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Convention of States!


COS Meeting at the Efurd Homestead

Published in Blog on May 17, 2021 by Elizabeth Lanning

Patriots gathered at the lovely Efurd Homestead in Camp County, Texas, to hear from several good speakers and generally discuss hot topics on the second Saturday in May.

Sheriff Cortelyou had several excellent points to make, and the Honorable Justice of the Peace, Harold Kennington, had a few 'a propos comments as well.

One thing they both agreed upon is the subject of common sense and that there is a deplorable lack of said sense in most areas of practical application. Sherriff Cortelyou mentioned that when common sense is applied to a situation, often the heads of all those in authority are put on the chopping block because common sense doesn’t always follow the clear path of the legalistic ‘letter-of-the-law.’

To build upon his statement, that is why we so desperately need to elect good people who understand the Spirit of the Law and know how to apply it.

Rhonda Anderson is a member of the State Executive Committee for Senate District 1. She mentioned some things that I certainly had never heard--among them the Texas Plan. This is a plan written by Gov. Gregg Abbott of nine propositions to amend the US Constitution. Of course, it cannot be voted upon until a Convention of States is held.

It was interesting how many people at this meeting were from socialist/communist states. At least half the people in the room were not native Texans, but were very concerned with how the winds are blowing in their adopted state.

One of these concerns seemed to center around education and how the minds of our children are being stolen from their parents. One lady, previously from California stood and asked, “How do we take back the schools?”

One of the common answers was, “Through the school board.” This a worthwhile place to start. However, the question arises, where is the Board of Education mentioned in the US Constitution?

Believe it or not, it is not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution. Perhaps we should put the control of training the children back into the hands of the parents where it belongs; at a very minimum, it should be brought back to the states. This is where Convention of States can help bring back control to the state and local level where it should be--not in the hands of a centralized federal government.

Come join us next time in Emory, Texas, on June 12. It’s a wonderful way to learn about Article V of the US Constitution.

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