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Convention of States Texas Legislative Day

Published in Blog on March 15, 2021 by Kenneth Hedges

A chilly morning in Austin, Texas found scores of Convention of States patriots gathered about the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

Enthusiasm was running high. It was Texas Independence Day, the legislature was in session, and talk was hopeful and determined to advance the COS Texas legislative agenda. Speeches from Texas legislators were inspiring and confident, as they spoke about self-governance and the current legislative session.

Pledges of allegiance to the U.S and Texas flags and recognition of Vietnam Veterans were followed by Sharon Correll (COS Texas State Communications Coordinator and Prayer Warriors Team Leader) seeking the Lord’s favor in prayer.

COS volunteers went confidently into the Capitol building to seek out their state representatives and senators. Foremost in the minds of COS volunteers were key issues of Comprehensive Election Integrity, Ending Taxpayer Funded Lobbying, and the Texas Power Grid.   

Rep. Mayes Middleton addresses the crowd
on the topic of taxpayer-funded lobbying.

Reliability of the Texas Power Grid has been a backburner issue for some time. Many experts have been warning of systemic vulnerabilities but have been ignored. It took record-breaking freezing temperatures and unusual snowfall to trigger the cataclysmic events that left millions without heat and electricity. Some went without water for weeks. It was a deadly tragedy.

During their interviews with Texas lawmakers and staff, COS volunteers learned how the legislative agenda has changed. The Texas Power Grid issue has gone from backburner issue to top-of-the-stack-importance.

Much of the legislation slated for the current session has been pushed to the backburner. This has created an even busier time for legislators and staff members.

COS activists meet to strategize
under the rotunda of the Austin Capitol.

There was a bit of sadness revealed in conversations with some of the attendees. People are concerned by the state of our nation and the country our children could be inheriting. 

“Young people don’t appreciate history,” explained the tearful mother of a seven-year-old son. Wuhan Flu lockdowns have caused isolation, anxiety, and depression for so many. How might we instill patriotism and hope in these young ones?

The COS volunteers attending were mostly seasoned citizens, those who perhaps have more time to invest in self-governance. This begs the question: how do we get younger patriots more involved in the COS movement?

There must be those who--even though they are immersed in occupations and family raising--understand the gravity of the situation in Washington. COS patriots must encourage younger citizens toward civic involvement and the Convention of States movement.

In conversations with representatives in Austin, COS volunteers asked how they might be praying for them. Responses were warm, as they asked for prayers for wisdom and energy to complete the legislative agenda, which has greatly intensified after the grid crisis.

Many also asked for prayers for their families and coworkers. Representative Philip Cortez’s office is dealing with the deeply felt loss of long-time Senior Advisor Jim Boynton.

Let us prayerfully consider the task at hand for the Convention of States movement. Meditate on the words of our great president Ronald Reagan: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”

I believe that this admonition should inspire us to seek out family and friends and ask the questions, “Who do you think should decide what’s best for you and your family? You, or the feds?"

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