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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


On Vietnam Veterans Day, we thank you. And we need you, again

Published in Blog on March 26, 2021 by William R Pacey

“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” -G.K. Chesterton 

Monday, March 29, is an incredibly special day designated as “National Vietnam War Veterans Day.” The day was established by Congress as a day to thank a Vietnam veteran for service to our nation.

This important date honors, acknowledges, and recognizes all U.S. Armed Forces personnel with active duty service between November 1, 1955, to May 15, 1975, regardless of location of service.

Most of us, after serving our country back then, never expected to have to fight again. We never thought that our war this time would be against domestic enemies. But here we are.

This time--instead of machine guns, snipers, fighter jets, or missiles--we face federal tyranny from career politicians and lifetime bureaucrats legislating into every nook and cranny of our lives. Additionally we are confronted with disinformation, censorship, election fraud, and foreign meddling.

All of this is meant to fundamentally cancel our freedoms, culture, and heritage and replace them with smothering state control over our lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren.   

This time, our weapons of choice must be education, petitions, megaphones, and the pen.

It is not possible to overstate the threat, and we think people sense it. If liberty fails here, it will end for the rest of the world, too.

While we would love to say to each of you enjoy your retirement (you have earned it), we find ourselves asking for your help to defend our country once again.

At some time over the last several years you signed the petition for Convention of States. You saw where our country was headed and stood with other Americans to fight one of the biggest battles of our history--a battle to save our Constitution.

Today on the day we honor you, we are asking for your help to come to the aid of your country one more time. As G.K. Chesterton would have said, not to fight the enemy you hate, but to protect and preserve the republic you love. To look behind you at the succeeding generations, and to fight for them.

Please enjoy your special day. You’ve earned it.

Can America count on you one more time? Apply for one of the volunteer positions. The greatest need is for District Captains. We will train you and walk beside you to defend our nation.

Can we ask you to step up and volunteer one or two hours a week to spread the word about one of the last hopes we have to save our republic?

Thank you, again, for your service.
-Michigan Veterans Coalitions Team

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