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URGENT: Take Action to Safeguard Our Elections!

Published in Blog on July 08, 2024 by Article V Patriot

Convention of States endorser Chip Roy’s SAVE Act (H.R. 8281), the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, is slated for a House vote on Wednesday, and we are calling upon the grassroots to express their support for this crucial bill.

Dubbed by Heritage Action as a “key vote,” SAVE would require proof of citizenship for voters, ensuring that the estimated 29 million non-citizens currently living in the United States are barred from illegally participating in our elections.

“It’s curious that lawmakers would simultaneously oppose commonsense election integrity proposals and support the current administration’s mass illegal immigration scheme,” observed Heritage Action Executive Director Ryan Walker. “The connection is not lost on the American people.”

Indeed, grassroots advocates have long championed stricter safeguards for U.S. elections. Now, we need your help to make this dream a reality.

Convention of States Action supports H.R. 8281 and S. 4292 (its Senate counterpart) to require proof of citizenship to register to vote in elections for federal office. It’s vital that you, as an official grassroots supporter of COS, make your voice heard, too. Please utilize our system to email and call your U.S. Representative, urging them to vote YES on H.R. 8281.


Remember, the House is set to vote on SAVE this Wednesday; don’t wait to act! Your representative needs to hear from you immediately. Together, we can ensure that Congress acts in our best interest to strengthen and secure our elections.

Thank you for taking action and for your continued support of Convention of States! To learn more about the grassroots-led effort to call an Article V convention, visit

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