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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!

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Who Decides For Us?

Published in Blog on August 22, 2022 by LeRoy E Cossette

Here's the question: "Should I decide what is best for me and my family?  

Should critical decisions that affect us and our loved ones be decided by "We the People'' or by out-of-touch bureaucrats in Washington?  

Congressional members of all parties go to Washington with good intentions, but it's not long before their party leaders and donors suck them into the swamp. They are indoctrinated through threats of not being seated on committees, not being endorsed, or not being provided financial assistance for their re-election.  

Our legislators are so distracted trying to gain favor from party leaders and raising money for re-election, that this nation’s Constitution – and we who elected them – are ignored. With each successful re-election, they become more emboldened as they realized they will not be held accountable and that we will, like robots, just keep on re-electing them.  

They are so far removed, that we as individuals or groups (i.e. religion, small business, farmers, laborers, etc.) have little chance of interacting with them to question or challenge their actions or inactions. It's promise after promise that are never kept while they spend their time solidifying their elitist status and creating disunity between us with accusations that all their failures and all our problems are the fault of the other party.

This must be rectified as this country is on the brink of losing our Constitutional Republic. We, all of us, Republican, Democrat and Independent, can stop this cancerous runaway government by defying the Washington bureaucracy through the convening of a Convention of States to implement amendments to our Constitution that will impose:

1) fiscal restraints on the federal government,

2) limit its power and jurisdiction, and

3) impose term limits on its officials and members of Congress. 

But COS needs all of us to sign the petition in support and push our state legislators to pass a Resolution calling for such a convention. Learn more about the Article V process and how we can create solutions that will strengthen the future of our country. 

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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