Message from Lieutenant Colonel Michael Iratcabal, Cody, WY
I, like you, proudly and honorably took the Oath of Office to “Support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, foreign and domestic”. I took this oath six times throughout my Army career.
I am appealing to you, fellow veterans, to reach out to our Representatives in Cheyenne right now by clicking HERE. Ask them to pass SJ0001-Convention of States.
Article V has one of the constitutional processes "We The People" are allowed to execute to stop federal government tyranny and to improve the American way of life. As oath takers, we don't select which parts of the Constitution we should "support and defend." We support and defend ALL of it.
Our legislators also took this oath but some are picking and choosing which parts to support – they are ignoring the role of the states in Article V.
Article V is the peaceful remedy for the problems in Washington DC.
Please contact these Representatives HERE and ask them to honor their oath as we did. We were willing to put our lives on the line for our country. We request they agree to an Article V meeting to preserve what we protected.
“When there is fear of failure, there will be failure” General Patton