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Sitting with fellow Patriots

Published in Blog on June 09, 2022 by Carol Petrusewicz

Now that Covid is over, District Captain Becky Giambarresi's first monthly meeting in-person was a huge success! There is nothing like sitting across the table and sharing a meal.

District Captains Linda Curran and Bob Hansen refused to be left out of the fun!

Becky set the stage for anyone interested to learn more about Convention of States at Ellie's Farmhouse in Methuen, MA.  Methuen is right over the boarder from Salem, NH, and Ellie's Farmhouse is at 436 Broadway.

This first Tuesday of the month meeting at noon allows those in the area to pop on in during their lunch hour.

What better way to spend your lunch then talking about the hope our nation has by using Article V of the Constitution.

Not only was hope passed along, but this meeting resulted in more people joining the self-governance movement. This is the way to make that happen, a conversation with one person or a group at a time.  

Have you shared the hope of Convention of States with anyone?  

Do you need some support in talking with others?  Please reach out to us and someone on our team will be happy to help.

All are welcome to Becky's next meeting on the first Tuesday of each month at noon.


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