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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Westminster resident reflects on his participation in the Colorado Capitol Day

Published in Blog on March 30, 2018 by Aaron Christopher Dukette

Thomas Kelly of Westminster offers reflections upon his participation in the Capitol Day and Video Petition Surge at the Capitol Building in Denver last Thursday:

Today, Thursday, March 29, 2018, I had the honor to ride the bus to downtown Denver and stand at the steps of the Capitol Building. My nudge was strong and the heart was telling me to get out of my shell and take a leap of faith. 

As many know, Article V of the Constitution is not as well known as it should be. Finding the article is like searching in the yellow pages. It is there, but it is overlooked. It has been in the Constitution since its signing. 

There was a gathering on this day to awaken a sleeping giant. 

The idea of amending the Constitution meets with resistance by the leaders of the Swamp. The naysayers want to keep centralized power in their grips. 

Whenever I hear anyone disrespect the Constitution of the United States of America, I remind them of those who fought before us and pledged their lives before us, so we can breathe the air of freedom and liberty. 

The Convention of States Project is a grassroots movement that combines fortitude with noble goals to disempower a runaway federal government. Insanity is doing the same things over and over while expecting different results. We elect the same corrupt leaders every election cycle. Political parties exchange leadership but the problem does not change. 

"Borrow, spend, borrow," has been the mantra for at least a century. We may never see the light of day to pay down the deficit. The least we can do as far as "We the people" are concerned is restore fiscal sanity. We need to do something different this time.

Even if you couldn't make it to the Capitol Day event. It's not too late for your voice to be heard. Click this link to email or call your representatives and let them know you want our state to call for a Convention of States.

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Convention of states action

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