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Convention of States Colorado volunteer: the solution has always been there

Published in Blog on February 08, 2018 by Aaron C BANNED Dukette

Written by Deborah Miller, District Captain in Westcliffe.

The Solution Has Always Been There

Are you, as am I, concerned about a US federal government that has become increasingly bloated, corrupt, reckless, and invasive?

Have you noticed your ability to exercise your own choices slipping away due to mounting laws, regulations, and taxes decided in Washington? Do you feel powerless to effect any change in the progression? Who should be making the decisions that affect how you and I conduct our daily personal and business lives?

I think we should be the ones making and controlling those decisions. We can, and we must. Our founding forefathers convened, debated, and agreed, and in their genius, distinguished character, and wisdom, gave us the Constitution of the United States.

A Constitution “to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions,” Daniel Webster said. He went on to say, “There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters”.

There, in the Constitution, in Article V, lies our solution. In short, Article V subjugates Congress to call a Convention of the States to propose amendments to the Constitution, when the Legislatures of two-thirds of the states have passed an analogous application to do so.

Friends, it is no longer enough to simply vote and leave the legislation to those voted into Congress. All of us need to be educated, informed, and engaged in policymaking. How do our legislators know what we want if we don’t clearly tell them?  How intentional are we if we don’t continue to communicate and hold them accountable?

A grassroots project called Convention of States has risen from the parent organization Citizens for Self-Governance to unite and empower we, the people. It has been deemed “the nonpartisan solution to a bipartisan problem!”

I encourage you to become educated, informed, and engaged! Please visit the website at and learn about the organization which currently has over 3 million supporters. Read (at least) Article V of the Constitution in its entirety, check out the endorsements, sign the petition, opt-in for informative emails, and get involved!

Click here to get involved!
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