grandchildren and all future generations, you must stand and fight with us!

Enjoy these helpful resources:

1. Printable answers to FAQs

2. Three-minute video about the Convention of States process

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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