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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


We the People?

Published in Blog on February 02, 2022 by Bart Anderson

Article V was provided in the Constitution to help Americans regain control of the federal government. The phrase “We the People” has been overlooked by today’s citizens and was instead replaced by an attitude of indifference. 

The following are the thoughts of someone deeply committed to self-government, someone who is willing to put in the effort to make self-government happen, but is disillusioned by that indifference.

Are We the People ready to self-govern?

As a person who believes the federal government has grown too large to effectively govern our society, I often wonder if We the People can govern ourselves any better.
In the short time I have been engaged with the Convention of States, it has become apparent that the majority of We the People are not willing to apply themselves to the degree of self-governance. We have become too passive to take back our country. We recognize the problem but we have become so used to someone else telling us what to do we simply sit back and watch others try to fix the problem.

Everything in life has its tradeoffs. We prioritize our time focusing on things of most importance to us. However, the majority of We the People have not prioritized regaining control of our society. It is not high enough on our priority list to apply our time and talents. We have become complacent and simply hope things will get better.

It’s unclear to me what on earth will change this lackadaisical attitude. What on earth will revive our citizens to engage, to take action, to have the confidence that we can do this?

Does someone else have to create a program that will take us to this point where we will not simply complain in our corners but will motivate us to get involved and contribute our time and energy?

If we truly believe that our country has run amok, what are we willing to do? What does it take to get us off our couch to take action? I’m not sure. My doubts continue to increase that We the People have the passion.

This drive cannot be inspired by another. It's got to come from the heart. Americans need heart. We need to internalize what has happened to our society, where we fit into this picture, and how we can change this direction. It won’t fix itself.

Americans can lament the current state of our nation, but as stated above, it won’t fix itself. That's our duty as America's stewards.  

If you feel the same bone-jarring desperation for our country, go to, sign the petition and get involved. This is our chance to rise to the occasion. 

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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