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What is Socialism?

Published in Blog on April 08, 2022 by Jeffrey W Brown

What is Socialism?  Why do the ruling elite push socialistic ideas?  Why do big companies espouse socialistic dicta?  What drives young people to embrace socialism?  

To understand the why is to understand why capitalism has raised more people out of poverty that any other social compact.

For the ruling elite, it is all about power and money.  Money begets power and power begets money.  Knowing that you can control a large group of people is the ultimate in feel good politics and an aphrodisiac to the ruling elite.  

It does not matter that the average person becomes a slave of the state.  In fact, he must become a slave of the state to satisfy the ruling elite.  Under socialism, the ruling elite get to choose the winners and losers, which brings more power (and money) to them.  

Socialism is the ultimate in corrupt politics.  If you have to get a permit for everything you do, then those who have the most money get preference.  The bigger the government, the more corrupt it is.  Just think – if you could hand out favors, how much money could you make?  There are always corrupt politicians in government because permits, licenses, and approval are for sale.  

Is it supposed to be that way?  At one time, we had an investigative media that would ferret out corruption.  No longer (except in a few notable instances) do investigative journalists expose corruption.  Investigative journalists have gone the way of the dodo bird.  

Young people are drawn to socialism because it sounds so good.  "You can build a utopia on earth if you follow the socialistic way."  In other words, the young are being drawn in by the promise of a better world because they are idealistic and have no real-life experience.  

If only we would treat people the same.  If only people would be satisfied with earning the same amount of money.  If only people were equal in every respect - then we could really be free.  If only …..  

China is the perfect example of socialism.  Everyone is monitored.  Everyone must support the state or suffer ostracism.  What is your social score?  Why can I not criticize the government?  

The one thing socialism does do is take away hope – the hope to build a better life, the hope of life after death, the hope that by your own efforts you can build a better life for your family.  By any moral standard, socialism crushes hope.  We keep you alive to serve the state.  As long as you toe the government line, you survive.  

If you do not toe the government line, you end up like the Falan Gong.  As long as you are one of preferred classes in socialism, you will have a good life, but is that not discrimination?  

Socialism is also the most corrupt form of government devised by man (actually Marx, et al) because the government picks winners and losers and winning is up for sale.   The untalented hate the talented and might makes right.

On the outside, socialism sounds like a good system.  In practice it is the most tyrannical form of dictatorship.  Socialism cannot tolerate criticism or different ideas.  Socialism cannot accept new ideas or innovations.  What about China, you ask?  Don’t they represent the pursuance of modern technology?  The only reason China has improved is because of its competition with capitalism.  If capitalism goes away, China will stagnate.  It is only competition that improves life.  The incentive of profit is what drives competition and competition drives the invention of better products that can be bought in a free society.  

As you can see, socialism is built on false ground.  Power and money drive socialism.  As long as there are people like Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Jinping, Putin, Biden, Trudeau, and many others, you will have people who push socialism to gain an advantage.  People tend to do things that are in their own best interests.  Putin is considered one of the richest people on earth.  How did he acquire so much wealth?

These reasons are what is driving the action of the Convention of States movement.  We have gotten far away from what our Founding Fathers designed; it is time for the people to bring common sense back to our government.  

We must shrink government, limit Congressional terms to get rid of the professional politicians, limit the power of the President, and give more power back to the states.  It is time for the people to take back the power which is rightfully theirs!

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