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Convention of States!


Op-Ed: Virginia should back Convention of States

Published in Blog on April 23, 2018 by Laurie Wheeler

The following was written by Regional Captain Scott Camden, as a Letter to the Editor published in the Free-Lance Star.

Since before America’s founding, Virginians have stepped forward to protect and defend our freedom. Thousands have given their last full measure for the principles and ideals of individual liberty and limited government.
Virginia’s veterans view flagrant usurpations of the Constitution they swore to support and defend as the most intolerable of all possible threats to the inalienable rights of their Commonwealth brethren.

The relentless, unconstitutional overreach by today’s federal officials, particularly from the executive and judicial branches, is unacceptable.

As a Virginia veteran, I urge the Virginia state legislature to exercise with all speed its constitutional obligation to participate in a Convention of States for the purpose of proposing structural amendments that will help to protect the Commonwealth’s interests and the individual liberty of its citizens.

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