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Critical Race Theory Resurrects Phantom Enemies

Published in Blog on June 04, 2021 by Terri Swisher

By now, many of us have heard of the Critical Race Theory (CTR) being pushed in our public school system and universities. CRT is nothing short of a cheap spinoff of old, anti-American Marxist theories written 60-100 years ago. It asserts America is systematically racist, mainly against black people. Before we look closer at what it claims America is, or rather was to foreigners 60-100 years ago, let’s look at what we know about America today.

Americans in general, like any other group of humans, are innately giving beings. In fact, we must look no farther than the most fundamental requirement for our perpetuation as a species to see this. We are made to give birth, often through pain and suffering, only to produce helpless, vulnerable infants who will rely solely on us as mother and father for their daily survival.

As we grow into small children, most of us are met with praise and encouragement for kind gestures. When we show small acts of consideration, we are rewarded with compliments, smiles, kisses and hugs. In these early, basic interactions with our family unit, we learn the emotional value of being kind to others. It is ingrained in us subconsciously and though we might not realize it, we learn the human value of love and kindness, towards ourselves and for others.

The emotional benefits are in addition to any tangible reward we may also receive for our efforts, such as stickers, trophies, awards, money, or recognition. This reciprocal process carries on throughout college and/or adulthood, where we continue to work to please our professors, bosses, colleagues and teammates, or excel in our own business ventures, developing products that are of value to our fellow man.  

Who is to say that a complex society, such as our own, where this is generally the case, is somehow irredeemably evil and racist? 

CRT implies Americans, mainly white-Americans, are a bunch of racists with nothing better to do than get hung up on skin color. And while the CRT proponents differ in certain individual beliefs, like a religious sect, it claims to have main tenets acceptable to nearly all of its proponents, here are three verbatim (

  1. “Racism in the United States is normal, not aberrational: it is the common, ordinary experience of most people of colour.”  
  2. “That legal advances (or setbacks) for people of colour tend to serve the interests of dominant white groups.” 
  3. “Thus, the racial hierarchy that characterizes American society may be unaffected or even reinforced by ostensible improvements in the legal status of oppressed or exploited people.”   

Where is the evidence to realistically support any of these outrageous claims? Are they referring to the 1920s? 1960s or 70s? Before the Civil War? This is 2021.

In today's day and age, asserting most people of color in the US receive negative treatment routinely and ordinarily because of their skin color is rather bold and assumptive. Mindless assumptions are not what validated theories are based upon.

There are approximately 47 million people who identify as black in America. Where specifically is the evidence that most of those 47 million people are ordinarily and commonly discriminated against because of their skin color? How well was bias controlled for in research on these topics? More specifically, how did the researchers differentiate between real racism inflicted by a racist person verses one’s perception or suspicion that they may have been treated negatively due to skin color?

What are the controls to screen out misperceptions of racism resulting from media triggered paranoia? What methods are used to validate and confirm the reports of research participants? How was it controlled to not confuse cultural illiteracy with actual racism? 

CRT is completely invalid and inapplicable in this generation. It serves as mere back alley for Anti-American Marxist propaganda. 

Critical Race Theory is another Trojan Horse being used by Marxists, communists, socialists to destabilize our republic with back alley racist propaganda and paranoia that fractures our communities. CRT is trying to plant seeds of racism and suspicion within our minority communities and within the minds of our children. This is  premeditated psychological abuse

Proponents of this racist, out-of-date theory should be investigated to trace the foreign or domestic enemy behind its dispersion through our public school system and universities today. That enemy should be held accountable for the fracturing of our communities. 

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