Are Patriotism and the Military Industrial Complex Compatible
By Dana Ives
During his famous farewell address on January 17th, 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower pointed out the risks of the growing military industrial complex (MIC) that was gaining too much influence over US foreign and domestic policy decisions.
During this speech, he said:
“Now this conjunction of an immense military establishment and arms industry is new in the American experience. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.”
On January 20th, President John F. Kennedy’s inaugural speech spoke very clearly about his vision for his administration. Kennedy was wary of the insidious effect a growing MIC would have on the balance of power within the government and the corrosive impact it would have on our Democracy.
America’s involvement in the Vietnam conflict actually began during the Truman presidency in 1950 with the arrival of American military aid. Escalation occurred in 1955 when President Eisenhower, on the advice of his Joint Chiefs, sent a team of military advisors, and when the French exited Vietnam in 1956, the US assumed sole responsibility for advising the Vietnamese military.
Intelligence forces within three administrations (Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy) were increasingly insistent on getting more involved in the Vietnam conflict to avoid the “Domino Effect” of communist insurgency spreading to other Southeast Asian countries. In addition, Cuba’s communist leader, Fidel Castro, had successfully overthrown the Batista dictatorship.
While the conflict in Vietnam was growing, and as JFK became more familiar with the MIC’s influence, he was convinced by several of his advisors that Cuba’s Fidel Castro presented a grave threat to America. These advisors included General Louis Lemnitzer, USAF General Curtis LeMay, CIA Director Allen Dulles, Assistant Director Charles Cabell, and CIA Officer Richard Bissell. As a result of this advice, JFK authorized the CIA to execute the infamous Bay of Pigs invasion. History would later verify that these advisors flat-out lied to JFK about the reasons justifying the invasion and its anticipated success. Part of the advisors’ plan was to draw JFK into committing the USS Essex to provide naval air support to the Cuban exile ground troops to topple Castro. When JFK refused to commit the Essex, it infuriated the CIA heads. Upon seeing the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion and his advisors’ blatant lies, JFK stated to one of his administration’s personnel that he wanted to “crush the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.”
Over the next several months, JFK fired many of the top CIA management. (Ironically, the former head of the CIA, Allen Dulles, would serve on the Warren Commission tasked with looking into the assassination of JFK.) Despite his military advisors’ insistent recommendations of sending up to 500,000 combat troops to SE Asia, JFK only authorized 16,000 military advisors. He refused to commit combat troops to Laos, Cambodia & Vietnam and refused to confront the Russians in East Berlin at Checkpoint Charlie and instead organized the Russians’ withdrawal. Rather than increase troops, in October 1963, JFK issued an order for the advisors that were currently in Vietnam to return home to the US by the end of 1965. As a result of refusing to act on their advice, the intelligence community was convinced that JFK was a traitor.
In July of 1964, eight months after JFK’s assassination, the Gulf of Tonkin Incident occurred, giving the MIC a reason to expand its involvement in the Vietnam conflict.
JFK, along with Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy, were vocal opponents of the “Americanization” of the Vietnam conflict. Both King and RFK feared that the MIC would covertly make foreign policy and that America would eventually become a police state. Unfortunately, King was assassinated three months before RFK was.
September 11, 2001 - THE worst attack on our nation. We can all agree that it galvanized our Republic into focusing on eliminating the inhuman parties that attacked our country. It also gave the Military Industrial Complex an unprecedented opportunity to push its cynical goals of making more money and creating more power. It also allowed our government to expand its power base - all in the name of patriotism. The Patriot Act led to suspending an American’s human rights inscribed in our Constitution. The 9/11 attack increased the power of the FBI, NSA, CIA, Department of Homeland Security, DoJ, and Internal Revenue Service. And at the expense of ALL Americans.
Now enter the COVID-19 pandemic. We were told to wear (ineffective) masks and take (ineffective) vaccines without legal recourse to the injuries those vaccines cause. We were denied the right to assemble at our churches or gyms or libraries, denied our voices in public discourse, and denied the self-evident truths - all to “keep you safe.” And now we’re being pushed by the callous MIC toward nuclear war by sending billions of dollars to Ukraine in a proxy war with Russia.
Can we all agree that true Patriotism for our Nation and the Military Industrial Complex are incompatible? Can we agree that true patriotism preserves while the MIC consumes all - our children, our nation’s legacy, and our future?
This is why we need the Convention of States Action in these dark days. We must not enslave our children to service the massive burden of insatiable debt that the Military Industrial Complex demands. Instead, while retaining the strength of our defense, we must castrate the Military Industrial Complex through our Constitutional amendment goals.
The method for that is to limit the power of our centralized government, require fiscal restraints and enforce term limits on all federal officials. So, join us and ask others to join us in preserving our great Republic.
The States as Guardians of Liberty: Why a Convention of States is Necessary
By Jim MacDonald
The United States Constitution is a remarkable document that has withstood the test of time for over 235 years. Unfortunately, however, the document has been under attack in recent years, with the federal government consistently overstepping its constitutional boundaries. As a result, there has been growing support for an Article V Convention of States, which would give the states the power to propose amendments to the Constitution. In this article, we will explore the importance of calling such a convention, focusing on three key issues: imposing fiscal restraints on the federal government, limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and establishing term limits for Congress and federal officials.
First and foremost, it is essential to understand the need for imposing fiscal restraints on the federal government. The national debt has skyrocketed in recent years, with the federal government spending more money than it takes in through taxes. This unsustainable level of spending threatens the financial stability of our country and future generations. A Convention of States could propose amendments requiring the federal government to balance its budget each year, preventing excessive spending and reducing the national debt.
Secondly, limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government is crucial to preserving the balance of power between the federal government and the states. The Constitution outlines the federal government's powers, but those powers have been expanded over the years, leading to a bloated, overreaching federal government. A Convention of States could propose an amendment to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, giving more power back to the states and individuals.
Finally, establishing term limits for Congress and federal officials is another critical issue that a Convention of States could address. Our Founding Fathers recognized that power corrupts, and they understood the need to prevent individuals from accumulating too much power. Term limits would help prevent corruption and ensure that elected officials serve their constituents rather than their own interests.
It is essential to understand that our Founding Fathers anticipated the need for amendments to the Constitution. In fact, the Constitution itself includes a provision for a Convention of States to be called by the states. Article V of the Constitution states that Congress, on the application of two-thirds of the states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments. The Founding Fathers understood that the Constitution was imperfect and would require amendments to adapt to changing times and circumstances.
Furthermore, the Founding Fathers believed that "We the People" would need to utilize the Constitution to save the Constitution. In Federalist Paper No. 85, Alexander Hamilton wrote, "We may safely rely on the disposition of the State legislatures to erect barriers against the encroachments of the national authority." The Founding Fathers believed that the states were the guardians of liberty and would act as a check on the federal government's power. A Convention of States is a way for the states to exercise their constitutional authority and ensure that the federal government remains accountable to the people.
Opponents of a Convention of States argue that it could be a dangerous and uncontrollable process that could lead to unintended consequences. However, this argument ignores that the Constitution includes safeguards to prevent runaway conventions. For instance, three-fourths of the states would need to ratify any proposed amendments, ensuring that only the most necessary and widely supported amendments would be added to the Constitution.
The issues of imposing fiscal restraints, limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and establishing term limits for Congress and federal officials are just a few of the issues that a Convention of States could address. It is now up to us, "We the People," to utilize the Constitution to save the Constitution.
The United States has a rich tradition of citizen involvement in the democratic process. The need for a Convention of States has become increasingly apparent in recent years as the federal government has continued to exceed its constitutional authority. Calling a Convention of States is a grassroots effort involving citizens at the state level working together to push for reform. This process demonstrates the people's power to effect change, even in the face of entrenched interests.
A Convention of States provides a unique opportunity for citizens to participate in the democratic process and shape the future of our country.
From Patriotism to Protection: Training American Citizens with Firearms
By Jim MacDonald
On Tuesday, April 18, 2023, my wife Debbie and I, left Tennessee and drove 14 hours. We arrived in beautiful Fredericksburg, TX, to begin the inaugural three-day Constitutional Defense firearms training course at the Patriot Academy, which commenced on Wednesday morning.
Patriot Academy is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that trains young people in leadership, civics, and public policy. The organization was founded in 2003 by former Texas State Representative and U.S. Congressional candidate Rick Green.
The mission of Patriot Academy is to equip the next generation of leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively engage in the political process and advance conservative principles. The program is designed to give young people hands-on experience in government, the political process, and the tools and resources to become effective advocates for their beliefs.
Patriot Academy conducts various programs and events throughout the year, including week-long training sessions for high school and college students and one-day workshops for adults. The organization also provides resources and support to help participants stay involved in the political process and make a difference in their communities.
In late December 2022, Rick and Kara Green closed on a large piece of property about nine miles south of Fredericksburg. They instantly began working on developing a one-of-a-kind academy for students ages 18 to 25 years old to come for one year to learn the truth of our American history, how to be a Biblical citizen and civics.
Rick and Kara set a goal to begin the first Constitutional Defense handgun training course on April 19, 2023, to celebrate the “shot heard around the world” at Lexington Green in 1776. Patriot Academy built two large warehouses and three gorgeous gun ranges within months.
Because of the unique relationship between Patriot Academy and the Convention of States (COSA), volunteers from COSA were the first to be invited to take the firearms training courses. Rick Green and Mark Meckler kicked off the training event by each shooting a musket downfield at the targets.
Their mission: “Patriot Academy’s Constitutional Defense program is raising the standard of firearms training, helping responsible armed citizens attain the peace of mind that comes with being highly proficient with a firearm.”
To say the firearms training was anything but stellar would be an understatement. They far exceeded the expectations of all 120-plus participants. Some of the specific training included:
- The five levels of competence
- Firearms safety
- The value of dry practice
- Stance and grip
- Defensive marksmanship
- Balancing speed and accuracy
- Presentation from the holster
- Tactical reload and malfunctions
- Color Code of Mental Awareness
- Use of deadly force/the aftermath of a gunfight/legal liability
And so much more.
The three-day training went from Wednesday to Friday. On Saturday, we celebrated the official groundbreaking of the new Patriot Academy campus. Lauren Boebert, Lara Logan, Mark Meckler, and Rick Green each spoke at the event, and country music singer John Rich sang.
When this campus is complete, it will have a replicas of Independence Hall, Monticello, and Lexington Green, a Constitutional Defense Center, a Homeschool Resource Center, and state-of-the-art gun ranges.
Patriot Academy is committed to training the next generation of leaders to Champion Freedom.
A Day to Remember, Reflect, and Renew Our Commitment to Freedom
By Jim MacDonald
Memorial Day is a time to remember the brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives to serve our country. It's a day to honor those who gave their all to protect our freedoms and way of life.
As Americans, we are incredibly fortunate to live in a country where we enjoy many freedoms. We have the freedom to speak our minds, worship as we choose, and pursue our dreams. These freedoms are possible because of the sacrifices of our servicemen and women. They put their lives on the line to defend our nation and protect our way of life.
The Bible tells us in James 1:17 that "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." Therefore, we should be grateful to God for the many blessings he has bestowed upon us, including the sacrifices made by our servicemen and women.
God has given us the gift of freedom; we should never take it for granted. However, we must remember that freedom comes at a cost, and we should always be mindful of the sacrifices made by those who have given their lives to protect it. Their selfless service and sacrifice remind us of the values that make our country great.
Cinco de Mayo in America
By Debbie MacDonald
As Cinco de Mayo approaches, some Americans are gearing up to join in the Mexican holiday festivities.
Cinco de Mayo commemorates the Battle of Puebla, which took place on May 5, 1862, during the French intervention in Mexico. Mexico had recently gained independence from Spain but struggled with political instability and debt. The country was in such financial crisis that the President of Mexico at that time, Benito Juarez, ceased repayment of the country's debts. To secure repayment of these debts, France, led by Napoleon III, sent a well-equipped and well-trained army to Mexico to establish a French-controlled government.
The Mexican army, led by General Ignacio Zaragoza, was vastly outnumbered and poorly equipped. Yet they defeated the French army at the Battle of Puebla, a significant victory that boosted morale and inspired Mexican resistance to French rule.
However, the French ultimately went on to occupy the country and established a puppet government in Mexico City. It was 5 years before the new Mexican Republic was able to regain control of their country. Nevertheless, the Battle of Puebla remains a symbol of Mexican fortitude and patriotism.
As Americans, our history contains many stories of how our patriots overcame incredible odds in the name and cause of liberty. We can join in this celebration of Mexican heritage, united in the pride that comes from living for one's freedom and fighting for one's country.
Tennessee on the Move...
Patriots in Decatur
Patriots in Hixson
Patriots in Maryville
Patriots in McMinnville
Patriots in Powell
Patriots in Rutherford County
Patriots in Shelbyville
Patriots in Springfield
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Dayton, TN. Thursday, May 11th, 2023, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. at Monkey Town Brewery 287 1st Ave., Dayton TN. 37321 Jay Walling
Decatur, TN. Saturday, May 27th, 2023, from 11:00 to 12:30 p.m. at the Decatur Family diner 17315 SR-58, Decatur, TN. 37322 Meet & Greet with Jay Walling
Hixson, TN. Thursday, May 25th, 2023, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. at the Rib & Loin Restaurant, 5435 Hwy 153, Hixson, TN. 37343 - Meet and Greet - Jay Walling
Jamestown, TN. Saturday, May 13th, 2023, from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. at Fentress County Courthouse, 101 N. Main St., Jamestown, TN. Larry Wilke
Loudon, TN. 1st Wednesday of every month at the Chota Rec Center 145 Awohili Dr., Loudon, TN 37774, Room D from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. - Call Terri Hult for more information: 865-304-6997
McMinnville, TN. Saturday, May 13th, 2023, from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. at Magness Library COS Meeting, 118 W. Main St. McMinnville, TN. 37110, Doug Hill & Jay Walling
Murfreesboro, TN. Saturday, May 20th, 2023, from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. at Unity Freewill Baptist 1901 Florence Rd. Murfreesboro TN. 37129 Linda and Richard Black
Powell, TN. Saturday, May 13th, 2023, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. at Shoney’s on Emory Rd. Powell, or second Saturday of each month, Anne Martin and Dan Mobley
Sevierville, TN. Saturday, May 6th, 2023, from 10:00 to 12:00 p.m. at King Family Library 408 High St. Sevierville, call Christine Solomon at 832-868-3674 for more information
Shelbyville, TN. Saturday, May 27th, 2023, from 10:00 to 12:00 p.m. at Shelbyville-Bedford County Library, 220 South Jefferson St., Shelbyville, TN 37160 Claire Root and Joyce Reed
BattleCry, Join Mark Meckler for the BattleCry every Sunday night at 8:00 p.m. EST on Facebook and Rumble.