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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Volunteer Voice 45th Edition

Published in Uncategorized on March 26, 2024 by Jim MacDonald

The U.S. Government Shadow Funds Left-Wing Group

By Dana Ives

In this day and age, it is pretty difficult to filter the news chaff from the truth, and that’s why I’m an avid consumer of journalism through The Epoch Times (E.T.). The two hosts of an E.T. program entitled “Truth over News” are Hans Mahncke and Jeff Carlson. These two fellows dig very deeply into the shenanigans of D.C. politics. I urge you to look at E.T. and their offerings of true journalism.

Not knowing how your tax dollar is spent has been one of the prime motivations for our COSA efforts. Most of us suspect the U.S. government has been, at best, less than transparent in the distribution of “We the People’s” taxpayer funds. Jeff and Hans recently published an article entitled “How Our Government Uses Settlement Funds to Funnel Money to Left-Wing Activist Groups.”

Before I get into Hans’ and Jeff’s reporting, I offer this background. Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, established a DOJ policy that allowed Federal prosecutors to enter into agreements that directed defendant companies to make payouts to outside groups. Here is a partial list of companies that settled DOJ allegations (NOT convictions):

  • Bank of America - Mortgage-backed securities fraud - $17 billion
  • Gibson Guitar Company - illegal importation of exotic woods - $300,000
  • JP Morgan - Mortgage-backed securities fraud - $13 billion
  • Citigroup - Mortgage-backed securities fraud - $7 billion
  • British Petroleum - 11 charges of manslaughter, environmental damage, and obstruction of Congress - $4 billion
  • Credit Suisse AG - offshore tax evasion - $2 billion
  • BNP Paribas - processing illegal transactions for Sudanese, Iranian, and Cuban entities - $9 billion
  • An additional $58 billion to various other entities

The Grand Total of settlements is $110 billion! Quite the achievement for AG Eric Holder, yes? The funds were being presented as a victory for the poor, ignorant schlub of a consumer who was a victim of the transgressions of these companies. However, not all of those funds were distributed as such. At the time, Republicans described the imposed fines as a “slush fund.”  

Hans and Jeff cited a Wall Street Journal article published on March 9th, 2016, detailing the distribution of settlement funds. As it turns out, funds have been increasingly distributed to vaguely worded terms such as “housing community groups” and “consumer relief.” In response to these revelations, the House Judiciary Committee invited testimony surrounding the distribution of funds and subsequently drafted the “Stop Settlement Slush Funds Act of 2016 - H.R. 5063.” It specifically prohibited settlement funds that had been obtained through Federal government actions from being distributed to 3rd parties such as Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). The bill was passed by the House, but it died in the Senate, thus, the practice continues.

In 2016, testimony before the House Judiciary Committee surrounding HR 5063 confirmed the DOJ was directing the distribution of funds to non-victim 3rd parties. Amazingly, the offending fine payer could earn up to double their fine credit for “donating” to the DOJ’s specified NGOs. Most reasonably intelligent persons would read this and conclude this is simply not how a Federal department should operate. This opens the door to an enormous amount of shadow money being paid out by OUR GOVERNMENT to unspecified NGOs without any accountability. Documents show that various NGOs actually lobbied the DOJ to include them on the distribution lists for these funds. Corrupt? Nah, the government wouldn’t allow a corrupt practice to continue, would it? Read on; it gets darker.

Testimony documents from House archives further reveal that funds cut by Congress for various government organizations, such as Housing and Urban Development (HUD), were RESTORED by the DOJ directing settlement funds to certain affected government entities chosen by the DOJ, thereby circumventing Congressional funding. Gee, could this possibly be interpreted as Government Overreach? Isn’t it ironic that the Department of Justice, under Eric Holder, still uses departmental policy to avoid compliance with the Congressional process? Holder’s replacement, Loretta Lynch, continued the practice. She also did not comply with the Committee’s requests for more information concerning evidence that the DOJ, acting outside Congressional spending and oversight authority, had distributed over $1 billion to activist groups.

Here’s more: In June 2016, the DOJ announced a $2 billion settlement with Volkswagen concerning their falsification of claimed fuel economy for their vehicles. Much of this money was used by the Obama administration to finance their electric vehicle initiative - that Congress had REFUSED to allocate spending for…twice.  

All this investigation by the House Judiciary Committee transpired in 2016-2017. How bad is it now after eight more years of this malignant cancer? Stuff like this sure makes you wonder just how deep the corruption and the Deep State goes within our government. Will we ever really know? Will the actors involved in the corruption EVER be brought to justice? Will our children EVER get out from under the yoke of financial slavery our “We the People’s” government is committing them to?   

Doing What is Right in His Own Eyes

By Jim MacDonald

In the whirlwind of campaign fervor, the familiar cry rings out daily: “It’s a threat to democracy!” Yet, irrespective of political allegiance, this refrain echoes from both sides of the aisle.

For those who grasp the nuance between a constitutional republic and a pure democracy, it’s akin to enduring the grating sound of nails on a chalkboard. President John Adams, in his wise foresight, warned of democracy’s descent into anarchy, where every individual acts according to their whims, risking the security of life, liberty, and property. The Founding Fathers, acutely aware of this peril, vehemently opposed a purely democratic system. However, despite this historical wisdom, the progressive left persists in championing democratic ideals, overlooking the inherent risks.

Adams put it this way:

“Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy—such an anarchy that ‘every man will do what is right in his own eyes’ (Judges17:6)  and no man’s life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure; and every one of these will soon mold itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities—all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit, and science—to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable cruelty of one or a very few.”

Today, America faces a profound dilemma: our republican form of governance necessitates leaders of moral and spiritual fortitude, a quality sorely lacking in contemporary politics. How do we navigate back to such principles in our electoral choices? The answer lies in the rich tapestry of our history, woven divine intervention and human resilience.

Consider the traumatic story of October 1746, when the American colonies, jewels in Britain’s crown, faced imminent destruction at the hands of a formidable French naval fleet staffed with over eight thousand sailors. They set sail from their base in Nova Scotia to Boston to destroy the city and ravage all of New England.

With no military recourse, the Massachusetts colony turned to prayer and fasting. Their collective supplication culminated in a miraculous intervention as a storm rose to thwart the advancing French armada, sparing the vulnerable colonies from devastation.

On Sunday, October 16, 1746—citizens across the colony assembled in their churches.

Hundreds of people gathered at the Old South Church in Boston, where Rev. Thomas Prince began praying aloud with the congregation. Calling God for divine protection, the Reverend stated: “Deliver us from our enemy…Send Thy tempest, Lord, upon the waters to the eastward! Raise Thy right hand. Scatter the ships of our tormentors and drive them thence.”

Suddenly, the beautiful, sunny, cloudless day turned dark, cloudy, and stormy. Rev. Prince continued his prayer, saying, “Sink their proud frigates beneath the powers of Thy winds…” His prayers ended with “Thine be the glory, Lord. Amen, and amen!”

That day, the French navy ships were destroyed by hurricane-force winds. Reportedly, only a handful of sailors survived.

In his book “100 Bible Verses That Made America,” Robert J Morgan shares this story in elaborate detail. I highly recommend the book for your reading.

Similarly, the biblical account of Gideon, a humble servant called upon to deliver Israel from the grip of the Midianites, offers timeless lessons in faith and perseverance.

If God is for us, who can be against us.—Romans 8:31

In the face of overwhelming odds, God empowered Gideon and a mere three hundred men armed with only trumpets, torches, and pitchers to triumph over a vast enemy force of 120,000 swordsmen, underscoring that Divine Providence can overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges.

These stories serve as enduring testaments to the interplay between divine intervention and human agency, illustrating the resilience of the American spirit in times of adversity. Yet, in the present age, our foundational institutions confront unprecedented assaults. Despite this onslaught, organizations like Convention of States Action and Patriot Academy emerge as beacons of hope, populated by individuals imbued with integrity and unwavering resolve.

As we confront the chaos of our times, we draw inspiration from the triumphs of the past and the power of collective prayer. If history has taught us anything, Divine Providence coupled with human resolve can lead us to victory when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges. If God is for us, who can be against us?

Congress Breaks the Law Again

A Look at the Persistent Budgetary Overreach

By Robin Sampson

In an all-too-familiar scenario, Congress has once again sidestepped its fiscal responsibilities, raising serious concerns about its commitment to lawful budgetary discipline. At the heart of this issue is the Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA) — a proposed constitutional rule aimed at ensuring that Congress does not spend more than the country earns in revenues. Yet, despite the clarity of its intentions, the BBA remains more an ideal than a practice, as evidenced by the latest fiscal maneuvers.

Understanding the Balanced Budget Amendment

The BBA is straightforward in its purpose: to prevent the federal government from running a budget deficit, ensuring that expenditures do not exceed income. The logic behind it is simple yet profound — to foster financial discipline and secure the nation’s economic future. However, the implementation of such an amendment has been met with resistance and, more often, outright neglect.

Budget Deficit and Interest

The USA ran a deficit of $1.7 trillion in fiscal year 2023. This represents 6.3% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The net interest on the national debt for 2023 was $659 billion. This is a significant increase from previous years and reflects rising interest rates and a growing national debt. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects interest on the national debt to be around $870 billion in fiscal year 2024.

The Inexcusable Reality

The truth is stark: American citizens, who faithfully pay their taxes each year and elect representatives to manage the nation’s affairs, are being let down. The expectation is not merely for Congress to act but to act in the country’s best fiscal interests. Yet, time and again, Congress has shown a disheartening unwillingness to fulfill this fundamental duty.

  • 535 Steering the Sinking Ship: 100 senators and 435 representatives.
  • Raking in the Cash: Each one earns a handsome $174,000 every year, adding up to a staggering $93,090,000 for the entire Congress annually. And for what, exactly?
  • Brace Yourself: The last instance the federal budget was not just balanced but actually boasted a surplus (with revenue outpacing spending) was in the fiscal year 2001. Feels like ancient history, doesn’t it?
  • An Astronomical Sum: From 2001 to 2024, multiply those years by our congressional annual expenditure of $93,090,000... And what do you get? A jaw-dropping total of $2,141,070,000.00. That’s two trillion, one hundred forty-one billion, seventy million of our tax dollars.
  • The Big Question: For What?: As we stand here, we’re still on the lookout for the next balanced budget or—let’s be ambitious—a surplus. This saga of financial gymnastics is nothing short of astonishing! These crooks are robbing us year after year.

A Glimpse into the Next Three Decades

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) predicts insolvency for three major federal trust funds within the next three decades:

  • Highway Trust Fund: Reserves expected to be depleted by Fiscal Year (FY) 2028.
  • Social Security Old-Age and Survivors (OASI) Insurance Trust Fund: Projected to exhaust reserves by FY 2033.
  • Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Trust Fund: Remains solvent through at least FY 2054.
  • Medicare Hospital Insurance (Part A) Trust Fund: Anticipated to become insolvent by FY 2035.

The Fiscal Year Deadline Drama

Each fiscal year, ending on September 30th, becomes a deadline for Congress to pass appropriations bills that fund government operations for the coming year. Yet, the pattern has become predictably worrisome, with Congress frequently missing this deadline. This year, in a now-recurring theme, the deadline was not just missed; it was bypassed with an almost audacious disregard for the legal and economic implications.

The Numbers Tell the Tale

This fiscal year, the budget vastly exceeded its confines, with expenditures ballooning beyond what was projected or justified by revenue. The exact figures are staggering: the budget, already in the trillions, was exceeded by $1.7 trillion more. To put this into perspective, the interest costs on the national debt alone have now reached $659 billion. This comparison is not just shocking; it’s a glaring indicator of fiscal irresponsibility.

A Pattern of Procrastination

Perhaps even more telling is the number of times Congress has postponed the fiscal deadline this year alone. Each postponement is a testament to a deeper issue — a lack of willpower to confront and resolve the budgetary challenges facing the nation. With ample time, resources, and manpower at their disposal, the repeated failure to adhere to a balanced budget is inexcusable.

A Call for Accountability

The situation calls for more than just awareness; it demands action and accountability. The fiscal indiscipline of Congress has far-reaching implications, affecting everything from national security to social services, from current taxpayers to future generations. It’s a cycle of negligence that undermines the very principles of governance and fiscal responsibility.

As constituents and stewards of this nation’s future, the American people must demand better. The call for a balanced budget amendment is not just about numbers on a page; it’s about securing a stable, prosperous future for all. It’s time for Congress to adhere to the laws it sets, to embrace the discipline it preaches, and to fulfill the duties it owes to the American people. Anything less is not just inexcusable; it’s a breach of trust that we can no longer afford.

Convention of States is the Answer

The flagrant disregard for fiscal responsibility and a balanced budget amendment by Congress underscores the critical need for a Convention of States. This constitutional mechanism is essential to reclaiming governance from a Congress that is failing in its fiscal responsibilities.

The Convention of States offers a vital solution for enacting necessary reforms, such as a balanced budget amendment, which has been overlooked by traditional legislative processes. The pattern of budgetary neglect and the extension of deadlines by Congress highlight severe legislative and political shortcomings that threaten our nation’s economic stability.

Now is the time to move beyond complacency. Every American who values fiscal responsibility and democratic governance is called upon to participate in this movement for change. Engaging with Convention of States Action, signing petitions, volunteering, and spreading awareness are steps towards ensuring our nation’s disciplined and financially secure future. This effort is not merely about addressing fiscal mismanagement but about restoring accountability to our government. Join this historic endeavor to reshape our governance by visiting

Patrick J. Buchanan – The Original Article V “O.G.”

By Brian Harris

On a recent work trip to Shreveport, Louisiana, I stopped by a small used bookstore. While perusing the shelves, I came across Pat Buchanan’s autobiography from 1986, Right From The Beginning, and put it in my stack. Mr. Buchanan has been a political guidepost of sorts for me.

The first vote I ever cast as an adult occurred in the 1996 presidential preference primary. As a nineteen-year-old college sophomore at Florida State University, I dutifully took the time to become a registered voter. On Primary Day, I proudly cast my vote for Pat Buchanan, whom I viewed as a conservative rebel. He was my kind of guy, opinionated, articulate, and outside the existing establishment. The other choice, Senator Bob Dole, was old, stodgy, and had a snowball’s chance in hell to defeat the incumbent, Bill Clinton.

Buchanan did not get the nomination, and the Republicans, with Dole as their candidate, went down in flames. This seems to be a trend that repeats itself in Republican Party presidential politics. Think John McCain, Mitt Romney, and the like. Just because “it’s your turn” doesn’t mean you are the right person for the job. Not standing firm for principles has been the Achilles heel of the Republican Party. They talk a good game and then run mediocre, establishment, yes-men. Outsiders like Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul have tried to infuse the Grand Old Party with a constitutional spine but have been marginalized. I digress.

Toward the end of Buchanan’s story, he has a section labeled, A Second Constitutional Convention.

“A “runaway convention” would undo all the wonderful work of the Founding Fathers in days, it is argued. But this is absurd. Any amendment adopted at a constitutional convention would still require the approval of three-fourths of the states. As the failure of the Equal Rights Amendment demonstrates, ratification is neither simple nor easy. No flawed or foolish amendment adopted by a constitutional convention would survive.”

Buchanan noted, in 1986, that the President had been weakened, while the Supreme Court “has arrogated to itself the power to remake society without the consent of the governed.” In 2024, the situation is even worse. Congress is feckless, while the executive governs through executive orders and agency regulation. Today’s high court is unreliable and untrustworthy.

Coincidental with a push for a convention, Buchanan suggested that the President should propose amendments immediately to Congress. He provided a list of ten, and they are:

  1. “Personhood” and due process for the unborn.
  2. Constitutional protection for states to impose capital punishment for heinous crimes and habitual offenders.
  3. English is the official language of this country.
  4. Reconfirmation every eight years for all federal judges and Justices of the Supreme Court.
  5. Supreme Court decisions can be set aside by a two-thirds vote of Congress and approval by the President.
  6. Repeal of the Twenty-Second Amendment.
  7. Annual adoption of a balanced budget.
  8. Free and voluntary expression of religious faith in public institutions and schools is protected.
  9. Prohibition of racial discrimination as well as prohibition of the use of racial criteria in the involuntary assignment of children to public schools.
  10. “Coterminous with each presidential election, the American people may, through popular initiative and referendum, invalidate, or make, laws for the United States.”

Those of us in the COSA movement know that there is no chance that Congress will ever willingly propose amendments that curb its power. At an Article V convention of states, reasoned, Americans like Pat Buchanan could bring their ideas to the table. These ideas could be debated, deliberated, and submitted to the States for the ultimate stamp of approval.

The politicians won’t fix the problem. It’s up to us!

The World Health Organization’s “Treaty”

By Dana Ives

The United Nations is comprised of 193 sovereign nations. The United States typically contributes around 20% of the UN’s annual budget which averages around $12B per year. The second place for contributions is held by Japan which contributed on average 10%. According to Mr. Todd Bensman, a senior security fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, in 2023, the Biden administration has also contributed $1.3B to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), a UN pro-migration arm. Most of that money comes from the US State Department and the US Agency for International Development (USAID). Over the years, many reports have surfaced claiming all manner of crimes committed by UN forces and employees of their various agencies, which leads one to conclude oversight by UN managers is NOT running their departments responsibly.

Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) have become more prominent in news headlines - the WHO for its promotion of the “WHO CA+ Worldwide Health Treaty” (proposed treaty) and the UNRWA for its alleged involvement in supporting Hamas. In 2021, the UN’s budget allocated a total of $820M to the WHO and UNRWA. UNRWA has become even more prominent recently with the discovery by Israeli Defence Forces of a Hamas tunnel that terminated INSIDE the UNRWA’s headquarters in Gaza.

The WHO rose to prominence during the COVID-19 pandemic. The WHO and its Director General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, were involved in the outbreak of the Ebola virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo that started in 2018. WHO’s track record concerning responses to public health issues has been criticized often by various parties for disorganization, complaints of corruption, favoritism, and incompetence. Regarding the WHO’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R - OH) stated, "The WHO denied that COVID-19 was spread via human-to-human transmission, based entirely upon the word of the Chinese government—the CCP. I think maybe the most appalling is that the WHO even delayed naming the pandemic a public health emergency of international concern because the CCP confirmed that the spread of the virus was ‘under control."

The WHO has been aggressively promoting the WHO CA+ treaty that is intended to be a plan for coordinated, worldwide responses to future pandemics. The deadline for the treaty’s final negotiations with signatories is May of this year.

WHO drafted the agreement so that signatories would cede authority to the WHO during declared pandemics. So, rather than a sovereign nation, such as the US or Australia, or the relatively unknown country of Burkina Faso formulating and executing its own plan for dealing with the consequences of outbreaks, the WHO would dictate procedures, and the signatory nation would be obligated to comply. Our US Constitution dictates that a proposed treaty shall be presented to the American people through Congress. Congress is THE authority that commits the United States to being a signatory of a treaty. The Executive Branch is NOT the authority. Whether this treaty would carry any legal weight in the United States is up for debate, and Congress is the place where such debate should take place. However, the Biden administration has chosen a different approach to committing the United States to comply with the treaty. This is a link to the White House’s official fact sheet concerning the treaty. Notice that this “fact sheet” does not contain the word “treaty.”

Upon viewing the White House’s fact sheet, one wonders why would the Biden administration refuse to call this Pandemic Treaty a treaty. The administration refers to it as “an agreement,” “an accord,” “a framework,” anything but a treaty. And why is that? Congress would not be involved in ratifying the “treaty” since it is not called a treaty. By calling the treaty anything but a treaty, the Biden administration can circumvent historical Constitutional requirements for the United States’ commitment to international treaties.

In addition to this treaty, the WHO has also proposed that it issue internationally recognized digital “Health Cards.” While this is a separate proposal, it dovetails nicely with the WHO’s efforts to gain authority over centralized policies to deal with pandemics, real or otherwise. I’ve written about this before, but consider the ramifications of being issued a digital “Health Card.” That one card could determine where you travel, when you travel, and how you travel, both domestically and internationally. Just as easily, that card can be used to DENY you travel permissions. The card would contain your entire medical history, including whether or not you have received vaccines that WHO requires for you to travel. That same card could be used to deny you and your family access to government offices, grocery stores, public arenas, and public restrooms (which may not be a bad thing after all in Los Angeles). But I think you get the picture. The WHO would exert enormous power over your freedoms, that power is given to the WHO by the Biden administration’s support of an “agreement,” a “framework.”

To sum up - the current administration is trying to commit the United States to an international treaty that would allow an incompetent and bloated bureaucracy to dictate how a sovereign nation would respond to protect its own citizens from the ravages of a pandemic. The WHO could deem it necessary that ALL citizens of a signatory state should receive a “vaccine” to limit the spread, could set travel restrictions imposed to limit the spread, could direct that food distribution be restricted to “virus-free” zones. It would appear there is nothing that the signatory government could legally do to oppose those edicts.

At no time in our history has the United States needed the Convention of States more. We MUST gain control of our out-of-control bureaucracy for the sake of our children’s future.

Igniting the Church's Voice in America

By Jim MacDonald

The current state of the American Church is woeful and ineffective, demonstrating a marked decline in its vigor and impact. Once characterized by a sense of divine inspiration and a commitment to principles of freedom and liberty, the Church now grapples with a diminished influence.

Historical reflections underscore the significance of religious and moral leadership in the governance of the United States. The nation’s Founding Fathers echoed this sentiment and even noted it by observers like Alexis De Tocqueville, who, in his inspiring work “Democracy in America,” highlighted the pervasive Christian philosophy prevalent in early 19th-century America. The church impacted decisions made in the political arena.

In a republican system where the populace, instilled with sovereignty under God, assumes a central role, active civic engagement becomes imperative. Whether individuals espouse a Christian worldview or adhere to secular beliefs, their participation remains pivotal for sustaining a republic.

The foundational tenets of American exceptionalism, rooted in a biblical worldview, have historically propelled the nation’s prosperity and success. However, the emergence of progressivism gained traction concurrently with the Church’s withdrawal from the public sphere, leading to significant cultural shifts such as the acceptance of abortion, same-sex marriage, child mutilation, and other societal changes.

Regrettably, these societal transformations align with age-old strategies employed by malign influences to undermine the cultural fabric. The Church’s reluctance to confront these challenges has, to a significant extent, contributed to the prevailing cultural decline.

One may rightfully inquire: How has the Church’s passivity precipitated this decline? The lack of a resounding outcry from the Church following pivotal judicial decisions, such as Roe v. Wade, regarding issues like abortion underscores a critical failure in advocacy for moral imperatives.

Similarly, the redefinition of marriage to include same-sex unions should have elicited a robust response from the Church, emphasizing the divine institution of marriage. However, a conspicuous silence ensued, indicative of a broader pattern of disengagement.

Presently, the proliferation of transgender ideology and child trafficking demands an unequivocal stance from the Church. Yet, its response remains fragmented, failing to offer unified guidance in resisting these societal evils.

The Church, comprising individuals who profess Christianity, must awaken to its duty as agents of moral integrity and societal transformation. While commendable efforts by certain groups, such as the Convention of States Action and Patriot Academy, are noteworthy, broader mobilization within the Church is imperative.

True Leadership

By Dana Ives

How would you define leadership? Does a person who amasses a large following and, by virtue of that following, gain the title of “Leader?” Is a so-called internet influencer a leader? Does Nicolás Maduro, the “freely elected” president of Venezuela, deserve the mantle of “Leader?” Is Vladimir Putin a “Leader?” How about Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the CCP - a qualified leader? Rev. Al Sharpton? President Biden?

Consider the framers of the U.S. Constitution. Would their collective character be the template that describes a “True Leader?” Not to glorify the framers, but they seemed driven by a fairly narrow set of ideals and principles. I would list them thus:

  • Honor
  • Integrity
  • Forthrightness
  • Adherence to principles
  • Trustworthiness
  • Learnedness
  • Courage

While the above terms’ definitions are pretty straightforward, I’m compelled to explain why I chose to include “learnedness.” To me, learnedness is the result of paying close attention to the totality of your life experiences, good and bad, that allows you to formulate a moral compass by which you live. You can graduate from an advanced university with an extensive list of accolades and scholarly achievements, but does that mean you possess the learnedness to use that knowledge - to lead?

If you look at the statements of our “leadership” class in D.C. and our large cities, there is a glaring and obvious detachment from reality. “The border is secure.” “Inflation is transient,” “Debt is a positive,” “Peaceful protests” while a business burns in the background, “Gender is a fluid notion,”  “pregnant man,” etc. These are sentiments that are borne by one NOT having a strict set of principles that guide their lives. Their principles are fluid; they’re living in gray shades of principles; their principles vary with the situation.

It is not unreasonable for a citizen to demand that their chosen leader adhere to a strict, unassailable set of moral principles that guide that leader’s decisions. A strong leader refuses to waver from those principles. A strong leader articulates a nation’s goals and, with the support of the members of that community, executes the steps to ensure those goals are met. Security of the community along with equal, fair, and swift justice, should be the essential goals of that leader.

A leader who fluctuates on their principles for any given situation is not a leader but merely a shell devoid of moral fortitude. That so-called leader will drive the nation to death and chaos. The result of a weak, bloviating, and amoral leader is a predictable reality, not some fictionalized fantasy blown into the face of the nation.

Our Republic stands on the brink of disaster. In fact, I would submit the world as we know it is standing on the brink. And the United States is not alone on that brink. Consider the sovereign nations of Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Great Britain - all are nations that comprise the Anglosphere. Citizens’ rights have been curtailed in myriad ways, such as illegal lockdowns, government mandates, destruction of our sovereign nation’s borders through illegal immigration, confiscation of assets, and misuse of government power to detain and prosecute outspoken, legally protected opposition to the infringement of our rights.

Our freedom is enumerated in our respective Constitutions. We constituents, We the People, we deplorables, are engaged in a war. It pits the destroyers of our freedoms against those who see the true reality of those infringements. For the future of our children, we cannot let these evil forces dictate our fate. We cannot take a knee to those forces. We cannot give up, and we cannot lie down and allow those evil forces to commit our lives to a dark pit. Rise up, People, rise up. Our COS Action affords not just Americans but the world as a whole the opportunity to change the courses of all our nations.

Your Call to Action…

Let’s rally the American spirit! Our nation stands at a pivotal moment, echoing the values our Founders held dear. It’s time for every Patriot to make their voice heard.

The Convention of States is a beacon of hope, a platform granted by those visionaries who built this great nation. It’s a chance for every American-loving Patriot to step up and shape the future, safeguarding the liberties we cherish.

We are the guardians of freedom, entrusted with the duty to ensure that our nation remains a bastion of liberty, opportunity, and justice. Click the link below, join the movement, and be part of a historic effort to preserve, protect, and defend the very essence of what makes America exceptional.

Click: Join our Movement. We’ve got a country to save!

Tennessee on the Move...

Patriots from Cleveland, TN.

Patriots from Dayton, TN.

Patriots from Gallatin, TN.

Patriots from Hermitage, TN. 

Patriots from Hixson, TN.

Patriots from Maryville, TN. 

Patriots from Sevierville, TN.

Patriots from Springfield, TN.

Patriots from Springville, TN.

Patriots from Nashville, TN.

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Ashland City, TN. Tuesday, April 9th, 2024, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Bethlehem Community Center,1506 SR-12 N. Ashland City, TN. 37015, Debbie MacDonald

Cleveland, TN. Saturday, April 13th, 2024, from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. at the Harmony House, 699 Harris Creek Rd. Cleveland, TN  37311 Contact Jay Walling (423) 605-6705

Dayton, TN. Thursday, April 11th, 2024, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. at Monkey Town Brewery 287 1st Ave., Dayton TN. 37321 Jay Walling

Gallatin, TN. Saturday, April 27th, 2024, from 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. at the South Water Manor, 562 South Water Rd., Gallatin, TN. Contact: Debbie at

Hixson, TN. Sunday, April 28th, 2024, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. at Monkey Town Brewery, 724 Ashland Tr, Chattanooga TN 37415- Meet and Greet - Jay Walling 

Huntingdon, TN. Monday, April 8th, 2024, from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. at American Legion Post 47, 610 Independence Rd., Huntingdon, TN. 38344 COSA presentation Sandy Reno

Jamestown, TN. Saturday, April 13th, 2024, from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. at Fentress County Courthouse, 101 N. Main St, Jamestown, TN. Larry Wilke

Loudon, TN. Tuesday, April 9th, 2024, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Dinner at Little Italy Restaurant 316 Lakeside Plaza, Loudon, TN. 37774. See Teri Hult

Murfreesboro, TN. Saturday, April 20th, 2024, from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. at Technology Engagement Center, 306 Minerva Dr. Murfreesboro TN. 37129 Richard and Linda Black

Powell, TN. Saturday, April 13th, 2024, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. at Shoney’s on Emory Rd. Powell, or second Saturday of each month, Anne Martin and Dan Mobley 

Sevierville, TN. Saturday, April 16th, 2024, from 11:00 to 12:00 p.m. Block Walking, Call Christine Solomon for location 832-868-3674

Sevierville, TN. Saturday, April 20th, 2024, from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. King Family Library 408 High St. Sevierville, call Christine Solomon at 832-868-3674 for more information

Shelbyville, TN. Saturday, April 13, 2024, 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. at Shelbyville-Bedford County Library, 220 South Jefferson St., Shelbyville, TN 37160 Claire Root and Joyce Reed

Springfield, TN. Thursday, April 25th, 2024, 6:00-8:00 p.m. Location to follow…contact Nancy Parkinson

Springville, TN. Saturday, April 6th, 2024, from 10:00-11:00 a.m. at American Legion Post 89, 4326 E. Antioch Rd, Springville, TN. 28256 Post Bob Kutsy/Carl Kingdon

BattleCry, Join Mark Meckler for the BattleCry every Sunday night at 8:00 p.m. EST on Facebook and Rumble. 

For the most up-to-date schedule, go to the calendar on our Tennessee website: 

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