Convention of States West Virginia is looking for passionate COS supporters willing to make a commitment to helping accomplish our mission to have WV join the growing lists of states calling for an Article V convention!
Are you interested in playing a role in this historic movement? If so, please consider becoming a COS District Captain!
As a District Captain, you will help recruit, welcome, educate, and organize others in your local area. Among some of the things we will need you to do are:
- Educate friends and others locally about Article V and Convention of States. We'll provide you with everything you need.
- Welcome new volunteers in your district and act as a point person as they join the COS family. COS will help you with this by providing training to help connect you with people who have expressed interest in getting involved.
- Be in contact with your state team and respond to communications as appropriate.
This simple plan puts the power to change this nation firmly back into your hands. We rely every day on the hard work and leadership of our District Captains, and we'd love to work with you in this historic effort.
Click District Captain to learn more.
Thank you for answering the call for liberty! Together, we will help West Virginia move one step closer to preserving our liberty and create a better future for our children and grandchildren.
Diana Reimer, Regional Director