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A War Lost at Our Border

Published in Blog on August 26, 2021 by Charles Childers

June 1944, D-Day, Normandy, French Coastline: Fifteen Allied Divisions launched the largest amphibious assault in world history. More than 156,000 fighters swarmed the shore and engaged in a great battle. Not a big surprise to the defenders, who were expecting an attack somewhere in the area. It was also no surprise that they were about to lose the war.

June 2021: Every month on the United States' Southwest border, eighteen Army-Division-sized forces of illegal immigrants continue to push through the barriers into the United States. Every month since the Biden election, more than 180,000 immigrants crash through our border defenses. This war is lost. We did not know we were even in a war. We are losing a nation. 

Illegal crossings have been occurring with greater and greater frequency every month since President “House Plant” took office. There is no end in sight. Of course not, there is no barrier to illegal entry. There are no enforced laws. There is no retribution. There is no punishment or even the threat of punishment for these felons.

Who wouldn't want to come over?

With no entry barrier to success and no real costs to make the attempt, who wouldn't want to come over? The incentives to break the law, crash the border, and steal from the US Taxpayer are hard to resist.

I am a US Citizen, a combat veteran, a taxpayer, and a voter. Even I am tempted to renounce my citizenship hop a bus to Mexico and sneak back into the US. As an illegal immigrant, I would get a free hotel room, free meals, free medication, free education, a good paying job (if I want it), free mental health counseling, and anything else my heart desires. Can’t get any of that as a taxpayer. All I, a citizen and taxpayer, can do is pay for them to keep on coming.

This is wrong-headed, wrong-footed, and just plain stupid.

We are ignorant of our abilities to fix these problems. We are so weak and so vulnerable we allow a toxic political minority to determine our border policies. We are incapable of building a simple physical barrier to slow the crossings down. We have capitulated. We have surrendered to the inevitable loss of our ability to control our national boundaries.

Make the nation unsafe and unprotected.

Our national survival is in peril. People from everywhere in the world are lining up to “jump the fence.” Or, in reality, just walk right in past the marvelously constructed, purposely unfinished wall that would have served to facilitate an orderly assimilation of those that seek the blessings of what is still the finest country on this planet.

The Biden administration has failed, has not even tried to keep us safe and protected. Just the opposite, by opening the borders, instituting “catch & release”, “no bail necessary”, no judicial hearings required, no punishment, no deportations, no accountability for criminal activity, he and his administration actively encourage invasion.

They have emasculated the Border Protection Agency. They eliminated ICE by defunding the agency. They have reduced all funding to immigration control. In fact, they have done everything in the world to make the nation unsafe, and unprotected.

Usually when you lose a war, the winners at least try to help your country get back on its feet. But illegal immigrants will continue the ride on the gravy train until it too runs out of steam. Trust me, the gravy train will run out of steam. With annual immigration costs now north of $330 billion per year (and growing), we can scarcely afford the tab. Couple these insane costs to increases in all of our taxes, run-to-death inflation, and a state and federal government system blind to the hurt, damage, and destruction of “We the People” and a recipe for dramatic change looms large.

The one-party legislature in Sacramento and Washington DC are the “Quislings” of this Century. They are the willing traitors and saboteurs to all this great nation has built in the world. They are so myopic they cannot see their own unfettered graft and corruption, which will destroy them along with the balance of the remainder of a once great and powerful state.

Our one best and perhaps last hope is Convention of States, where we have a chance at turning this around. We can use your help. Sign the petition. Volunteer. Hold a positive thought.

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