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Convention of States!


Volunteer Spotlight - Arizona

Published in Blog on October 04, 2022 by David Keckta

The Volunteer Spotlight is a blog that features the members of the dedicated Arizona team.  These hard working volunteers are today's hero's for Liberty.  In this Month's Volunteer Spotlight, I am featuring Carole Wilson, who has the highest social capital on the entire team.  Her role as a volunteer is as a State Information Analyst.  Her work in this role has been crucial, as she, and now Joelene Williamson and Christine Sunderman, are cleaning up our database.  Carole has processed an untold number of petitions. Untold that is, until now.

I performed a short interview via email, where I asked her some relevant questions about being a volunteer.  The following set of questions and answers will reveal how important she is to the Arizona Team.

Q. How long have you been a COS volunteer?

A. 3 years in October.

Q. What made you want to get involved with COS?

A. Mostly Obama and now realizing that he was one of many that trampled our rights. Little did I realize that this has gone on for some time. I understand many of the mistakes of my generation – I/we weren’t paying attention. We trusted our elected officials to do what was right. We believed what they told us, rather than investigating what they actually did. Our education system stopped teaching our rights so not many fully understood them any longer. The Patriot Act has not made us safer, it’s purpose was to take away more of our rights while being able to surveil us. These abuses have come from both sides of the aisle as in those last two examples of which they are two of way too many. Our job is to pay attention - speak out, hold our leaders to account, rein in the federal government and teach our children their rights so that they do not have to endure this fight in their lifetime.

Q. What is your current role for COS?

A.I was originally going to be a DC, but we needed a State Information Analyst. I may go ahead and volunteer to be a DC in the future, but I’m also a Precinct Committeeman and work full time so my plate is pretty full.

Q.Have you volunteered for COS in any other role?

A. No

Q. How many petitions have you processed?

A. As of today, 18,534. But that is not the majority of my work. Our State’s database had never been cleaned up when I started. I had over 4,000 duplicate petitions to merge where someone had signed more than once. I had nearly 500 petitions in “Need Review” that had not been sent to a legislator due to the address being bad/incomplete or some other error.  Did you know that if an address does not have zip +4 it will not be sent to the legislator?  We are in the process of going through the entire database district by district and cleaning up petition information so when we get to 34 passed States and the Soros/John Birch people want to pick apart our data, it will be ready with (hopefully) no flaws.

Q. Is there anything you wish to add?

A. I do this in his honor my Dad. He volunteered in the Navy in WWII with his tour of duty was on the submarine USS Pompon. He was a torpedoman in the Pacific Theatre off Japan. He loved this country and was very proud of his service. It would absolutely crush him to see what is happening to the country he so loved. Of course, the same applies to honor my sons and grandson.

For the life of me I cannot understand why our State’s elected officials are not screaming from the rooftops over DC’s abuse of the 10th Amendment. I have mentioned this to the people running in my district and I believe our State’s legislators & senators need to start saying no to DC, that they can’t take action on items that aren’t specifically delegated to them in the Constitution. Our State legislators should stress that DC cannot usurp the State’s powers and that they can no longer take actions on items that are duly assigned to the States, period! Do you think our State/Federal elected officials understand that? I think not many do – actually, I don’t think all of our elected officials understand the Constitution and I’d bet that many haven’t even read it. They need to be educated and the States need to exert the power given to them by the framers – it’s time to slap DC’s wrist and say NO MORE to DC!  Stress this to the legislators running in your district!

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