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Convention of States!


Where have all the people gone?

Published in Blog on January 25, 2023 by Barton (Bart) Anderson

What happened to We the People? As I reflect on current politics, I often wonder what happened to our government. How did we allow this to happen?

Looking back on my own life, I’ve concluded that I foolishly grew up trusting my government, believing they had my best interests in mind. I believed the brain power in Washington had far more collective knowledge than I could possibly have. I ignorantly trusted them.

As I look around today, the overwhelming number of people I talk with are very discouraged in the direction of our country. They believe Washington has become bloated and corrupt and our country is headed in the wrong direction. The question now is, what can we do about this?

As we look at the number of people engaging to change this direction, I’ve concluded most people don't really care, have given up, or believe it’s too late to change this direction. Even looking at the number of registered voters taking the time to vote is dismal. Further, looking at the number of people who are willing to roll up their sleeves, get off the couch and do something is even more dismal. People seemingly have given up.

We can never believe that there is a knight in shining armor coming in to save us. Nobody is going to save us, but us. We must get involved. We need to turn off the TV, get off the couch and do something. There is no lack of opportunities if you just look around.

The first thing you can do, if you haven’t done so, is register and vote. You can simply stop by your political party's office and ask where you can engage. You can attend a school board meeting. You can attend a City Council meeting. You can call or write your legislators, who are your voice in government. You can attend meetings where political candidates are either campaigning or meeting with their constituents. You can get a copy of our Constitution and take 20 minutes to read it. At a very minimum, you can register to vote. If you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem. 

You likely know of someone who is already politically involved and can ask them where they engage and how you can also get involved. If you think the government has become too big, controlling, and corrupt, and our federal debt has become unsustainable, you must be a part of the solution and not ride the train to total collapse. 

There are many groups you can simply Google and see what activities they offer, such as Convention of States Action, Patriot Academy, and Turning Point USA, just to name a few. All these groups have activities, even in our local area, where you can plug in. You don’t need to jump in with both feet but at least consider putting your toe in the water.

Nobody is coming to save us, but us. I encourage you to get involved. If not for yourself, do it for your children and grandchildren.

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Convention of states action

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