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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Volunteer Voice 17th Edition

Published in Blog on October 04, 2021 by Jim MacDonald

Bearing Arms for the Cause of Freedom
By Jim MacDonald

What does it mean to be an American? What do Americans stand for? Is America worth fighting for—and what does that even imply? Is American exceptionalism genuine, and why do we still claim to be exceptional? Finally, would the world be better off if America never existed?  

Unfortunately, today, only true red-blooded American Patriots will answer these questions with an attitude of pride for our country. These same Americans realize what’s at stake. The question is: are these Warriors prepared to withstand the heat and engage in the battle? 

Do not be faint of heart! For “We the People” will have the last word—but we must begin to take action now! Marxism has succeeded at removing God from the public square. They’ve discrediting the Founding Fathers, and they constantly attempt to minimize the value of the Constitution. But the good news is, the Constitution is still the law of the land. Our hope for the future lies in using the Constitution to save the Constitution. 

Can the Constitution really save the Constitution?

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How Much is a Trillion Dollars?
By Jeff Cody

We hear the words: million, billion, and trillion meshed together like they are cousins. But have you ever wondered just how much one trillion dollars is? To put things into perspective, please consider this article as a means to measure this unbelievably large sum in your mind.

To pay back a million-dollar loan, at a dollar per second, would take twelve days. To pay back a billion-dollar loan at one dollar per second would take over 31 years. To pay back a trillion-dollar loan at one dollar per second would take more than 31,000 years. Assuming a zero-interest rate loan.

According to an article written by Bob McGlincy with Exhibit City News[1], here are some additional interesting facts.

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Conversation from a COS Points of Light Meeting
By Merle Archer

When gathering a group of like-minded patriots together for a COS Points of Light meeting, there’s no telling what may come from it. Earlier this September was one of those days. So here’s your chance to “listen in” on a good conversation. 

Here's a thought-provoking question raised to all in attendance. What would you, as the leader of this great nation, do under these trying conditions? As you can imagine, the answers were diverse. 

  • Our first patriot spoke up and suggested she was a dishwasher at a restaurant and loves things to be clean. She proposed that we must clean up our own lives, especially in our language. Cleanliness is next to godliness.
  • A second patriot indicated that putting prayer back in the public schools would be a priority. “That would be great, especially if we could ensure the prayers would be made to the God of Heaven since He is the only one who can repair our national brokenness.”

Others suggested included:

  • Returning the truth of our history to the schools
  • Teaching the foundation of our Constitution and the goodness behind our mission. 
  • Erase the lies caused by programs such as Critical Race Theory or the 1619 project.
  • Restore the church to its Bible-believing biblical worldview and reengaging in the culture to help right the things that are destroying our country. 
  • We must pray that our churches become activists again.

Other topics of our agenda were: 

  • Fear is not a foundation we should build anything on. 
  • We must determine to be persistent with making things happen.

People need a vision for what America could be. And nothing we do will be easy. But, our job is laid out for us by our Savior. He must find us faithful and do the work God called us to do. 

The meeting was a success, but we know that District 5 has a lot of work ahead.   

Thank you for “listening in.” 

Volunteer of the Month
By Marcy Brooks 

We were truly blessed when Merle Archer "happened" to be at the same restaurant our group met a few months ago. As I talked about what we were trying to accomplish, she walked up to one of our members and asked what we were doing. In a few minutes, she pulled up a chair and afterward was full of questions. Soon, Merle became our first Follow-Up team member. 

After finding a new lease on life, Merle signed up for Constitution classes taught by a local lawyer. She also became involved with Biblical Citizenship in Modern America. Merle is always there for our group and helps with the monthly meetings. I'm thrilled to nominate Merle as Volunteer of the Month. 

Tennessee is on the move...

Greeneville COS Points of Light led its first-ever constitutional reading at the home of Andrew Johnson on September 17th. We had several volunteers help in the task, and one was a special guest from Houston, TX. She was a retired Air Force Veteran that asked if she could assist. So, we let her read the Preamble. She started to get emotional and wanted to quit, but I encouraged her to continue, telling her, “We want that passion! That’s fine.”

As we were reading, it occurred to us that our country isn’t following several aspects of the Constitution, so I know we will be even greater students than we have before. Reading became somewhat overwhelming because of the beauty and power of the words written by our Founding Fathers. 

Another remarkable story from the event was about a twelve-year-old young man who helped in the reading. As he and his Mom were going home, he said, “Mom, if people lived according to that document, we wouldn’t have any trouble.” 

The ranger who helped us establish the program encouraged me to start early next year to have an actual event and publish it to the public through them. We want to thank the Andrew Johnson National Park for making this possible.  

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Over the Labor Day Weekend, Marshall Willis had organized a table at the gun show in Chattanooga, TN. The weekend was a huge success. Marshall said, “they had great camaraderie with the Chattanooga COS folks who were staffing the table.” 

Marshall, Jay Walling, and Dean McGhan staffed the table on both Saturday & Sunday. At the same time, both Matt Vanderhoof and Roy Dale Cope offered the needed relief on respected days. Marshall was grateful for their help and said: “both of them stepped right up and started engaging the passers-by and getting petitions signed.”

They got about 40 new petition signers. Awesome job!

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Georgia – Tennessee Challenge

By Marcy Brooks

Something extraordinary is happening between two of our states. It started one night when Tony Moore, the State Grassroots Coordinator, mentioned a Tennessee program called “COS Points of Light” on a Passed States call. One of my District Captains called and asked: “did you hear the guy from Georgia talking about Points of Light?” I couldn’t believe it, but I waited for the recording to be released and watched it. Sure enough, Tony was talking about the program we use for many of our group meetings.

He said he didn’t know who was responsible, but it sounded like a great idea. Later, he mentioned that he was very competitive, so I followed up with him. Finally, I thought, there’s something we can do with this!” So I called Tony the next day, and we discussed COS POL. Then I offered up a challenge. We decided to have a contest between the two states and see which one would get 100 trained active volunteers before the end of the year.

It’s now evolved into a Wednesday night Zoom meeting with both states. The in-process volunteers attend and learn from each other. Once the volunteer has completed their training, we give them their wings and send them to their state leadership meetings.

This is the perfect time for a contest because Washington D.C. furnishes plenty of motivation for people to be awakened and take action. Our motto is “We the People must Be the People.” We are providing a safe place for new volunteers to receive training and encouragement from some of the best current volunteers in the organization.

Recently, I gave them another challenge. I called it “The Power of eight.” To impact other states who have not passed, I encourage current members of COS to send a letter and their referral URL to 8 friends, preferably in the unpassed states. Then those eight people will send a URL to eight people. So in four levels of eight, one person will have reached 4096 people! Think of the power that will have!

Grassroots have more power than we’ve even begun to comprehend. Georgia and Tennessee are leading the way by working together. The Convention of States is taking America Back!  

Listen to Marcy Brooks’ interview with Andrew Woodruff and Rita Peters at:

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COS Patriots from the first training

Hey Tennessee, I can’t think of a better place to meet than Pahrump, NV, Nov 4th thru the 8th. Let’s join Mark Meckler, Rick Green, and Lt.Col Alan West for incredible firearms training combined with 2nd Amendment Constitutional education. 

Patriots from the Convention of States and Patriot Academy will unite from across the country for the second time this year. It promises to exceed anyone’s highest expectation. 

You will learn to draw your weapon and fire two rounds to the thoracic cavity within two seconds. Sweep a house with family members and criminals present. Identify and correct various misfires while in a gunfight—and much more. The level of confidence in handling a firearm is an experience every American should have.

The Founders wrote the Second Amendment to protect all of our rights. If an authoritarian government should ever assume office, the Founders wanted Americans armed and prepared. They also believed we must teach our children how to handle guns as well.

“To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them…”--Richard Henry Lee, a signer of the Declaration of Independence

An ordinary two-day handgun course at Front Sight costs $1000 alone. But we get the two-day handgun course plus the Constitutional Defense Course for only $149 (This does not include the cost of ammunition or the $50 cost for a background check). 

To enhance your experience (HIGHLY recommended), you can also purchase the four-day handgun course for an additional $99. Gun rentals are also available. 

Let’s meet up in Nevada and become well-trained Patriots. 

Upcoming Events

COS Points of Light Meetings in October

  • First Saturday: Greeneville - City Garage Car Museum 210 S. Main St. 10:00 - 12:00 AM.
  • Second Saturday: Kingsport - Concordia Lutheran Church 725 Truxton Dr 9:30-11:30 AM                                  
  • Johnson City - Olive Garden 1903 N. Roan 1:00 - 3:00
  • Third Saturday - Sevierville - King Family Library 408 High St. 9:30 - 11:30 AM  
  • Knoxville 9041 Executive Park Dr. Ste 250  1:00 - 3:00

Biblical Citizenship

Join Mark Meckler, Rick Green, and others every Monday at 8:00 PM EST through Oct 18th on Zoom. Click here to register:


Join Mark Meckler for the BattleCry every Sunday at 8:00 PM EST on Facebook 

Frontsight Firearms Training

Join COS Patriots with Patriot Academy for firearms training combined with Constitutional education, Nov 4th - 8th in Pahrump, NV.

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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