Volunteer leadership from six states gather in Sacramento for a Convention of States training meeting.
This past weekend, volunteers from six states--Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Hawaii, New Mexico, and California--gathered in Sacramento, California, to discuss all things Convention of States.
We had a great time getting to know one another and learning how to be better leaders and mentors in our states. It was an opportunity to come together and really take a tough look at each individual state and what we can be doing to improve our efforts.
The weekends events kicked off with dinner at a trendy pizza spot located in the vicinity of Arco Arena. Conversations at the table ranged from self-governance, to the grassroots, to legislative strategy, and even social media metrics. The atmosphere was light and friendly and engaging.
The next day was just as welcoming and friendly, but a little more serious in tone, as we listened to Mike Ruthenberg, Vice President of Citizens for Self-Governance, and Ginny Rapini, National Grassroots Coordinator for Convention of States. They delivered a spectacular presentation on everything from recruiting, to activating, to roles, responsibilities, and mentoring.
Finally, we listened to Mark Meckler, President of Convention of States, give a wonderful speech on our origins as an organization, before taking questions. It was a great, successful meeting with a lot learned and shared experiences to last a lifetime.