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Convention of States on Campus: We are the Future of Convention of States

Published in Blog on March 02, 2019 by Browning Sandusky

Ben Shapiro endorsed the Convention of States, and a surge of young patriots have joined the movement.

Georgia's volunteer teams are seeing the rising support of college students and young professionals who are passionate for limiting the federal monstrosity and restoring liberty to their generation.

In fact, the COS State Director for Georgia is a young person himself who has done this. Browning Sandusky, a 21-year-old, is excited to see his peers answering the call to save our country from an excessively large government and regulatory state.

As a volunteer, he spends over 40 hours every week engaging with these young new supporters. He posts much of what he does on his Instagram @browningsandusky. 

The Georgia volunteer team is responding to the next generation of citizens who want to preserve freedoms for themselves and their future families. They are creating teams of college students who are answering the call to volunteer on their campus and discuss Convention of States with their classmates and friends.

If you are a young person who wants to join this campus movement, please sign up to be a volunteer as a District Captain or send a message of Instagram to Browning. He would love to come speak with you on your campus and give a presentation about Convention of States. 

Browning Sandusky is the COS Georgia State Director and can be reached at or (478)-951-0374.

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