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Problems Are a Matter of Perspective

Published in Blog on May 12, 2021 by Deborah Efurd

I was raised in Texas, deep in the heart of the Bible Belt. My family went to church twice on Sundays, once on Wednesdays, and in between for Training Union and Girl’s Auxiliary. Since I was knee-high to a grasshopper, I heard Bible stories of Noah and the Ark, Daniel and the Lion’s Den, and, my favorite, David and Goliath.

As a shepherd boy, David was in charge of protecting his flock from the elements and predators. He had to have been nimble enough to run and climb quickly, yet strong enough to fend off lions and bears. His weapon of choice was a slingshot. A wise choice since it was easy to carry around. His ammunition of choice were rocks, and there were plenty to be had. I imagine he was very good at what he did.

Then comes Goliath and the Philistines, striking fear to everyone they encountered. Goliath was three times the size of David, four times his weight, and covered with armor from  head to toe. His sword was bigger than David was tall. Goliath’s reputation alone would make soldiers faint, fleeing to the hills rather than face him in battle. Then little David shows up.

I can hear the Israelites screaming at David, “Man, you’re crazy. There’s no way you can beat this guy. Give it up now!” I doubt David paid any attention to them. I can practically hear David tell them, “Sure he’s big … but he’s also too big to miss!” That’s my David.

David had just the right rock, whirling in his slingshot allowing Goliath to get too close for everyone else's comfort. Then at optimal speed, that rock took off like a torpedo hitting Goliath where it hurt most - right between the eyes. Goliath realized too late that he had met his match as he came crashing to the ground.

Problems are always a matter of perspective. What appears to be a problem to one person, is not necessarily a problem to someone else. Today, the Convention of States Project is facing the big problem of a government gone haywire. Many people may look at the problem and say, “no way!”

Fortunately, Convention of States volunteers say, “yes, way,” relying on the inspiration of our Founding Fathers in writing the Constitution to provide for an Article V Convention as the perfect solution to our dilemma. I’m proud to be a part of the Convention of States citizen army. I hope you are, too.

When you are faced with a naysayer who thinks this country’s problems are hopeless and resign themselves to accept whatever may come, remind yourself of shepherd boy David. Our country’s problems may be big, but they are also too big to miss. That’s how I know Convention of States will succeed.

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