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Convention of States!


Volunteer Voice 35th Edition

Published in Blog on June 07, 2023 by Jim MacDonald

An Unholy Alliance – Non-Government Organizations (NGO) and Our Federal Government

By Dana Ives

On March 29th of this year, the State of Florida’s Supreme Court released a report citing the efforts of the members of Florida’s 21st Statewide Grand Jury to investigate the treatment of illegal, unaccompanied foreign national minors that have managed to cross the borders of our United States. As with any reference to outside material, I urge you to download a copy for your and others’ education.

The situation concerning Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) is not a sudden development. In 2017, testimony before Congress by Kevin McAleenan, who was then-acting Commissioner of US Customs & Border Protection, made clear that UAC were often victims of robbery, extortion, kidnapping, sexual assault, and other crimes of violence by smugglers and other criminal elements. His testimony painted a bleak picture of how our immigration system was broken and that it was being used, with knowledge by our Federal government, by criminal elements to further their smuggling and money-making activities of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC).

The Department of Health and Human Services oversees the care of UAC and operates a division called the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). The ORR is funded with billions of taxpayer dollars to execute its mission; in the fiscal year 2021 alone, $2.14 Billion (!). To get an idea of the growth of the number of UAC arriving at our borders, consider this - for the entire year of 2015, 27,340 UAC were released to Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) “vetted” by HHS/ORR. As of November 2022, that number has grown to more than 150,000 UAC.

The Grand Jury’s investigations led them to ask many questions, conduct many interviews and really dig into the NGOs that were being funded by the ORR. Testimony by victims of the smuggling operations by the Mexican cartels and the resulting human costs while the UAC was in the ORR system was horrifying. Despite the Grand Jury issuing subpoenas requesting more information regarding the vetting process for UAC caretakers, many of the NGOs refused to comply, citing ORR rules. The Grand Jury findings point out that the HHS/ORR rules PROHIBIT the release of certain information regarding UAC and, in particular, the process by which Non-Government Organizations vet the recipients of UAC. This raises perfectly reasonable questions - what information is being suppressed, and WHY? How do we know children are not being killed so that their organs are harvested? How do we know these children are not being sexually exploited? How do we know these children are not being used to perform dangerous jobs that would violate OSHA restrictions?

This report begs the question: how can our Federal government lecture other countries concerning America’s commitment to human rights while at the same time instituting policies that promote and PAY criminal enterprises engaged in human smuggling? How can our Federal government literally finance criminal enterprises by allowing unelected Federal bureaucrats to set rules that violate not only Constitutional law but basic MORAL laws?

Clearly, the HHS and its sub-office, the ORR, have overstepped their lawful and moral bounds. This example of Federal government overreach MUST be addressed. The Convention of States is the only option left for We the People to rein in our government’s incessant grabbing for power. Please make no mistake; We the People are responsible for anything our elected officials are complicit in. Being citizens of these United States makes us a participating party in this crime against humanity. Unfortunately, our “leaders” have forced us into this position. No citizen, Christian or otherwise, should be silent while our government destroys the basic rights of human beings.

Freedom of Choice

By Cathy Bickerstaff

The United States of America is known as the land of the free and the home of the brave, but what does that truly mean? My father served in the Army during WWII. My son served in the Army right out of high school during the early ’90s. I graduated from nursing school in the late ’70s. My family serves others.

It is amazing to me how things have changed over the years, unfortunately not for the better. As a nurse working in a hospital, when I entered a patient’s room, it was my responsibility to assess the patient to determine several things. Based on my assessment, did the doctor correctly diagnose the patient, and were the correct medications ordered; did the pharmacist correctly fill the medication order? Now, between the doctor, pharmacist, and nurse, who is paid the least?

The United States is the only country that allows commercials for prescription drugs – over-the-counter drugs are a different story. Should a doctor need a patient to come into their office and ask if a particular medication would be right for them to take? Big pharma has salespeople who call upon doctors to inform them about new meds. In addition to visiting a doctor in their office, big pharma also provides cruises for the doctors so they will have a relaxed environment to learn about the new drugs.

Another interesting facet in this situation is the CDC – courtesy of the federal government. The CDC has many positions. They have positions for doctors, pharmacists, and nurses, in addition to positions normally associated with “departments.” There is no oversight with respect to keeping the CDC separate from the situations they oversee. In fact, it is not unusual for an individual to work in a private commercial organization and then go work for the CDC. I have to wonder how often they encounter someone from their past and does that have any impact on how they make their decisions on how things should be done.

Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mathew D. Staver wrote an essay, “Does the Spirit of the American Revolution Still Live?” If at all possible, read it. (You can find it at Patriot’s Handbook of American Liberty. A Liberty Counsel resource produced by New Revolution Publishers) One of the areas Article V Convention of States Action is seeking to address is the scope and jurisdiction of the federal government. This is a huge area with so many possible ways to address it. If departments were eliminated, think of the impact on the federal budget by reducing costs. When you think about the purpose of a department or even the purpose of a law, in most cases, the purpose is to reduce individual freedom of choice. Hence, the Culpepper Minute Men flag that reads “Liberty or Death Don’t Tread on Me” still flies or seems to be flying more.

Back to healthcare and freedom of choice: should someone be forced to see a doctor? Is the choice of which doctor to see the individual's or the insurance company's? What if you don’t follow Western medicine? What if you believe in natural cures such as aromatherapy? Big pharma hates aromatherapy because you can’t copyright it. Plants don’t always produce the exact same amount every year. But, the difference between big pharma’s meds and aromatherapy is adjusting to the needs of the patient. Big pharma only has one way of prescribing and administering the meds. Three times a day, no matter how tall you are or active is one example. Aromatherapy can be adjusted as needed.

Let’s step back a little more – should Congress be able to force individuals to purchase insurance? That certainly takes away individual freedom. The insurance companies can determine what they will cover and what they will not. They also determine how much they will pay. Again, the individual becomes the lowest man on the totem pole.

What if healthcare is a religious issue? That opens a lot of questions. Some religions require an individual to do something while other religions forbid it. Isn’t it up to the individual to make a choice, not the federal government? Then I wonder, am I going to be forced to pay for something that my religion forbids?

I pray for several things. I pray that God’s Holy Spirit will awaken the American citizen and create a desire for freedom in each individual, with this desire for freedom also a desire to serve. The Bible teaches us to love one another. It also teaches us to forgive one another. We have come so far from where we used to be, but there is a road back. It is up to us to get up and take back what we used to have.

Beyond Politics: The Urgency of Securing Borders for the Sake of Our Nation’s Survival

By Jim MacDonald

Securing a nation’s borders has always been a crucial responsibility of the government, and this belief dates back to the time of the Bible. For example, when the Israelites were freed from Babylon and permitted to return to Jerusalem to rebuild their city, they were instructed to rebuild their portion of the wall before building their homes. This Biblical story emphasizes securing borders as a foundation for rebuilding and restoring a nation.

Just as the Israelites were tasked with rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem, so too is the government’s duty to secure their nation’s borders. This responsibility was recognized by the Founding Fathers, who believed that protecting the nation’s people was the government’s primary job. Thomas Jefferson, one of the Founding Fathers, stated, “The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.”

In Deuteronomy 31:6, the Bible instructs us to be strong and courageous and not to be afraid in the face of danger, for the Lord will be with us. This verse speaks to the importance of being steadfast in the face of adversity and relying on our faith in times of uncertainty.

Benjamin Franklin also recognized the importance of being prepared to avoid failure, stating, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” This sentiment echoes the idea that securing borders is essential to prevent harm from entering the nation.

Many will argue that securing borders is unnecessary and that a nation should welcome all who wish to enter. However, this perspective is shortsighted and can put citizens at risk. Just as the Israelites were tasked with rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem before building their own homes, so too must a government first secure its borders before welcoming others into its country.

In Leviticus 19:33-34, the Bible instructs us to love our neighbors as ourselves and to treat foreigners living among us as native-born. This passage emphasizes the importance of showing kindness and compassion to those living among us, regardless of their background or nationality. However, it also implies that there are proper channels for people to follow when coming to a nation and that these channels must be respected.

The fact is, some people and countries would seek to harm our nation and its citizens. Terrorists, drug smugglers, and human traffickers are just a few examples of threats that can enter a nation if its borders are not secure. By securing the borders, America can prevent these threats from ever entering its territory and endangering its citizens.

Ultimately, securing borders is about protecting a nation’s citizens and ensuring the country’s safety and prosperity. By following the wisdom of the Bible and the guidance of our Founding Fathers, we can recognize the importance of securing our borders as a foundation for rebuilding and restoring our nation. We can build a stronger, safer, and more prosperous country for all Americans by standing firm in our convictions and taking proactive steps to secure our borders.

In addition to protecting citizens from external threats, securing borders also plays a critical role in maintaining law and order within a nation. Uncontrolled immigration can lead to a rise in crime and strain on social services, ultimately harming the very citizens that the government is protecting.

James Madison, another of the Founding Fathers, recognized this when he said, “To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people is a chimerical idea.” This statement speaks to the idea that a strong and virtuous population can only sustain a strong government. A nation’s citizens must be protected from harm and enabled to thrive for the government to succeed in its mission.

At the same time, some argue that securing borders is incompatible with compassion and empathy towards those seeking a better life. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. A nation can and should be compassionate and protective by implementing fair and just policies for those seeking to enter the country while also ensuring the safety and security of its citizens.

The story of the Israelites rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem serves as a powerful metaphor for this idea. Each person was responsible for rebuilding a portion of the wall before building their own homes, emphasizing the importance of communal responsibility and the necessity of working together towards a common goal. This same principle can be applied to securing the borders of our nation. When citizens come together and work towards a common goal of ensuring the safety and prosperity of the nation, the entire population benefits.

Finally, it is worth noting that securing borders is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. As threats evolve and new challenges arise, a government must remain vigilant to keep its citizens safe. This requires a commitment to continuous improvement and a willingness to adapt and change as circumstances warrant.

In conclusion, securing borders is a critical responsibility of any government charged with protecting its citizens. This principle has been recognized since Biblical times and was embraced by the Founding Fathers of the United States. Following the Bible’s guidance and our forefathers’ wisdom, we can build a more robust and secure nation for all our citizens.

Igniting the Flame of Citizenship: Patriot Academy and Convention of States Action Empower Citizens for Change

By Jim MacDonald

In pursuing a stronger and more vibrant democracy, organizations like Patriot Academy and Convention of States Action (COSA) have emerged as beacons of hope. By equipping individuals with knowledge and fostering an unwavering commitment to the principles of liberty and constitutional governance, these organizations empower citizens to actively engage in shaping the future of our great nation. With their robust programs, Biblical Citizenship in Modern America, Constitution Alive, and Constitutional Defense, Patriot Academy is forging a path toward a more informed citizenry. Likewise, COSA is leading the charge in safeguarding our constitutional rights. Together, their partnership forms a formidable force, amplifying the voices of the people and promoting a flourishing relationship between a Biblical World View and the Constitution, protected by the 2nd Amendment.

Biblical Citizenship in Modern America: A Foundation for Values

At the core of any strong nation lies a shared set of values, and Patriot Academy's program, Biblical Citizenship in Modern America, serves as a powerful guide in this regard. By exploring the timeless wisdom found in the Bible, individuals are encouraged to embrace the principles of integrity, justice, and compassion. Understanding that an informed citizenry is essential to preserving liberty, this program equips participants with a deep appreciation for our nation's moral foundations. By emphasizing the importance of upholding these values in public life, Biblical Citizenship prepares individuals to make thoughtful and impactful contributions to society.

Constitution Alive: Breathing Life into Our Founding Document

The Constitution of the United States is not merely a historical relic but a living document that guides our nation to this day. Patriot Academy's program, Constitution Alive, recognizes the significance of understanding and interpreting the Constitution in our modern society. Through interactive and immersive experiences, participants delve into each constitutional provision's rich history, intent, and relevance. By embracing the spirit of critical thinking and engaging in robust dialogue, Constitution Alive fosters a deep appreciation for the Constitution's role as a bulwark of individual rights and limited government. It empowers citizens to become active participants in the democratic process, armed with the knowledge necessary to advocate for constitutional principles in all aspects of life.

Constitutional Defense: Safeguarding the Second Amendment

The right to bear arms, enshrined in the Constitution's Second Amendment, stands as a pillar of individual liberty and self-defense. Patriot Academy's Constitutional Defense program shines a light on this essential constitutional provision, promoting responsible gun ownership while defending the rights of law-abiding citizens. By examining historical precedents, legal interpretations, and the practical implications of the Second Amendment, participants gain a comprehensive understanding of the foundational principles behind this crucial aspect of our constitutional heritage. In addition, the program encourages respectful and informed discussions surrounding the Second Amendment, fostering a deeper appreciation for its role in safeguarding the freedoms of the American people.

The Power of Collaboration: Patriot Academy and Convention of States

Patriot Academy's commitment to educating and empowering citizens finds a natural alliance with the mission of Convention of States Action. Together, they form a powerful partnership that strengthens the voice of the people and protects the principles enshrined in our Constitution. By promoting a deeper understanding of our founding principles and the relevance of the Constitution in modern times, Patriot Academy prepares citizens to engage in advocating for constitutional reforms. In turn, COSA provides a platform for these citizens to channel their passion into concrete action, calling for a balanced and accountable federal government. Their partnership is a testament to the strength of a united and informed citizenry working towards a more perfect union.

Patriot Academy and Convention of States are at the forefront of a movement that seeks to empower citizens and uphold the principles of liberty and constitutional governance. These organizations are equipping individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to actively participate in shaping the future of our nation.

By fostering a deep understanding of the Constitution and its relevance in our daily lives, Patriot Academy's programs lay a solid foundation for informed and engaged citizenship. The principles of integrity, justice, and compassion, rooted in the Bible, provide a moral compass that guides individuals toward responsible civic participation. Armed with this understanding, citizens can navigate the complexities of modern America with wisdom and discernment, working towards a society that upholds the values upon which our nation was founded.

COSA recognizes the need for constitutional reforms to restore the balance of power and ensure that the government remains accountable to the people. These organizations amplify citizens' voices committed to safeguarding our constitutional rights and advocating for a more limited and responsible government by joining forces.

Patriot Academy and COSA are transforming the landscape of American politics through education, grassroots activism, and a shared commitment to the Constitution. They inspire individuals to become agents of change, empowering them to voice their concerns, propose constitutional amendments, and actively participate in the democratic process. The synergy between these organizations creates a force capable of effecting real change, reinvigorating the spirit of democracy, and ensuring that the power remains firmly in the hands of the people.

The relationship between Patriot Academy and COSA is an invitation to all Americans to uphold the principles of liberty and constitutional governance. Whether through attending educational programs, participating in local chapters, or advocating for constitutional reforms, citizens can make a tangible difference in the trajectory of our nation.

As we navigate the challenges of the modern world, it is imperative that we hold fast to the principles that have made America a beacon of hope and freedom. Patriot Academy and Convention of States Action provide the roadmap and the platform for citizens to become informed, engaged, and effective advocates for liberty. Together, we can build a future that cherishes our constitutional rights, respects the rule of law, and ensures that "We the People" remain the architects of our destiny.

Let us embrace this powerful partnership and, with unwavering dedication, work towards a stronger, more vibrant, and constitutionally grounded America for generations to come.

South Water Manor Hosts Successful Armed Forces Day Event

By Jim MacDonald

On Saturday, May 20, 2023, South Water Manor in Gallatin, Tennessee, hosted a remarkable event in honor of Armed Forces Day. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the manor grounds were alive with activity, showcasing an array of attractions that paid tribute to American servicemen and women. In addition, the event featured a prominent Army Hummer parked at the front of the property, adorned with numerous American flags that served as an emotional memorial.

The event’s highlight was the overwhelming support for the USO out of Fort Campbell, TN, as all the proceeds from the event were dedicated to this respected organization. The USO’s unwavering commitment to uplifting the spirits of service members and their families resonated deeply with the attendees.

Multiple tents representing local businesses from the Gallatin area were present, adding to the vibrant atmosphere. Among these, one tent stood out (yes, I’m being partial)—Debbie and I had set up a booth representing Convention of States (COS) and Biblical Citizenship in Modern America. We arrived early at 8:15 a.m., braving the rain that persisted throughout the event. However, in a fortuitous turn of events, the rain ceased, and the sun peeked through the clouds just fifteen minutes before the event concluded, leaving everyone with a sunny disposition.

Our tent exuded patriotic charm, capturing many visitors’ attention. Despite the rain, a steady stream of visitors, and members of our church small group also dropped by to show their support.

The event proved to be an overwhelming success, effectively raising awareness about the Convention of States and Biblical Citizenship in Modern America. Visitors were particularly drawn to our Ohio State Buckeyes-themed canopy, eliciting enthusiastic comments and interactions. One passerby, a fervent Buckeyes fan, couldn’t resist the urge to give us a high-five and shout, “Go Bucks!” Another group of excited ladies (one visiting from Ohio) specifically sought out our tent to take pictures with the Buckeye canopy. Witnessing the unifying power of college sports, even in SEC-dominated territory, was heartwarming.

Amidst the excitement surrounding the Ohio State connection, we took the opportunity to introduce attendees to the important work of the Convention of States Action and the urgent need for biblical citizenship in the nation. COSA’s mission to unite citizens across states to save the country we love resonated deeply with those present. In addition, attendees learned about ongoing efforts to pass state resolutions and build a robust grassroots organization committed to fostering civic-mindedness and defending the values that define America.

The event garnered numerous petition signers for COS, demonstrating a growing interest and support for our cause. To further engage the community, we advertised a forthcoming Biblical Citizenship class scheduled at South Water Manor on June 3rd. Additionally, due to the overwhelming response, we were invited to set up our booth again for another event on June 16th, marking a significant milestone in our outreach efforts.

Combining the forces of Convention of States and Biblical Citizenship in Modern America proved to be a winning combination. Recognizing the need to restore America’s foundational principles and address the challenges posed by a corrupt and misguided government, these organizations offer a promising solution. COS calls upon patriotic individuals who still cherish our nation to step forward and become actively involved.

As the event drew to a close, attendees departed with a renewed sense of hope and determination. Convention of States and Biblical Citizenship united individuals across the civic and political realms, fostering a shared purpose in safeguarding the country they hold dear.

The success of the Armed Forces Day event at South Water Manor underscored the importance of community engagement and grassroots activism. It highlighted the potential for diverse interests, such as college sports and civic causes, to converge and create a collective movement for positive change.

Convention of States Action provides a platform for citizens to channel their passion and energy into practical steps, working within the system to effect meaningful change. Moreover, recognizing the erosion of moral values and the need to restore them and aligning civic participation with biblical principles. By championing religious and civic values, they presented a comprehensive approach to addressing the nation’s challenges and nurturing a society grounded in integrity and righteousness.

The event’s impact spread awareness about COSA and Biblical Citizenship, gaining petition signers and sparking interest in the cause for freedom. By promoting the forthcoming Biblical Citizenship class and securing an invitation for a future event, we ensured the momentum generated during the Armed Forces Day event would continue to thrive in Gallatin.

As Debbie and I continue our efforts, we remain confident that the combination of Convention of States and Biblical Citizenship in Modern America will yield a lasting impact. We stand ready to welcome more individuals into the fold, encouraging them to actively participate in shaping the future of their nation.

The Armed Forces Day event at South Water Manor was a resounding success. It brought together communities, organizations, and individuals from various backgrounds to honor the armed forces, promote civic engagement, and champion the values that define America. We are inspired, motivated, and determined to contribute to the cause of preserving liberty and upholding the principles that make America exceptional.

Tennessee on the Move...

Patriots in Maryville, TN

Patriots in McMinnville, TN

Patriots in Powell, TN

Patriots in Rutherford County, TN

Patriots in Sevierville, TN

Block Walking Patriots in Sevierville, TN

Patriots in Tullahoma, TN

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Ashland City, TN. Tuesday, June 13th, 2023, Informational Meeting from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Bethlehem Community Center, 1506 SR-12 N. Ashland City, TN. 37015, Debbie MacDonald, 614-296-0851

Dayton, TN. Thursday, June 8th, 2023, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. at Monkey Town Brewery 287 1st Ave., Dayton TN. 37321 Jay Walling

Decatur, TN. Saturday, June 24th, 2023, from 11:00 to 12:30 p.m. at the Decatur Family diner 17315 SR-58, Decatur, TN. 37322 Meet & Greet with Jay Walling 

Gallatin, TN. Friday, June 16th Event Tent from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Market on the Manor, 562 South Water Ave. Gallatin, TN. 37066

Hixson, TN. Thursday, June 22nd, 2023, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. at the Rib & Loin Restaurant, 5435 Hwy 153, Hixson, TN. 37343 - Meet and Greet - Jay Walling 

Jamestown, TN. Saturday, June 10th, 2023, from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. at Fentress County Courthouse, 101 N. Main St, Jamestown, TN. Larry Wilke

Loudon, TN. 1st Wednesday of every month at the Chota Rec Center 145 Awohili Dr., Loudon, TN 37774, Room D from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. - Call Terri Hult for more information: 865-304-6997 

McMinnville, TN. Saturday, June 10th, 2023, from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. at Magness Library COS Meeting, 118 W. Main St. McMinnville, TN. 37110, Doug Hill & Jay Walling 

Murfreesboro, TN. Saturday, June 17th from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. at Unity Freewill Baptist 1901 Florence Rd. Murfreesboro TN. 37129 Richard and Linda Black

Powell, TN. Saturday, June 10th, 2023, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. at Shoney’s on Emory Rd. Powell, or second Saturday of each month, Anne Martin and Dan Mobley 

Springfield, TN. Thursday, June 22nd, 2023, Meet & Greet from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Location TBA.  Debbie MacDonald, 614-296-0851

BattleCry, Join Mark Meckler for the BattleCry every Sunday night at 8:00 p.m. EST on Facebook and Rumble.

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