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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Volunteer Voice 37th Edition

Published in Uncategorized on July 31, 2023 by Jim MacDonald

Bold and Courageous: The Power of a Committed Minority

By Jim MacDonald

In the face of a world filled with challenges, let us not be disheartened but instead find hope and encouragement in our noble pursuit of calling a convention of states. Scripture reminds us not to grow weary in well-doing, and as we embark on this journey, we must hold onto that faith and be bold and courageous in our endeavors.

Our nation may seem divided, but we need not reach half the country for COS; history tells us that a committed minority can create a tremendous impact. Consider the American Revolution, where roughly 40-45% actively supported the cause, yet they succeeded in forging a new nation. They were outnumbered but filled with determination, and their unwavering spirit drove them forward.

As we reflect on the Revolutionary War, let us draw inspiration from the estimated 200,000 to 250,000 men, comprising only 8% to 10% of the colonial population, who served in the Continental Army or state militias. Their dedication and sacrifice helped shape the destiny of a nation. Not to be forgotten are the women, African Americans, and Native Americans who, though not traditionally acknowledged as "fighters," played vital roles in the revolution.

The challenges George Washington's Continental Army faced highlight the importance of perseverance. Despite fluctuations in troop numbers, they never lost sight of their cause. Similarly, though numerically superior, the British forces faced formidable opposition from an indomitable spirit.

Let us take heart from the inspiring Battle of Gonzales, where a small group of Texian settlers defied overwhelming odds, marking the beginning of the Texas Revolution. It teaches us that the power of determination can defy any challenge, no matter the odds.

In the pursuit of justice and progress, we find inspiration in the suffragette movement, where a committed minority fought tirelessly for women's voting rights. Their dedication eventually led to significant advancements in suffrage, empowering women for generations to come.

The Civil Rights Movement serves as a beacon of hope, demonstrating that even a small percentage of activists, driven by an unyielding desire for equality, can spark transformative change. They shattered the shackles of racial segregation and discrimination, reminding us that determination knows no bounds.

In the biblical account of Gideon, we find a powerful testament to the strength of faith and trust in a higher purpose. Gideon achieved victory through divine intervention with a mere 300 men (initially 32,000 men). This story resonates with us, reminding us that no challenge can hold us back when we are driven by conviction.

Let these stories ignite the fire within us as we march toward our noble goal of calling a convention of states. We must not lose sight of the power we hold as a committed minority. No matter how small, each step we take brings us closer to creating positive change.

We are not alone in this journey; countless men and women have stood where we stand today, facing uncertainty and challenges. Their triumphs inspire us to press on, undeterred and undaunted.

So, let us rally together, fueled by determination, faith, and courage, for we have the power to shape the destiny of our nation. We are the drivers of change, and with every voice that joins the cause, our strength multiplies exponentially.

Do not be disheartened by the magnitude of the task ahead; let it invigorate us. No matter how small, every step forward is a stride toward a brighter future for our beloved country.

We will rise above the challenges, united in purpose and unwavering in our commitment. Let us embrace the spirit of those who came before us and march boldly towards the Convention of States, for there lies the potential to mold the course of history and safeguard the principles we hold dear.

In this noble endeavor, we find strength in numbers and in a dedicated few's unwavering resolve. As we embark on this journey together, let us remember the words of Edmund Burke, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

We are not standing idly by but stepping forward to make a difference. Embrace the spirit of courage and conviction, for within it lies the power to create a brighter future for our nation. The Convention of States provides the potential for a more prosperous and harmonious future. Let us seize this opportunity and be the agents of positive change our country needs.

Together, we will rise, united and unyielding, for we are the architects of our nation's destiny. Let hope be our guide and determination our driving force. The challenges may be great, but our resolve is greater. Onward, we shall prevail with courage in our hearts and hope in our souls. For the future of our nation, let us march towards the Convention of States with unshakeable resolve, knowing that we have the power to shape a better tomorrow.

Rethinking the Left-Right Paradigm

By Brian Harris 

Each of us has a set of core beliefs formed from our unique life experiences. Our core beliefs tend to influence how we align and vote politically. Some of my personal beliefs include veneration of God, country, life, and liberty. In our society, I am labeled a right-wing conservative. Why? Someone with an opposite set of beliefs is labeled a left-wing liberal. Why?

The reason is actually quite simple, and it is diabolical and destructive. It is a method of divide and rule so that the many can be controlled by a few. As the saying goes, “united we stand, divided we fall.” Jesus speaks of a house divided in Mark 3: 24-27. “If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan opposes himself and is divided, he cannot stand but is finished. But no one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man. Then he can plunder his house.”

We, the American people, are the strong man, and we have been tied up by our political overlords so that our house can be plundered. Creating dissension among the herd is an age-old tactic, and labels are a simple method to capitalize on our perceived differences.

When we strip away the labels that we have been branded with, the “liberal” and the “conservative” are probably more alike than we realize.

I regularly hear of “conservatives” self-branding themselves as right-wing. Our founding fathers are even referred to as far right-wing because they were “revolutionaries.” This is unfortunate, and it needs to stop. From a political viewpoint, the men that framed our founding documents are the starting point from which our system flows. If we were to acknowledge a paradigm, these men would be in the center. Any deviation from their original position would be to the left or right.

George Washington warned of the dangers of (political) party spirit in his Farewell Address to the People of the United States. “The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension…leads to a permanent despotism.” He also elucidates that those who are able to rise to the top of party factions will seek their own elevation on the ruins of public liberty. Washington continues, “It serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, and foments occasional riots and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which facilitates access to the government through the channels of party passion. Thus the policy and will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another.” Considering the state of affairs today, one would think Washington was alive and addressing us today.

In Federalist No.38, Madison describes party animosities as a “pestilential influence” that is “apt to contaminate their proceedings.” Hamilton, writing in Federalist No.76, observes that, “it will rarely happen that the advancement of the public service will be the primary object either of party victories or of party negotiations.”

It is time for us to acknowledge the obvious. We should not put stock in any political party label. For one thing there is virtually no difference between the republican or democrat party at the highest levels of power anymore. For the elite, there is only one party, a uni-party, that is bent on controlling and plundering us. We can choose not to be victimized by the overlords anymore. We must break free of the paradigms that are designed to divide and control us. For starters, we can shed labels and seek out truth-tellers, regardless of the label that they may be carrying.

The Triumphant Trio: Grassroots Action, Convention of States, and the Church

By Jim MacDonald

The United States was founded on the principles of a republic, carefully designed to balance power between the federal government and individual states. However, this delicate balance has shifted over time, and the federal government has expanded its authority, infringing upon the rights and responsibilities of both states and their citizens. Fortunately, there is hope in the transformative potential of each state that harnesses the power of three crucial elements: grassroots action, Convention of States, and the church. By uniting these forces, the states can significantly restore the republic to its intended design. Let's explore how these components can work together to pave the way for a brighter future.

Strengthening State Sovereignty with a Unified Front

Grassroots action, Convention of States, and the church can unite to reinforce state sovereignty and challenge federal overreach. For example: 

a) By joining forces, they can mobilize their Grassroots Support to leverage their diverse networks to engage citizens and raise awareness about the need to restore state power and limit the scope of the federal government. Through rallies, town hall meetings, and educational campaigns, they can galvanize a broader support base for the cause.

b) Convention of States movements can collaborate with state legislators to advocate for resolutions calling for an Article V Convention. Such resolutions empower state delegations to propose constitutional amendments aimed at reining in federal overreach. By working with lawmakers, they can ensure that the state's voice is heard on the national stage.

Promoting State-Led Solutions with a Unified Vision

Grassroots action, Convention of States, and the church can champion state-led solutions, emphasizing the benefits of limited government intervention. For example:

a) Grassroots education and outreach can play an essential role in campaigns that incorporate the principles of constitutionalism into sermons and community programs, utilizing curricula from Patriot Academy, such as Biblical Citizenship in Modern America. By fostering a deeper understanding of the movement's goals, they can inspire citizens to engage in restoring the republic.

b) In collaboration with the church, grassroots movements can mobilize citizens to actively communicate with their representatives, urging them to support constitutional amendments arising from an Article V Convention. Their collective voice can significantly impact elected officials, encouraging them to prioritize the state's interests.

Engaging in Interstate Cooperation with a Unified Voice

Grassroots action, Convention of States, and the church can form alliances with like-minded states, presenting a united front to influence federal policy discussion by:

a) Building coalitions through the collaboration of Convention of States movements and churches from other states to forge powerful alliances. These coalitions will amplify their collective strength and advocate for constitutional reform, demonstrating the value of shared principles.

b) Promoting moral leadership and ethical governance. By emphasizing the importance of virtuous leaders at all levels of government, the church can inspire a return to the nation's founding principles.

The path to restoring the republic lies within the transformative synergy of grassroots action, Convention of States, and the church. All states can play a significant role in this endeavor by strengthening state sovereignty, promoting state-led solutions, and engaging in interstate cooperation. By uniting these forces, the nation can rediscover its founding principles and return power to its rightful place: the hands of the people and their states. Through collaborative efforts, each state can lead by example, inspiring the entire nation and securing a brighter future for all Americans. The restoration of the republic is a collective endeavor that depends on the unwavering commitment of individuals, communities, and states across the nation.

A Delicate Subject

By Dana Ives

On the 15th of this month, I attended a meeting of our COS Action effort. Its goal, in part, was to discuss our strategy for growing our grassroots. It was well attended, with around 42 people exchanging ideas, stories, experiences, and their motivation in working with our cause. This was my first in-person meeting with COS volunteers since joining the cause five months ago, and it was great putting faces with names. It was also very gratifying to witness the dedication that our volunteers have to rein 
in our government’s excesses.

Now, the delicate part - I am not an avowed Christian. I’m hoping that despite admitting this, in the future, I will be treated by all my COS colleagues with the same warmth that I was embraced with a couple of days ago. However, it turns out my point in writing this article is not about me, but rather, it’s about the people we need to appeal to in order to build a solid base.

As I looked around the room, I noticed that we all shared very similar features - we were enthusiastic, thoughtful, had a lot of life experience, and unconsciously weaved these aspects into our discussions. I also noticed that all of us were Caucasian. There were no African-Americans, no Asians, no Hispanics, no Jews or Muslims present, at least that I knew of; basically, none of the “traditional” minorities. Please understand this is not offered as criticism but merely as an observation from a newbie. Noticing this and meshing this observation with the subject of growing our grassroots, I got to wondering why our meeting had no representation of these minorities.

Therein lies the subject of this article: How do we attract minorities to our cause? We intend to amend the US Constitution to

  1. compel fiscal responsibility,
  2. establish term limits on politicians and the judiciary &
  3. reduce the overreach of our centralized Federal government.

No brainer, right? These goals are very clear and are within the capabilities of the Convention of States that we all seek to convene. Thus, these goals should logically appeal to ALL Americans, whatever their race, Religion, or even politics. A free Republic that is comprised of citizens that have the freedom to speak their minds, pursue happiness, security, and stability for their family, that toil free of the shackles of over-regulation, are treated equally by an impartial justice system, trust the election process - ALL of these things should appeal to an American citizen but also to a rational American citizen. Our common thread in the COS movement is a code of morals that prevent abuse, that rein in government power, that allows parents to BE parents without the eye of the state scrutinizing and usurping the parents’ rights. These basic morals are shared by all of us humans, and these morals are specified in the Quran, the Torah, and the Bible. The common thread is the moral fiber that runs through us all.

One of the conclusions of a recent survey conducted by the Chicago Project on Security and Threats published last month is that there is now more overall support for violent protests against our Republic’s democratic institutions. Yet, the survey also found that the vast majority of survey respondents would prefer avoiding any violence. This was summarized by the authors: There is “Vast support for bipartisan solutions to political violence across both the Right and the Left.” What could be more bipartisan than our proposed amendments? True bipartisanship that includes all people of America means that our cause must absolutely and 
universally appeal to our diverse population. Clearly, we need a unifying candidate for the Presidential election in 2024 who also embraces our COS Action efforts. 

I ask you then, dear reader, do you agree that our cause should include all of these diverse people? If your answer is in the affirmative, let’s get to work educating ALL others to the wisdom of our efforts.

Let’s do what we can to see a pie chart describing our COS Action demographics similar to the 2021 census pie chart. Doesn’t it stand to reason that the racial distribution of COS should reflect that of the very Republic we’re trying to save?

Talk with your neighbors, friends, reluctant relatives (God knows I’ve many of them myself), even people you don’t know. Ask them to take a look at the COS Action website to see what actions they can take to save our Republic. 

Celebrating Triumph and Unity: Tennessee State Strategy Meeting on July 15, 2023

By Jim MacDonald

On a warm and promising day in July, Tennessee's most dedicated and passionate leaders gathered at the State Strategy Meeting to shape the future with boundless enthusiasm and unyielding determination. It was an event that echoed the spirit of fellowship and the pursuit of excellence. Each speaker and subject enriched the audience with wisdom, inspiration, and a renewed sense of purpose.

As tradition dictated, the night before the Tennessee State Strategy Meeting, leaders from all corners of the state came together for an evening of food and fellowship. After setting up the church meeting room, they gathered at Puckett's for dinner. It was a cherished prelude to the significant day ahead, fostering a sense of togetherness and camaraderie among the attendees. As they set up the meeting room, the air was filled with laughter, friendly banter, and a shared excitement for what lay ahead. The pictures captured during this delightful evening portrayed the warmth and solidarity that epitomized the spirit of the Tennessee COS movement. It was not just an assembly of leaders, but a community of like-minded individuals bound by a common goal – to serve the people and secure a brighter future for America and beyond.

The next morning, the meeting opened with a powerful reminder of the values that bind us together: Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. As the room filled with a sense of unity, Ramona P. DeSalvo, the State Director for Legislative Action, took the stage to deliver her welcoming remarks. Her energy and passion set the tone for what would be a truly transformative day.

The first topic, "Emerging Leaders Program: Reaching Young Americans," was presented by Kristen Stanciu, the ELP Administrator. Her vision for empowering and engaging the youth was awe-inspiring. She emphasized the importance of fostering the next generation of leaders, instilling in them the values of service, responsibility, and active participation in their communities.

Next up was an enlightening session on "Servant 

Leadership: Humility & Core Values." Carl Kingdon, Regional Captain 6, HD 74, and Bob Patterson, District Captain, HD 31, demonstrated the essence of leadership through selflessness and the core values that inspire others to follow. Their insights profoundly impacted the audience, prompting many to reflect on their leadership styles and ways they could better serve those around them.

The "Rapid Response Team" presentation by Jonathan Viaud, Passed States Regional Director, showcased the power of quick action in critical moments. The importance of a well-organized rapid response team cannot be overstated, and Jonathan's expertise demonstrated the strength that comes from a united front ready to face any challenge.

John Taylor, Co-State Director, stepped forward to enlighten the attendees on "COS Platforms and Resources." His knowledge of the organization's resources, strategies, and platforms offered a glimpse of the tools available to effect real change in the community. Knowledge, after all, is power, and John armed the audience with an arsenal of powerful insights.

Lyle Hill, the State Director, took the video stage with a heartfelt and visionary address. "From the State Director" was not just a report on accomplishments; it was a celebration of the unwavering dedication exhibited by everyone present. Lyle's words resonated deeply, reinforcing the shared commitment to a brighter future.

The "Crafting Effective Communications" session led by Jim MacDonald, State Communications Coordinator, shed light on the art of compelling storytelling. As Jim spoke, the room seemed to hang on his every word. He reminded everyone that communication is not just about words; it's about connecting with the hearts and minds of the people they serve.

"Volunteer Activist Application" featured Debbie MacDonald, Regional Captain 4, District Captain HD 35, and Jay Walling, Regional Captain 3, District Captain HD 26. Their passion for volunteerism was infectious, inspiring everyone to explore how to contribute more actively to the cause they hold dear.

In a heartwarming moment of recognition, the Tennessee State Strategy Meeting celebrated Debbie MacDonald's exceptional dedication and unwavering commitment to the cause. With pride and admiration, Debbie was honored with the coveted Challenge Coin, an esteemed symbol of excellence within the COS organization. As the recipient of this prestigious coin, Debbie joined a select group of individuals who have demonstrated extraordinary passion and tireless effort in advancing the movement's goals. Out of the 300 total Challenge Coins minted for all of COSA, 282 have been given out over nearly a decade, and Tennessee had proudly received a significant share of these remarkable honors. Pictured at today's meeting were several of the distinguished recipients, a testament to the state's remarkable track record of leadership and service.

In a touching tribute to those who personify the true spirit of patriotism and unwavering dedication, the Tennessee State Strategy Meeting proudly awarded the prestigious Patriot Pin to twelve outstanding individuals. These remarkable Patriots, Christine Solomon, Claire Root, Ann Martin, Linda Lamphear, Nancy Parkinson, Tony Celiberti, Joe Sheeley, Dana Ives, Richard Black, Douglas Hil, Bob Patterson, and not pictured, Glen Neal, were recognized for their exceptional contributions to the cause and their relentless pursuit of a better future for America. With the Patriot Pin, these extraordinary individuals joined a select group of champions, setting an inspiring example for all to follow. Their passion, service, and commitment exemplify the essence of being a patriot, and their presence at the meeting filled the atmosphere with a profound sense of pride and gratitude for their unwavering dedication.

The dual session on "Faithful Commissioner Law: Past and Present" and "Red Flag Law; Surge Day" by Ramona P. DeSalvo, SD Legislative Action, was an essential reminder of the history of the movement and the urgency of the work that lies ahead. Ramona's tireless efforts and dedication to her craft were a beacon of hope for a better tomorrow.

The meeting concluded with an electrifying presentation on "What Lies Ahead for 2024." John Taylor returned to the stage, exuding optimism and determination. The audience left the meeting with hearts full of hope and minds brimming with possibilities.

The Tennessee State Strategy Meeting on July 15, 2023, was nothing short of extraordinary. It exemplified the power of unity, the strength of passion, and the beauty of dedicated individuals coming together for a common cause. As we reflect on this momentous occasion, let us carry the spirit of fellowship and inspiration with us, empowering our communities and transforming our world for the better.

Remember, we are all architects of change in the journey toward progress. Together, we can build a future where the values of humility, servant leadership, and effective communication are the guiding lights leading us to greater heights. Let us march forward with courage, knowing that the seeds sown at the State Strategy Meeting will blossom into a tapestry of triumph and unity across Tennessee and beyond.

Tennessee on the Move... 

Patriots of Ashland City, TN

Patriot from Coffee County meets with Senator Bowling and Representative Bricken

Patriots of Dayton, TN

Patriots of Gallatin, TN meeting with State Rep. William Slater

Patriots of Hixson, TN


Patriots of McMinnville, TN

Patriots of Sevierville, TN 

Appearing at the Sevierville Potluck were Sevierville Community Chorus and Senator Frank Niceley 

Patriots at the Threshermen's Show in Adams, TN

Patriots of Tullahoma, TN

Patriots of White House, TN

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Dayton, TN. Thursday, August 10th, 2023, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. at Monkey Town Brewery 287 1st Ave., Dayton TN. 37321 Jay Walling

Decatur, TN. Saturday, August 26th, 2023, from 10:45 to 12:15 p.m. at the Decatur Family diner 17315 SR-58, Decatur, TN. 37322 Meet & Greet with Jay Walling 

Hixson, TN. Thursday, August 25th, 2023, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. at the Rib & Loin Restaurant, 5435 Hwy 153, Hixson, TN. 37343 - Meet and Greet - Jay Walling 

Jamestown, TN. Saturday, August 12th, 2023, from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. at Fentress County Courthouse, 101 N. Main St, Jamestown, TN. Larry Wilke

Loudon, TN. 1st Wednesday of every month at the Chota Rec Center 145 Awohili Dr., Loudon, TN 37774, Room D from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. - Call Terri Hult for more information: 865-304-6997 

McMinnville, TN. Saturday, August 12th, 2023, from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. at Magness Library COS Meeting, 118 W. Main St. McMinnville, TN. 37110, Doug Hill & Jay Walling 

Murfreesboro, TN. Saturday, August 19th from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. at Unity Freewill Baptist 1901 Florence Rd. Murfreesboro TN. 37129 Richard and Linda Black

Powell, TN. Saturday, August 12th, 2023, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. at Shoney’s on Emory Rd. Powell, or second Saturday of each month, Anne Martin and Dan Mobley 

Shelbyville, TN. Saturday, August 26th, 2023, 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. at Shelbyville-Bedford County Library, 220 South Jefferson St., Shelbyville, TN 37160 Claire Root and Joyce Reed

Springville, TN. Saturday, August 19th, 2023,10:00-12:00 p.m. Post Karl Kingdon/Robert Kutsy

BattleCry, Join Mark Meckler for the BattleCry every Sunday night at 8:00 p.m. EST on Facebook and Rumble. 

For the most up to date schedule, go to the calendar on our Tennessee website: 


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