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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Town Hall in Mesa, AZ

Published in Blog on February 25, 2022 by Thomas Scott

Approximately forty-five people were in attendance to hear State Director Dwayne Hull and LD16 District Captain Donna Weiss as they highlighted COS and its mission.

Mr. Hull began with a summary of the results of a national government focused entirely upon its own self-service. He pointed out mismanagement has produced failure after failure in many government agencies and massive overspending. He also pointed out that striving to appease bureaucrats resulted in a $30 trillion deficit which grew by $2 trillion in the last year alone. This is being done without the approval of most American citizens.

Even when citizens vote they are no longer convinced that the voting is free of tampering, that it is honest. Even if their favorite candidate is elected, will that person be absorbed into the abyss that is Washington, D.C.?

The majority of politicians want governmental jobs for the rest of their lives. The number one item on their list of priorities is to get reelected. In general, they are willing to do whatever is necessary to remain in office. Do we want career politicians?

Mr. Hull explained the Article V Convention of States Process and the progress being made to call a Convention to consider amendments in three areas: government overreach, fiscal responsibility, and term limits.

He closed with an appeal for people to get involved through a Convention of States as volunteers or leaders and on their own by focusing on local and state issues. (Mr. Hull's speech is here.)

Ms. Weiss talked about ways to get involved in our local political arena. She gave examples such as writing, emailing, and calling legislators. She suggests using the “Request to Speak” feature to give opinions on various bills. She talked briefly about the status of redistricting, attending school board meetings and running for positions on the board, becoming a poll watcher or worker, etc. Citizens must get engaged in the functioning of their government or risk being totally disregarded by those in power, said Ms. Weiss.

 Go to, sign the petition and join us!





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