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Victory in Oklahoma! SB426 Signed by Governor

Published in Blog on June 07, 2024 by Becky Wolfe

Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt signed into law this week what has been known and followed by many in the state as the WHO Bill. SB426 prohibits enforcement of any mandate from the World Health Organization, The United Nations, or the World Economic Forum in Oklahoma. 

Per House Representative Kevin West, "Approving this legislation protects Oklahomans from being compelled to follow vaccine, mask or other health mandates imposed by international organizations. It is key for our state to own it's borders and declare our own sovereignty." 

A true grassroots movement began for this bill when the alarm was sounded within our state by some friends who told some other friends and they gathered more friends to take action. Friends in COS OK got involved when some of those friends heard the message that the Biden Administration was planning to sign away American sovereignty by making agreements with the World Health Organization in May.  If there was anyway something could be done this group that started calling themselves WHO Fighters were going to do it.  They were not accepting that it was ok for someone with the swipe of a pen to declare our country's allegiance to a globalist organization and give away it's freedoms.  A simple zoom call to get folks together around the mission inspired the group to push forward and new relationships were forged.  

They put their lives aside for a season and headed to the Capitol.  

The movement grew and they found Legislators who were just as passionate as themselves and a bill was authored and co-authored on both sides of the aisle many times over. The grassroots tag teamed and followed it every step of the way thru the Capitol.  They educated and advocated at every juncture in the legislative process. COS grassroots were there and added their experience, knowledge and relationships with the legislature to the process. They rallied at the Capitol on May 14th and COS State Director John Guinn was our voice at the front steps. "We have an inalienable right to self-governance and we need to take it back". See him speak in the video below at the 1:14 mark.

Following the rally there was a gap of time where the bill seemed to stop.  While the people thought it was a no brainer the Senate took the time to review the language and put the bill in a joint committee and it stalled for some days until an agreement could be reached over language with the authors of the bill.

Towards the end of the session there were promises the bill would be heard on the floor. If you've ever been to a movie and your nails were the only thing you could bite this was one of them.  There were two very long days sitting in the gallery observing the Legislature at work.  On the last day of the session, 80 bills were presented on the floor and in the last few remaining hours SB426 underwent debate......and passed!

*****About Convention of States...the grassroots organization has been sounding the alarm for over 10 years about government over-reach, fiscal responsibility and term limits. COS has been working in all 50 states equipping and organizing the grassroots army to urge their legislatures to have incredible courage and stand up to the federal government using the Constitution. 

*****Thank You Convention of States National for helping us in Oklahoma.  You answered our call for help and gave us resources to do calls to action, to engage with our petition signers, volunteers and encourage Oklahoman's to make calls, make visits, send emails, and put boots on the ground. 

Rally At the Capitol May 14th

House Author comment on signing of the bill


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