Convention of States has a few vocal dissenters in North Carolina.
Three of these opponents, Rep George Cleveland HD14, Rep Larry Pittman HD 83 and ousted Rep Michael Speciale (former HD 3), have been particularly vocal and repeatedly cite their allegiance to the Constitution as the rational for their position. They echo the mantra that a Convention might create a constitutional crisis which could destroy our nation, remaining defiantly oblivious to the many constitutional scholars who staunchly support COS.
In the 2017 legislative session, these three "Constitutionalists" sponsored HB 147 in which they proposed to repeal sections 4, article 1 of the NC Constitution which prohibits secession.
To oppose an amending process because it is untested but to remain open to secession, which has already very nearly destroyed this country and culminated in a bloody civil war, is unconscionable.
So, I'm a little unclear. Are they Constitutionalists until they find the "out-clause"? Are they Constitutionalists until the next election cycle? Or are they Constitutionalists in name only?
Enough of the pretense. If you believe in the Constitution, you believe that it is all important. It is time to use Article V as James Madison intended. Convention of States, because WE are Constitutionalists.
When is a Constitutionalist NOT a Constitutionalist?
Published in Blog on May 05, 2021 by Mona Kita