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Bunker Hill to Article V: Reshaping America's Constitutional Destiny

Published in Blog on July 10, 2024 by John Derek Ginsberg

17 June 1775...The battles of Breed’s Hill and Bunker Hill occurred. A struggle for liberation against a tyrannical regime that intended to make the people of the Colonies in America as little more than a source of revenue, without granting the people the rights of citizenship. Taxation without appropriate representation. 

249 years after that battle, once again, the people of America are being considered as nothing more than sources of revenue to support a government that has declined to make any real investments in the welfare of those who are born in the United States, and who have the birthright of citizenship.  In lieu of the prospect of armed battles against the foppish officials of the current regime, the people of the United States have the Constitutional right under Article V of the US Constitution to have the legislatures of the several states petition for an Article V Convention to propose amendments to the US Constitution to further limit and define the powers and obligations of the Federal government.

The Article V Convention prospect faces the opposition of the tyrants in power, the entities that desire to keep the people in the United States in thrall as debt slaves, and the entities that desire to subvert the rights and liberties granted by The Creator to the people of the United States. This opposition to a peaceful convention to propose appropriate amendments to the US Constitution is pure folly and pure evil. Providence, indeed, dictates that those entities who abuse power by neutralized and replaced with appropriate guardianship provisions to ensure the future security of the constituents of the United States, as was previously stated in the Declaration of Independence. The Article V Convention provides a peaceful opportunity to change the government. The only other method this writer knows is guaranteed bloodshed, the loss of lives, limbs, and property. Bunker Hill had many fatalities of the occupying tyrant warfighters. For the Americans, it was a Pyrrhic victory. 

We, who desire to petition the legislatures of the Several States to apply for an Article V Convention, are pledging to attempt all peaceful means of seeking this. However, this writer pledges his life and his sacred honor to seeking all peaceful means to resolve the problems of the tyranny of the Federal Government, and to ensure the security of the constituents of the United States and is willing to collaborate with all appropriate entities to seek the necessary changes to the US Constitution for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.

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