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Convention of States!


See What's Happening in the Union Region!

Published in Blog on March 19, 2024 by Sam Duerkop

The Union Region, comprised of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, and Illinois, has been quite busy. Between making over 3,000 TelePatriot calls alongside the Northeast Patriots Region, to surge days, and many other events, there's no shortage of activity.

Here are some highlights from each of the five states in the region:


Quick stats: 99,746 petition signers, 379 total leaders, 22 district captains, 60 events held in 2023.

Pennsylvania is busy hosting team and public meetings throughout the state, including freedom pods and local recruitment events. This past year, the team attended several statewide events, such as the 2023 Moms for Liberty Summit in Philadelphia and the Pennsylvania Leadership Conference. The state's surge day is scheduled for April 10th, and the team is working hard to plan and publicize the event. The team is hoping to host a table at the PA Farm Show in Harrisburg, which typically hosts around 100,000 people. While the COS Resolution has been introduced in both assembly chambers, the team is focusing primarily on the Senate where they have a strong sponsor and a more favorable environment. Special recognition is owed to Regional Captain Ruth Hoskins, who has been successful in attracting big-name speakers to attend her region's public meetings. Additionally, Regional Captain Chet Jack has been working with legislators and like-minded organizations in the western PA area. Finally, a special thanks is owed to Associate Regional Director Steve Patton for his ceaseless efforts and support of PA.

New Jersey

Quick stats: 47,175 petition signers, 282 total leaders, 22 district captains, 42 events held in 2023.

The COS Resolution was filed in early January with two primary sponsors and fourteen co-sponsors in the House. There are also two sponsors and five co-sponsors in the Senate. In addition to the resolution, the team is working on the 34IReady Model Commissioner Legislation. New Jersey is looking forward to having their surge day on June 3rd. Once the weather warms up, many other events will unfold. The team is busy creating relationships with new and incumbent legislators alike. In the last election, COS supporters lost 10 total seats in the House and Senate; everyone is working hard at garnering the support of newly elected legislators. 


Quick stats: 32,152 petition signers, 192 total leaders, 6 district captains, 11 events held in 2023.

Maryland's 90-day legislative session is in full swing, and the team is trying to fit everything into this short time frame. The state’s surge day happened on January 24th. Rather than the COS Resolution, the team is currently focusing on the 34|Ready Model Commissioner Legislation and just had a Senate committee hearing on March 1st and a House committee hearing on March 4th. They are also engaging in discussions with legislators, actively seeking potential sponsors or co-sponsors for the resolution. The team remains dedicated to honing their testimony skills under the guidance of Ce Harrison. Looking ahead, post-legislative session, Maryland will shift focus towards the Spring Strategy Session and an array of events spanning the spring and summer seasons.


Quick stats: 11,560 petition signers, 47 total leaders, 16 district captains, 42 events held in 2023.

The COS Resolution was introduced last June and is expected to be voted on sometime this year. The resolution needs the support of about five more Representatives and five more Senators to pass, so the team is busy trying to reach the legislators they need and providing them with information about COS. Legislative Liaison Ben Cassell has been in constant communication with legislators, providing them with info on COS. Delaware held their surge day on January 9th, with about 70 people in attendance. The team held a second surge day on March 5th. Delaware presented written testimony in a booklet to each legislator during the surge day. Team Delaware is looking forward to many more events this year, especially the 10-day state fair in July. The team is busy attending different legislator's constituent meetings.


Quick stats: 79,366 petition signers, 354 total leaders, 65 district captains, 70 events held in 2023.

Illinois is focused on five main goals this year.

  • They’re looking for people to become Patriot Academy Constitution Coaches and teach the Constitution in schools throughout Illinois on Constitution Day on September 17th.
  • The team is working on 34|Ready Model Commissioner Legislation.
  • They're working on refreshing their event booths.
  • Also, the team is busy meeting with legislators. They have found six legislators who would be interested in sponsoring or cosponsoring the COS Resolution.
  • In addition, the team is practicing for testimony, so they’ll be ready when the resolution is heard. Testimony prep is typically a five-month process of preparing for a three-minute or shorter testimony.

Illinois will have its surge day on April 17th.

Special thanks to Regional Director Michael Arnold and State Directors/leaders: Matt Zale (PA), Chris Garzino (NJ), Ginny Watkins (DE), Maria Bedard (MD), and David Winters (IL). Thank you for all you and your teams do! 

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