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Twitter Rally TOMORROW at 9pm EST

Published in Blog on July 17, 2017 by Convention Of States Project

In last week's Rally, our Social Media Warriors launched #cosproject and #articlev to the top of the political hashtags leader board. 

This week promises to be even better, so don't miss the fun!

Sign up to be a Social Media Warrior and join us from 9-11 p.m. EST on Wednesday, February 11, for this week's Convention of States Twitter Rally.

Last week 28 people participated, and we saw huge success. Think what will happen this week with hundreds of patriots tweeting their support for the last, best chance to preserve liberty in America.

Thanks to all those who have signed up to be Social Media Warriors so far. We're still looking for more, so if you enjoy interacting on Facebook and Twitter, and you want to limit the power of the federal government, we encourage you to consider this exciting opportunity. 

Click here to apply.

Questions or concerns? Contact Jacquie Peterson at

Click here to get involved!
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