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Convention of States!


What will you do when your country needs you?

Published in Blog on October 01, 2020 by William R Pacey

I am in no way a fan of MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, but I liked what she said and did a couple of days ago. 

“It is here,” she said. “We are here. It is happening. We don’t have to wonder anymore. As individuals, we don’t have to wonder what it would be like to live through a time like this. We don’t have to wonder anymore how we would react or act or what we would do for our country if our country was ever in this kind of situation. You now know what you would do for your country if your country is ever in this much danger. It is whatever it is you are doing right now. What you are doing now and what you are planning to do for the next six weeks, that’s what you are made of, and that’s what you will be able to say you did when your country needed you. What you did when your country needed you.”

Progressives are fighting like crazy to transform this country into a socialist state. For years they have been screaming and stomping their feet in the halls of local, state, and federal offices.

And it is working. The squeaky wheel has gotten the grease. While they are the minority, they have made so much noise that they made everyone think they are the majority.

The conservatives have been conservative in their actions to defend our country.

Many of us look up to our Founding Fathers because of the stance they took. The difference between them and many of us is when they took a stand, they were willing to put their very lives on the line.

Patrick Henry’s famous line, “Give me liberty or give me death” today might read, "Give me liberty, as long as it does not interfere with my paycheck, my agenda, or my sports."  

While I watched the debate the other night, I was disgusted with the circus. Now, I have a different view. War is ugly. War is nasty. There is nothing polished or proper about war.

The two men on the stage last night were there to destroy their enemy. I did not like what I saw, but I also did not like what I saw last week as I walked through the halls of the veterans hospital. 

I hate war, for several reasons. As a Vietnam veteran, I know there are always casualties. If you are a person of faith, even the Almighty speaks of war. It is something we must do to defend our God-given rights.

So I ask you today, what will you do when your country needs you? The one thing that I agree with Rachel Maddow is this: we don’t have to wonder anymore how we would react or act or what we would do for our country if our country was ever in this kind of situation.

You now know what you would do for your country if your country is ever in this much danger. It is whatever it is you are doing right now. What you are doing now and what you are planning to do for the next six weeks, that’s what you are made of, and that’s what you will be able to say you did when your country needed you.

Many years ago when I walked into the recruiter's office to head for boot camp, there was a sign outside his door. It was a picture of Uncle Sam and it said, "Uncle Sam wants you."

What will your children and family members say that you did when your country needed you? I hope that they will not say you were just like the do-nothing politicians who ran their mouths but never stood up to the enemy of freedom.

Join me next Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. for a Convention of states training call.  

A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right. A man dies when he refuses to stand up for justice. A man dies when he refuses to take a stand for that which is true.

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8:00 - 8:05  Welcome and Introduction

8:00 - 8:20  What does it take to build a grassroots army in your district?

8:20 - 8:25  Questions & Answers

8:25 – 8:35 What am I willing to change in my life to help restore America?

8:35 - 8:45  Meet Regional Captain Kurt O’Keefe  

8:45 – 9:00 Open Forum 

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