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What is the Meaning of Christmas?

Published in Blog on December 16, 2021 by Elisa Best

The Christmas season always seems to bring us events that invite compassion and love.

This has come tenfold as we have all watched the damage from the tornadoes that ripped through the Midwest and South. Several states were hit, with much of the tornadoes’ destruction centered in Kentucky. Every day we hear of more devastation and death.

What is the true meaning of the Christmas season? The meaning is different for all of us. For me, the significance has always been about family and friends. I reach out to people I haven’t talked to in a while. I spend some time doing charity work and donating money and supplies to a food bank, Toys for Tots, or volunteering in a soup kitchen.

Many times over the years, I have been busy figuring out what I am going to do, and I forget to just take a moment to appreciate my life. I am close to my family (not in person as they live in Texas and California, but the ties to everyone are deep). I was able to retire early, and I am comfortable. I have several friends that I am close to and spend time with. I am one lucky girl.

When this tornado tragedy hit, I had to take a step back to thank God and be grateful for my life. 

The people in the United States have always given freely when the cause is right. We are the number one country in the world in giving to help people. I am not talking about the money our government gives but the money that We the People donate from our personal funds. We are very generous when there are people here and in other countries in need.

To me, this is what the Christmas spirit is. It is thinking of others even when our own life is not perfect. It is opening our hearts to help others when they need it.

How We Can Help

Pray, if this is what you do. Be kind. We never know what someone is going through. Ignore the petty stuff and let it go.

Give if you can. You do not have to give money. You can give your time or give blood if you are able.

Check out a Charity before Donating or Volunteering

Before donating to any organization you're not familiar with, check out their profiles and rankings. Two sites that help you do this are

Supporting Victims of the Recent Tornado Disaster

There are many charities where you can give to help the people in Kentucky or one of the other states that were hit. I found several in an Axios newsletter. Axios editor Laurin-Whitney Gottbrath, who's based in Louisville, Kentucky, listed a few and some of the specific ones to the local communities, I listed below:

You can also give to some of the larger charities that you like: American Red Cross, Salvation Army, Care, or Team Rubicon to name a few.

Supporting Your Local Community

If you want to stay close to home, you can call your church to find out what is needed in the community. Or you can call the local food bank, Toys for Tots, and many other local organizations. There is always a need, especially this time of year.

Supporting Convention of States

The Convention of States patriots that I volunteer with are some of the kindest and most compassionate people I know. They love this country and want the best for it.  

Convention of States is the solution to retain the freedoms in our country that our ancestors have fought so hard for. Article V of the U.S. Constitution gives states the power to call a Convention of States to propose amendments.

Convention of States would only allow the states to discuss amendments that limit federal overreach, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials. 

We are always looking for volunteers and donations to help us move forward in this fight. There are many different volunteer opportunities at Convention of States. 

You can reach out to Convention of States to volunteer here  or donate here.


It’s time for us to come together. Find your place in this world and your people. If you like what you see with Convention of States, we would love for you to join us.  

Merry Christmas.

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