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What Would Norman Rockwell Paint for 2021?

Published in Blog on December 28, 2021 by John Green

This holiday season I’ve used my downtime to reflect on the events of the past year. We have much to be thankful for, in spite of the issues we’ve faced. We are all recipients of God’s blessings. Those blessings include our God-given rights as enshrined in our Constitution. But events of the past year have shown that we are on a dangerous path. People with small minds seem determined to challenge the gifts granted us by our Maker.

One such gift is the right to express ourselves. It was famously depicted by Norman Rockwell in his painting, Freedom of Speech. The painting became world famous when it was used on the cover of The Saturday Evening Post in February of 1943 and was even used on a postage stamp. It depicted a lone man, still in his dirty clothes from a hard day at work, standing up to local city officials to express his disagreement with their plans. The painting is a powerful statement. In America, every citizen, regardless of social status, has a right to be heard and treated with courtesy and respect.

How would Norman Rockwell have depicted 2021? Would the lone speaker be standing tall and confident, knowing that he would suffer no retribution for his words? Or would the artist somehow depict his emotions, knowing that he is placing himself at great personal risk of being canceled from his livelihood and social associations?

If the painting were done in 2021, would the police be handcuffing the speaker? The past 12 months have shown that daring to speak truth to power can get one charged with creating a public disturbance – even in a forum created to entertain dissenting voices.

In a modern-day version of the painting, would the speaker be surrounded by fellow citizens listening respectfully to his words? Or would Mr. Rockwell find a way to depict him surrounded by FBI informants?

Would our speaker find himself under investigation by the DOJ? He is challenging government authority. Haven’t we been told that such actions are seditious – essentially calls to insurrection?

How would Mr. Rockwell artistically represent that the speaker’s own government would “threat tag” him as a potential domestic terrorist in its tracking database? In 21st century America, our government collects, organizes, and shares information on such subversives.

No modern-day depiction of freedom of speech would be complete without a mob of black-clad, club-wielding youths waiting for the speaker outside the building. In modern America, wrong-think must be corrected. Antifa and BLM stand ready to render such lessons – with the tacit approval of our government.

Our freedom of speech is not granted by our government or our Constitution. It is granted by our Maker. Our Constitution prescribes that our government is to protect our freedom. It’s safe to say that our government has strayed from that mission. We have been slow to see the threat to our liberties and allowed the left to infiltrate our institutions:

  • education
  • government bureaucracy
  • media
  • law enforcement
  • medicine

But our eyes are open now, and a reckoning is approaching.

The left is playing with forces it does not understand. If our institutions take away our voices, we will be left with only our hands – and the tools those hands will wield. This is not a call to violence. Our two most formidable tools are our state governments and the powers granted us by Article V of the Constitution. It is time we take up both (metaphorically speaking) and put a stop to government overreach.

Unintended consequences are usually just unforeseen consequences. When people with small minds and great ambition lack the foresight to see the consequences of their actions, things happen that they don’t expect. The left needs to stop for a moment and give their actions some serious thought.  If they would rather oppress than debate us, the consequences might not be what they expect.

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