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Convention of States!


Oklahoma legislator voting record: Does my rep support COS?

Published in Blog on February 26, 2016 by Convention Of States Project

We continually get asked, does my State Representative/Senator support calling a Convention of States to limit the power of the federal government, place term limits on its officials, and impose fiscal restraints?  

Well, in Oklahoma, we have a voting record that you can review.  

The House and Senate actually both voted on our resolution in 2015. So, we can help you find out all you need to know!

  1. Find your legislator by clicking HERE 
  2. Review their vote.

Senate Passed in 2015  Yeas 26 - Nays 20

House Failed to Pass in 2015  Yeas 42 - Nays 56

See what Sen Tom Coburn told these guys:

Click here to read Sen. Coburn's recent letter to the legislators.

It's time to start engaging your legislators and letting them know we want this passed in 2016!

Click here to get involved!
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