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Convention of States!


Volunteer Voice 44th Edition

Published in Blog on February 29, 2024 by Jim MacDonald

What Is TVA Really Up To?

Land Grab??

By Brian Harris

At least five hundred Cheatham County residents packed the Cheatham Middle School gymnasium on February 13th for a “TVA “listening session.” Representatives of the TVA, including COO Don Maul ($3.6 million compensation in 2022), allowed concerned citizens two minutes each to voice their concerns regarding the proposed construction of a methane gas power generation plant in Ashland City, TN.

The meeting did not start well as the TVA drastically underestimated turnout and only opened half of the gym bleachers. This resulted in many having to stand for the two-hour event. Things went from bad to worse for TVA when they cut off Stephanie Henry’s microphone during her passionate remarks.

TVA quietly acquired a 286-acre parcel of land, nestled among farms and homes, in August 2020. TVA has a goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Doing so requires the phase-out of coal-fired plants, which must be replaced with something. TVA’s stated intention for the property is to construct a methane combustion turbine, methane gas plant, and lithium-ion battery storage farm. Of concern to residents is the destruction of their tranquil way of life. Not to mention erecting ten stacks that will rise 180 feet into the sky. As if it couldn’t get any worse, Sycamore Creek, which supplies drinking water for the Pleasant View Utility District, runs adjacent to this proposed abomination. Noise pollution, water pollution, and industrialization of a rural area are all obvious impacts on Cheatham County if the TVA is not stopped.

TVA representatives indicate that this property checks all of their boxes. Really? Let’s do a quick run-down, shall we? Farms and hundreds of residents nestle the site. There is no interstate or highway access. There is no existing infrastructure. There are no transmission lines or pipeline connections in proximity to the site. Eminent domain will be the order of the day if this is not stopped, as miles of gas pipeline and transmission lines will have to be built.

Again, I ask, “Why this site?” I think more is at play here. While I don’t have all of the answers, here is what I have learned. The TVA is the fourth largest landholder in Tennessee (over 290,000 acres). TVA finances its operations through the sale of electricity and bonds. As an arm of the federal government, TVA enjoys privileges unavailable to other power companies. TVA has a legally authorized debt ceiling of $30 billion. Even though TVA had revenue of $11.9 billion in 2023, it consistently operates in debt between $15 and $20 billion. TVA has $51 billion in assets and $31 billion in liabilities, of which $19.5 billion is debt bonds.

What private company could continue to operate in billions of perpetual debt? What CEO would be compensated more than $10 million for a company that can’t pay off its debt? Answer: TVA CEO Jeff Lyash. He was the highest compensated federal employee in 2023.

The debtor is a slave to the lender. In this case, the lenders are institutional bondholders. Find out who they are, and you will find out who is dictating policy at TVA. Zero carbon emissions, ESG, and DEI are all acknowledged positions of TVA. Connect the dots.

On paper, the U.S. Government/ TVA is listed as the owner of the Cheatham parcel. In actuality, the bondholders are the owners of the Cheatham site. I’m not an accountant or a financial analyst, but real estate ownership seems to make an otherwise failed entity appear solvent.

Acquisition of the Cheatham site looks like a land grab. By law, TVA can obtain property by purchase as an agent of the U.S. or through eminent domain. TVA is exempt from federal laws relating to the acquisition of land. TVA holds real property as an agent of the United States. In simple terms, TVA is a middleman that acquires privately held land with our tax dollars and without our consent. This land became the property of the United States to serve as collateral to prop up failed institutions (Washington D.C. and the TVA). Those who own our debt own our land. It’s a simple land transfer from individuals to corporations; TVA is the conduit.

You and I are financing our demise against our will. As Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum have told us, “We will own nothing and be happy.”

My backyard has become ground zero for the battle against The Great Reset. Our elected representatives in Nashville won’t save us. They stripped us of this ability in 2022 when they exempted energy infrastructure from local zoning requirements. They are compromised. They have sold out to corporations' intent to destroy us. Our elected representatives in Washington won’t save us. They won’t balance the nation’s checkbook or close our border. They are bought and paid for. They, too, are compromised.

It’s up to us! You and me. The little guy. David vs. Goliath. If we don’t stand up now, we will lose everything!

If there is a slim silver lining in all of this, it is that since the TVA is a creature of the federal government, Congress can legislate the sale of TVA assets and even eliminate TVA altogether. It’s time to privatize this behemoth!

Cryptic Migration 

By Dana Ives

I want to introduce you to a couple of biologists. Their names are Dr. Heather Heying and Dr. Bret Weinstein. One of their areas of expertise lies in evolutionary biology. Their careers have led them to many different ecosystems of the planet, including an area of Panama along the Pan-American Highway that runs from Alaska to the southern tip of Chile. There is a 60-mile area known as the Darien Gap, the sole Highway section inaccessible by land vehicles. In fact, “The Gap” is a very wild and forbidding jungle and has become a major route for immigrants seeking a path to the United States. The Gap is treacherous at best and deadly at worst. It is an area that has become notorious for extreme violence, where the victims are immigrants who come from many parts of the world, making their way to the US.

Drs. Heying and Weinstein work very closely with a gentleman named Michael Yon, a former Green Beret who has spent an enormous amount of time in the Darien Gap documenting the immigrants’ movements and the services offered to the immigrants by various organizations along the route.

I imagine you are wondering why I would start an article with an introduction to a couple of biologists and what they have to do with “Cryptic Migration.” To start an answer to that question, Drs. Heying and Weinstein recently traveled to The Gap to research how economics and evolutionary biology are linked to people’s migratory patterns. While conducting their research, one of their conclusions was that nearly all immigrants they interviewed cited economic reasons to embark on such a dangerous journey, not political reasons.

Numerous assistance sites along the migration route are administered and financed by Non-government Organizations (NGOs such as the IFRC, HRW, The New Humanitarian, UNICEF, etc.) and the United Nations through a division called the International Organization for Immigration. These are often primitive camps where the immigrants can rest while receiving food and shelter before continuing north through Central America. As long as the immigrants keep heading north, they are not impeded by the various immigration authorities along the way. A decade ago, each country in Central America had very strict border controls. That is no longer the case.

The border control authority for Panama is called SENFRONT. This authority has jurisdiction over the many “transit camps” in Panama. Still, there are two specific transit camps near The Gap - one camp is known as Canaan Membrillo. The other is San Vicente, both visited last month by Dr. Weinstein and Mr. Yon. SENFRONT allowed Dr. Weinstein and Mr. Yon unfettered access to the former and severely restricted their access to the latter. SENFRONT did not permit them to enter San Vicente and interview the migrants; they could only observe the occupants of the camp through a chain-link perimeter fence. They could observe that the Vicente camp was well-organized and well-equipped with shelters composed of ocean containers. Canaan Membrillo, on the other hand, was very primitive, with limited sanitation facilities and shelters.

This is key, though: While Canaan Membrillo’s migrant population was diverse, spanning all age groups from many countries, San Vicente was populated by military-aged Chinese men. These “migrants” were not traveling through the Darien Gap either. Yon and Weinstein observed the movement of San Vicente occupants from the camp on large, clean buses (thoughtfully provided by the Panamanian government) to sea-going vessels that went around the Gap and were then deposited back ashore to continue their journey north. Astoundingly, there’s even an animated video available on the Net with a cute musical score narrated in Mandarin how the traveler can circumvent the Darien Gap. Here are a couple of screenshots from the video. The CCP’s “Belt and Road” initiative also proposes building a road through the Darien Gap to “encourage economic trade” for the Central Americas. Huh.

The economic migration through Central America is cloaking a parallel non-economic migration, yes, an invasion of the US. There can be no argument against the idea that our supposed leaders in the US government are complicit in this human tragedy by allowing UN funds to be used to facilitate this assault on the southern border. It is complicit in the deaths and violence perpetrated on these desperate people. Worse yet, it is complicit in the invasion of the United States by military-age Chinese nationals who are not being vetted or even detained at the US southern border.

Once again, the American people are being bamboozled and lied to by our government. Special interests are generating amoral incomes on the backs of the American taxpayer. Tell me this isn’t illegal and treasonous behavior by our “leaders.” Go ahead, try.

Change the World from Your Knees

By Cathy Bickerstaff

Continue earnestly in Prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving; meanwhile, praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in chains, that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak. Colossians 4:2-4 NKJV

God has often told us to pray – like the expression “keep on keeping on.” We can change our world if we are alert to what is happening in the world and take it to the Lord in prayer. We must pray globally – our eyes open, looking around. That is how we know how we need to pray for others. When we pray, we can develop a burning passion. That passion must be for all people, kings, leaders, and the “common” folks. We need to pray with an attitude of thanksgiving, knowing God is hearing us. We need to pray for the gospel’s effectiveness. We need to pray from an eternal perspective, not just temporal. James 5:14 is the only place in the New Testament that mentions praying for the sick; our prayers are mostly for the sick. We need to pray for the opportunity to share Jesus. We need effective evangelism.

As Article V Convention of States Action grassroots volunteers, we must unite to lift our leaders such as Mark Meckler (and his family). Rick Green and his family are also important to lift in Prayer. Mark and Rick are friends and are working together more and more. Rick Green is the founder of Patriot Academy. One of the courses offered is called Biblical Citizenship. Our young people, as well as older folks, need to participate. Constitution Alive is a wonderful class for a deeper and more authentic understanding of our Constitution. You can go to to find in-person classes or online classes. Biblical Citizenship can be done in small groups in your home as well.

I am a member of the COSA prayer warriors’ team. We meet together on Zoom once a month. Being a part of and listening to others as they pray globally and locally is thrilling. We lift up the leaders and teams from all over the USA. We pray for individuals and their needs, as well as the teams of the different states.

I think about that verse: if God be for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31 NKJV) Yet how many “bunker Christians” are out there? We need to speak openly about Jesus. We need to know our history accurately. When I was in school, we were told about the Pilgrims, but we were not fully informed. I knew they came over on the Mayflower, but not that they studied for 12 years with their pastor about God’s formula for government. So many today don’t know the difference between freedom of and freedom from religion. Christianity is based on God’s love for us. Grace is getting something you don’t deserve, and mercy is not getting something you do deserve. Some people say grace is God’s riches at Christ’s expense.

When they took the 10 Commandments down in schools, schools did not improve. As Article V Convention of States grassroots volunteers, we need to put the power back at the state level and give parents the rights they are supposed to have with respect to raising their children. I am proud to be a part of the Article V Convention of States Action. Being a part of a group of people with their priorities straight I count as a blessing. I don’t pray for patience. Patience has to be developed by going through something that requires it. I pray that we all have the courage to speak to those who need to hear. I pray that people will be receptive and that those who need Jesus will accept Him. I pray that God will give each volunteer the words they need to speak and the wisdom to share what they know.

Only by studying can we become more knowledgeable. We need to study God’s Word, but we also need to learn about our founding fathers and the US Constitution. We need to share our knowledge of the history of these United States as our country was first called when states had their rights and were not overcome by the feds. I’m thankful George Mason ensured the little guy could speak up and be heard.

Abba, Father, Lord, please continue to lead and direct us in all we think and do. Amen

Border Chess

By Brian Harris

On January 24th, 2024, Texas Governor Greg Abbott declared an invasion of his state. This declaration resulted from the federal government’s failure to fulfill its constitutional responsibility as outlined in Article IV, Section 4 of the United States Constitution.

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.”

Since 2021, the southern border of the United States has been wide open. According to Abbott, at least six million illegal aliens have been allowed to enter the United States. This has been done with the treasonous complicity of the current federal administration. Those entering illegally include criminals and terrorists.

Governor Abbott invoked the authority of Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 of the Constitution of the United States, which acknowledges a state’s right to defend itself if invaded.

“No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.”

Governor Abbott’s declaration and defensive measures are on firm constitutional ground. There has been much talk about the possibility that President Biden can nationalize the Texas National Guard, negating Abbott’s move.

While it is true that the National Guard units of the United States can be nationalized in times of emergency, most commentators seem to forget a crucial element. The State of Texas also has a military force known as the Texas State Guard, which is under the command of the Texas governor and no one else. This force cannot be nationalized. Many states also have a State Guard Force. For example, in Tennessee, Governor Lee commands the Tennessee State Guard, which, in its current iteration, has been an active force since 1985.

These forces can be sent to Texas in support of their efforts to repel the invasion of their southern border. As of January 26th, 2024, ten states have sent troops to help Texas.

Governor Abbott has placed the federal government in check on the national chessboard. Time will tell what becomes of this situation.

Revisiting Foundational Principles of American Governance

By Jim MacDonald

In a recent dream, I sat across from General George Washington. The atmosphere in the tavern was alive with the spirit of freedom and newfound hope. The ink on the freshly written Constitution of the United States was barely dry, but already it seemed to pulse with the promise of a new era for our young nation.

Taking a sip of my drink, I turned to the General and posed the question that had been burning in my mind since the Constitutional Convention had concluded. “Benjamin Franklin told a reporter that the Founders gave us a republican form of government. Why a republican form of government, and how does it work?”

The General’s gaze turned thoughtful, his eyes reflecting the weight of the discussions and debates that had taken place in Philadelphia over the past months. “We just fought off the tyranny of a king for the freedom and liberty we’ve come to enjoy over the years since we came to this country,” he began, his voice carrying the gravitas of someone who had witnessed history in the making.

“If Americans elect moral and religious people over the years, a republican form of government is the best way to preserve these liberties,” the General continued, his words resonating with the principles of virtue and integrity that had guided our struggle for independence.

“Power corrupts,” the General declared with a solemn nod, echoing the timeless wisdom that had shaped the course of nations throughout history. “We didn’t want to trade the King of England for a King in America.”

As he spoke, the General delved into the intricate mechanics of the republican system that the delegates in Philadelphia had meticulously crafted. “Each delegate understood that they must give some of the state’s power to the federal government in order to protect the rights and freedoms of all the states,” he explained.

“The real debate was what’s the least amount of power necessary to accomplish the goal of protecting our nation,” the General elaborated, his words revealing the meticulous balance that was struck to prevent the concentration of authority in the hands of a few.

With a sense of purpose, the General outlined the three branches of government - executive, legislative, and judicial - each with its own distinct role and responsibilities. “This style of government provides checks and balances against each other and with the states themselves,” he remarked, emphasizing the importance of ensuring that no single individual or department could become tyrannical.

As the General spoke, his passion for the principles of liberty and self-governance ignited a fire within me. “When you study the Constitution,” he continued, “you’ll notice that Congress was only given eighteen enumerated powers listed in Article I, Section 8—and the President, only five powers as listed in Article II, Section 2.”

“These enumerated powers were listed so the people knew exactly what the federal government was permitted to do and could keep them in check,” the General emphasized, underscoring the importance of transparency and accountability in ensuring the system’s integrity.

“In this way, we have the people keeping the states in check and the states keeping the federal government in check,” the General concluded, his words echoing with the timeless wisdom of the Founders. “Hopefully, this explains why a republican form of government is the best for our circumstances.”

As I listened to the General’s impassioned discourse, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe at the vision and foresight that had guided the birth of our nation. At that moment, surrounded by the echoes of history, I knew that the principles of liberty and self-governance enshrined in the Constitution would serve as the bedrock of our democracy for generations to come.

Upon waking from my dream, I realized that 237 years later, we don’t elect moral and religious people, we have no idea what’s in our Constitution, and checks and balances have become winks and nods.

We have welcomed a king in America, the Centralized Federal Apparatus. Rather than having the people self-governing, we have overlords in Washington, D.C.

We have nine unelected officials in the Supreme Court rewriting the Constitution, giving Congress and the President authority they don’t have the power to provide. This unauthorized authority has given 535 people in Congress and a President the power to exceed their enumerated powers, making decisions that impact not only 325,719,178 people in America (according to the 2020 census) but the lives of our unborn great-grandchildren.

Fortunately, our Founders provided hope. They knew power corrupts and that the federal government would become too powerful—and they knew Washington, D.C., would never fix themselves. So, they added the second clause of Article V into the Constitution for such a time as this.

In Article V, there’s a mechanism for amending the Constitution, not through the hands of the federal government but through the states themselves. This clause allows for a Convention of States, a gathering of delegates from the states, to propose amendments to the Constitution, bypassing the entrenched interests of Washington, D.C.

Reflecting on the wisdom of our Founders, I realized that the power to restore our republic lies not in the hands of politicians or bureaucrats but in the hands of the people and their representatives in the states. It is up to us, the inheritors of the legacy of liberty, to reclaim the spirit of self-governance and ensure that the principles of our Constitution endure for generations to come.

Your Call to Action…

Let’s rally the American spirit! Our nation stands at a pivotal moment, echoing the values our Founders held dear. It’s time for every Patriot to make their voice heard.

The Convention of States is a beacon of hope, a platform granted by those visionaries who built this great nation. It’s a chance for every American-loving Patriot to step up and shape the future, safeguarding the liberties we cherish.

We are the guardians of freedom, entrusted with the duty to ensure that our nation remains a bastion of liberty, opportunity, and justice. Click the link below, join the movement, and be part of a historic effort to preserve, protect, and defend the very essence of what makes America exceptional.

Click: Join our Movement. We’ve got a country to save!

Tennessee on the Move...

Patriots from Ashland City, TN.

Patriots from Cleveland, TN.

Patriots from Gallatin, TN.

Patriots from Hixson, TN.

Patriots from Maryville, TN.

Patriots from McMinnville, TN.

Patriots from Sevierville, TN.

Patriots from Shelbyville, TN.

Patriots from Springville, TN.

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Ashland City, TN. Tuesday, March 12th, 2024, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Bethlehem Community Center,1506 SR-12 N. Ashland City, TN. 37015, Debbie MacDonald

Cleveland, TN. Saturday, March 9th, 2024, from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. at the Harmony House, 699 Harris Creek Rd. Cleveland, TN  37311 Contact Jay Walling (423) 605-6705

Dayton, TN. Thursday, March 14th, 2024, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. at Monkey Town Brewery 287 1st Ave., Dayton TN. 37321 Jay Walling

Gallatin, TN. Saturday, March 30th, 2024, from 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. at the South Water Manor, 562 S. Water Rd., Gallatin, TN. Contact: Debbie at

Hixson, TN. Thursday, March 22nd, 2024, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. at Monkey Town Brewery, 724 Ashland Tr, Chattanooga TN 37415- Meet and Greet - Jay Walling 

Jamestown, TN. Saturday, March 9th, 2024, from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. at Fentress County Courthouse, 101 N. Main St, Jamestown, TN. Larry Wilke

Loudon, TN. Wednesday, March 12th, 2023, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Dinner at Little Italy Restaurant 316 Lakeside Plaza, Loudon, TN. 37774. See Theresa Hult

Powell, TN. Saturday, March 9th, 2024, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. at Shoney’s on Emory Rd. Powell, or second Saturday of each month, Anne Martin and Dan Mobley 

Sevierville, TN. Saturday, March 2, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Patriot Potluck at King Family Library, 408 High St. Sevierville, call Christine Solomon at 832-868-3674 for more information

Sevierville, TN. Saturday, March 16th, 2024, from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. King Family Library 408 High St. Sevierville, call Christine Solomon at 832-868-3674 for more information

Shelbyville, TN. Saturday, March 30, 2024, 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. at Shelbyville-Bedford County Library, 220 South Jefferson St., Shelbyville, TN 37160 Claire Root and Joyce Reed

Springfield, TN. Thursday, March 28th, 2024, 6:00-8:00 p.m. Location to follow…contact Nancy Parkinson

BattleCry, Join Mark Meckler for the BattleCry every Sunday night at 8:00 p.m. EST on Facebook and Rumble. 

For the most up-to-date schedule, go to the calendar on our Tennessee website: 


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