Inflation just reached 9.1% in America largely due to the current administration’s insistence on weaning the US dependence on fossil fuels while draining our strategic oil supply to the lowest levels in history (even shipping almost a million barrels to a Chinese-owned company with ties to Hunter Biden).
We have a federal government along with the media that’s grasping at straws to gain more gun control and ultimately do away with our Second Amendment right. We have China stealing an estimated $600 billion in intellectual property from the US per year, yet imports from China and the Pacific rim are skyrocketing because manufacturers here in the US cannot get people to work because the federal government is paying them (more than they can earn working) to stay home. We have the federal government pushing to codify the voting tactics that were used to steal the election in 2020 and to codify Roe v. Wade using the Department of Justice to sue many state voting integrity laws, the most recent being the newly signed Arizona voter ID and proof of citizenship law.
Daily the news is loaded with more attacks than we can keep track of from the federal government against the conservative Christian ideals that made this nation great. What is going on?
Is it time for a change?
Anyone who reads their Bible understands that ultimately, these attacks are being motivated by dark, sinister, spiritual forces. “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:22
The apostle James tells us how to change this in James 4:7. “So then surrender to God. Stand up to the devil and resist him and he will flee in agony.”
It is interesting that here he shows us the first part of standing up to the devil is actually surrendering to God. Why? The answer is found in verses 6-8... “(God) continually pours out grace when you are humble…move your heart closer and closer to God and he will come even closer to you.”
Alone, we are no match for the devil, but teamed up with God and with His grace continually poured out on us, the devil takes one look and flees. This is the key to overcoming the evil plans of the devil that are designed to destroy our country!
We send billions of dollars of arms and financial aid to the Ukraine to protect their borders while allowing millions of illegal aliens across our southern border on a yearly basis along with wide open sex trafficking. Fentanyl deaths in the US reached an all time high due to record volumes coming across the same open borders
As I see what is happening to our nation, I am deeply grieved, especially in the last year and a half it seems like the devil is pulling out all the stops. The downward spiral has accelerated and what was once done in secret is now being broadcast across the nation by the liberal socialist mouthpiece called “mainstream media.”
We can hope and pray for a change politically but since this is at its root a spiritual problem, the only real answer for our country right now is a spiritual one, a revival.
2 Chronicles 7:14 – “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.”
So this is my prayer and hope for our nation, “Send revival O God, and let it begin with me!”
Our Founding Fathers told us the form of self-government they were leaving us would only work for a moral people, and this is the root problem we are now facing as a nation. We need to first restore morality by “turning from our wicked ways” and back to God as a nation.
Then we can begin to restore the political system with an Article V Convention of States!