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Convention of States!


We Should All Study History

Published in Blog on February 09, 2022 by Jeffrey W Brown

There is an old adage that says something to the effect that if you are ignorant of history, you just may repeat the bad mistakes of the past.  If you have studied Hitler’s rise to power in 1930s Germany, it looks eerily like today in the United States.  

The Weimar Republic had a high inflation rate – money was worthless.  Their economy was terrible.  Nobody wanted the local or provincial police.  The government and the people had no issue upon which to focus.  Things were going from bad to worse and Germany was rudderless.

Enter Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist Party (the NAZIs).  The NAZI party created unrest (like BLM).  Paul Von Hindenburg was an unpopular president (like Joe Biden).  The national debt of Germany was astronomical and inflation was out of control (liked the U.S.).  Adolph Hitler promised a German Utopia.  Everyone would have a job and Germany would flourish again.  All they needed was someone to hate to solidify his support.  

The NAZI goal was to build a superior Aryan race.  But they needed someone to blame for their problems, which ended up being the Jewish population (today it is the racist white people).  The NAZIs now had a goal and someone to blame.  What more could you ask?  

Hitler and the NAZI party created several incidences that allowed them to take over the German government (burning of the Reichstag and Kristallnacht being two).  Hitler created the National Police subject to no one but Hitler.  

The NAZIs could not have achieved their takeover without the consent of the German people.  Like some Americans they were duped into believing in a Utopian outcome and someone to blame for their previous failures.  The result was a catastrophic world war that destroyed Germany.  Socialist leaders get drunk on power.  The oligarchs who support them see only a way to enhance their riches because of favoritism and largess of the new government.  

It all worked for a while.  Germany grew strong, the economy recovered, people were working, and the oligarchs were getting rich.  Socialism, however, is all about power and money.  Who provides the money?  The people and the special interests do, of course.  What happens when the avarice of the leaders outgrow their ability to pay for the benefits?  To stay in power, they need to direct people’s attention away from their failures and give the people someone to blame instead.  The Jewish population fit this requirement nicely.  The Jews were a successful minority that had accumulated wealth at the people’s expense (or so it was told to the German people) and were holding back the creation of the Aryan race.  The Aryan race could not become “pure” as long as the Jews remained on this earth.  

Hitler needed “Lebensraum” (or living room) to perfect this Aryan race.  So started Hitler’s conquest of Europe and the ruin of Germany.  Who are the substitutes for German Jews today?  They are the Uyghurs of China and the "racist white supremacists" of America.  It is all a scam to convince the American people that we should entertain a new form of utopian socialist government.  

The young and historically ignorant (who both have little experience) seem enamored with this prospect.  Socialism or governments akin to socialism have been tried time and again.  These governments have all failed.  They have failed because the ruling elite want power and riches at the expense of the people they are supposed to serve.  The ruling elite win and the people lose.  It is as simple as that.  Margaret Thatcher once said that Socialism is a wonderful idea – until you run out of other people’s money.

Anti-Fa is short for Anti-Fascism, yet the Anti-Fa movement is using the same tactics that Hitler and the Fascism movement of the 1930s used to gain power in Germany.  The Italians were the real Fascists, but national socialism, Fascism, the modern socialistic movement, and Communism all share the same traits: namely, a ruling elitist party that is corrupt by design.  They all want power and riches and try to sell a Utopian Society to us.  Human nature dictates that there are good people and bad people.  As long as there are bad people, it is doubtful that there will ever be a utopian society.  The more power government has, the more corrupt it becomes.

What is the answer?  A Convention of States would recommend term limits as an Amendment to end the professional political elites’ terms of office, a balanced budget recommendation would curtail spending, and further recommendations to limit government power would lessen the impact to our lives.  

We currently have 17 states calling for a Convention of States.  Until we get 34 states’ approval, it is a crap shoot as to whether we can survive.  Washington will not fix their problem.  They like the status quo.  It is left to us, the people, to return the government to service for the people.  Texas is on board as are 16 other states.  Twenty other states are considering calling a Convention of States this year.  It is time for the professional ruling elites to leave office and to bring more moderates into government service.  

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