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Truth attended by a Bodyguard of Lies

Published in Blog on June 13, 2019 by Sarah Peloquin

My husband and I had a rare moment to breathe this weekend and we sat down to watch a movie together. I had my eye on The Imitation Game for a while and--considering the recent D-Day anniversary--thought it would be a great opportunity to learn a little more about the war against a murderous dictator threatening the liberties of free peoples throughout the world.

And also get some material for my next article, if I’m being totally honest. What can I say? I’m a historian at heart.

There is a particularly poignant scene where Alan Turing (the father of AI and recognized genius) realizes the position his team is in now that Enigma is cracked. The devastation on his face as he and the others decide to stay silent about the upcoming attack on a British convoy will haunt me forever.

They had just been overjoyed by the success of figuring out Germany’s most closely guarded secret. But to reveal their hand to the allied authorities meant prolonging the war and possibly losing to the Nazi regime for good.

Winston Churchill stated,

In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.

Truer words rarely spoken. The codebreakers had to give up the short-term gain of announcing their successful project to save hundreds of civilians and soldiers on a convoy in order to guard the truth long enough to win the war.

They were strategically picking and choosing which intercepted messages they could use and which they had to turn a blind eye to, regardless of the cost of human life.

Basically, they had to play God with the lives of free peoples temporarily in order to permanently destroy the threat to what made them free.

What a terrible and heavy burden to bear.

While the greatest generation paid the ultimate price for our freedoms, we too have a heavy burden to bear, as new threats to our God-given liberties have forced us to take up the fight.

This fight is not fought with guns or tanks or nuclear weapons, but with words and actions based on a foundation of absolute truth.

All mankind is created equal, endowed by their Creator with inalienable, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

While we do not have to guard our truth with a hedge of lies, we do have to get into the dirt so we can combat the lies told to us by politicians, professors, and celebrities.

We do not have an army of soldiers dedicated to giving their lives for our freedoms, but an army of civilians dedicated to taking back the freedoms our government has insidiously stolen from us. In order to prevent the one, we must stand firm on the other.

Article V gives us the non-lethal firepower we need to prevent a costly and devastating future.

Let us pray it does not come to blood and fiery battlegrounds.

There are many ways to join this battle for freedom and what an honor it would be to stand shoulder to shoulder with the generation that knew why freedom was worth fighting—and dying for.

1. Give to the cause of freedom. Many volunteers in World War II gave money or goods, providing much-needed supplies to beleaguered troops. Convention of States is in need of money and goods to provide resources for its volunteer soldiers.

2. Serve the cause of freedom. Teachers, nurses, doctors, mechanics, and others volunteered to serve as soldiers and medical staff on the front lines. Convention of States needs front line troops like District Captains, Content Writers, Media Liaisons, and more to educate, inform and win the battle for our liberties at home and in Washington.

3. Learn from history why freedom is vital. War is devastating and a necessary evil as long as evil exists. Out of the ashes of war come heroes and regular people who choose to take the lessons of the past and change their future for the better.

We have a brand-new generation coming up that will need parents, teachers, churches, and a solid community to pass on the wisdom they have learned at a high cost--to tell the truth and not lie.

Don’t let our fight be in vain.

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