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Convention of States!


What Is Left Of WWIII

Published in Blog on February 28, 2022 by Tracy Schuster

With every passing day, it becomes clearer and clearer that We The People have a duty, not just to ourselves and our country, but to all of humanity, to take a stand against the conglomeration of totalitarian forces destroying freedom, liberty and humanity around the world. 

America has always been the beacon of hope, the bulwark against oppressors— And we must, we must, continue to be the rampart that our founders were. It is justifiable to be fearful in these times, but it is not in our DNA to be paralyzed by fear. 

It is a MUST to hold our federal government in check— we are still breathing, so obviously, it is not too late to act!

If we fail to act, then we fail as Americans, as human beings, and as good and faithful servants.

What Is Left of WW III?

Smoldering ashes are revealed at dawn

There's nothing left to look upon 

Millions of years, thousands of scores

All man's progress destroyed by war.


There's not a trace of human lives

Nothing roams, nothing flies— nothing survives.


The only sign that man was here 

Is a radioactive atmosphere.


All the countries were forced to fight

But no one won, for all have died.


Who or what will carry on? 

It will not be man

For he has fallen by his own hand.


Why did we let soulless tyrants lead 

With their depravity and greed? 


They desecrated God's creations—

The Meadows, Mountains, Forests and Seas.
Gone is the sky's amber light–
And all hope for humanity.

Look into the future and you will painfully see

That nothing will be left after World War III.

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