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Wake Up Call

Published in Blog on August 31, 2021 by Rob McCarthy

2 Corinthians 10:5 says, "Go on the offensive against arguments and ideas that present obstacles to knowing God."

The church in the US has been sleeping for the last 80 years. It reminds me of Matthew 13:24, which says, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field, but while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat..”

On our watch we have allowed the “enemy” to “sow weeds” in His field--America. While we were “sleeping” big-government elites have infiltrated the fields of politics, entertainment, education, and business with their anti-Christ Marxist ideologies.

It’s time for believers to quit living “self absorbed lives” and begin to get active in pushing back on this big-government takeover of our nation before it is too late. It’s time to quit sitting on the sidelines while chasing “the American dream” because as we have seen over the last seven months of the Biden administration, that “American dream” is fast becoming a nightmare!

Our Coach is calling us off the bench and telling us to “Go on the offensive against arguments and ideas that present obstacles to knowing God.” Begin speaking out against the lies and propaganda of the "elites." God said, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” We need to link arms with those who are “proclaiming the truth” because it is in “knowing the truth” that we are “set free,” according to Jesus.

We are in the last hour and the wake up call is ringing from heaven. It’s time folks to get involved! The clock is ticking....

Our founding fathers foresaw what is happening now with our federal government and gave us Article V in our Constitution, which gives the States the power to call a Convention of States to pass amendments. These amendments can put the federal government back in its place by limiting their power and spending and mandating term limits for federal officials.

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