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Convention of States!


When a debate isn't a debate

Published in Blog on May 05, 2021 by Mona Kita

We all knew that kid in grade school. You know the one: if he couldn't win a game he would change the rules. As he grew older he just felt that the rules didn't apply to him. After all, he was special.

In North Carolina we met him again at the Coastal Carolina Taxpayers Association. While much of CCTA's ideology is laudable, they showed their complete disdain for Article V of the Constitution in an event advertised as an Article V debate. Rep Steve Tyson (HD3) and State Senator Norm Sanderson were the proponents with former Rep Mike Speciale and Rep Keith Kidwell (HD79) in opposition.

Teams were to decide amongst themselves who was to speak. Rep. Tyson wanted to yield his time to Mark Meckler, president of COS who was able to attend the meeting in person, and Sen Sanderson, whose Zoom call kept dropping, wanted to yield his time to Rep. Dennis Ridell (HD64), a primary sponsor of the bill.  

In a decision very reminiscent of third grade recess, neither Mr. Meckler nor Rep Ridell was allowed to debate, so COS was "represented" by a "reserve debater," Allan Harrip, chosen by the CCTA, who very honestly remarked that he had no position on the matter, but he had researched it "a little."

"At this time I suppose that I am supposed to be speaking 'in favor' of the Convention of States," he said.

Well, although he tried, (back to the schoolyard analogy) playing kickball while on crutches is a bit difficult.

Mike Speciale repeated ad nausium the lie of a runaway convention, calling himself the main opposition for Article V. He quoted Robert Greenstein, long time Washington bureaucrat who opposes removing power from the Washington insiders because 'who knows who will have the power in the future?'

Well, we know. Unless Article V passes, Washington will still 'have the power' and we the people will be ruled by them.  

After the "debate," Mark Meckler, Joy Ruhmann, Tom Madison and Dave Plamondon were able to speak to the room for a few minutes, completely refuting the fear mongering by explaining the rules of a Convention.  

We want a Convention of States because we aren't playing by Washington's arbitrary rules anymore -- we are going back to the Constitution.


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