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Convention of States!


What is the only valid solution to end the threat of federal tyranny?

Published in Blog on June 27, 2018 by Tracy Schuster

Americans are rightfully angered by the federal government's abuses of our Constitution. We have valid concerns that our American liberty is indeed in great danger, and we are wise in finding the best solution.

The question is: which movement offers the best solution?

The BBA?

The Balanced Budget Amendment push, (while a very noble effort to address the enormous national debt), does not limit the taxation and borrowing abilities of the federal government like the Convention of States proposals.

However, I do applaud their desire to address the severe threat of financial collapse, because it is not moral to leave future generations strapped with that burden.

Term Limits?

There is the Term Limits movement, which again offers a valid recourse to restrain the establishment career politicians from consolidating power. However, this alone will not fix the systemic government abuses done at the hands of unelected officials.

Article VI?

And then there is the John Birch Society's Article VI movement. The JBS makes the most far-fetched, false claims and peddles a lot of fear-mongering propaganda against the Article V Convention of States movement. Why?

When I look at the John Birch Society, I have to wonder just what can Article VI do about our national debt? How can you nullify the national debt or the unfunded liabilities?

Just what can nullification do about imposing reasonable term limits or reestablish the ever-important separation of powers between the three branches of government? How is the JBS going to restore any of our other founding principles such as limited and enumerated powers and checks and balances?

How are they going to restore the Commerce Clause after the Supreme Court has purposely misinterpreted it so many times? How is the JBS going to clarify the Origination Clause to prevent further abuse? What is the JBS going to do about the immigration crisis?

Why do they spread so much misinformation, propaganda, and fear-mongering? Could it be that they are afraid to admit that they are wrong about Article V?

They are claiming Article VI is a valid part of the Constitution to nullify federal law "unilaterally," yet they claim that Article V is not a valid means put into our Constitution as a peaceful recourse for the people to block tyranny nationwide.

They claim that the only way to change D.C. is to educate the public, but isn't that exactly what COS is doing with our grassroots movement, webinars, presentations, blog posts, social media posts, informational meetings, national endorsements and TV interviews?

Many of us are deeply concerned about what kind of country we are going to leave our children and grandchildren. Steps need to be taken to protect liberty, and millions are standing up with Convention of States. 

The JBS uses the term "Con-Con" to ridicule and delegitimize our movement. We are not a "con," nor seeking a Constitutional Convention. We are advocating for an amending convention, or "convention for proposing amendments" as Article V calls it.

For a group who claims to be superior in knowledge about our Constitution, I find it disingenuous for them to pretend not to know the difference between the two entirely different entities.

They also make false claims that COS would "open up the Constitution and give more power to the federal government." The COS application clearly limits the scope of the convention to proposals that restrain the federal government.

Furthermore, let’s not ignore the fact that our Constitution has already been "opened it up" by usurpations on the part of the federal government. If it hadn't, we wouldn't need a COS movement to restore the damage done to our Constitution, would we?

The JBS also pushes a false narrative that Convention of States is out to rewrite our Constitution, which can't be further from the truth, and they know this, yet again they continue to push their fear-mongering in hopes to delegitimize our honorable efforts. Why the malicious intent? 

In summary, nothing comes close to the Convention of States solution. Convention of States is not only a valid solution, but it's the biggest solution. it is the only organized grassroots campaign structured for a full frontal attack against the decades-long evisceration of our founding principles. 

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