With its latest missile test, North Korea claimed this morning to have become a legitimate nuclear state.
This missile flew higher than previous tests, which would have given it the ability to reach the entirety of the continental United States.
President Trump and Republican leaders in Congress responded to the test by assuring the American people that “we will take care of it,” and they met with Defense Secretary James Mattis to discuss options.
But the federal government’s ability to effectively handle foreign threats is anything but assured. As the feds attempt to control more and more aspects of American life, their capacity to deal with other issues diminishes.
A Convention of States cannot address foreign affairs, but it can propose constitutional amendments that force the federal government to stop meddling in the lives of the American people and focus on handling threats like North Korea.
These amendments can limit the power of the federal government to only those areas that the states and the people cannot handle. All other matters -- regulation, healthcare etc. -- will be left to local and state governments.
Our leaders shouldn't be distracted from their real jobs by matters they have no business regulating. The more the American people can claim control over domestic issues, the better the feds will be able to handle foreign threats.