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Top-down regulations keep North Dakota business from growing, hiring

Published in Blog on July 17, 2017 by Convention Of States Project

One-size-fits-all regulations don’t work -- that’s just common sense. So why does Washington, D.C., continue pumping them out year after year?

President Obama’s National Labor Relations Board recently ruled that franchisors could be held liable for the actions of independently operated franchisees. That’s fine for huge corporations like McDonalds, which have millions of dollars to spend on legal fees, but what about small business owners like Ciara Stockeland? Her business operates 11 stores among nine franchisees, and the uncertainty she faces in the wake of the NLRB’s decision makes her hesitant to grow her business and hire new employees.

“I want to educate folks that it takes all sizes and style of business to create jobs,” she said, as reported by The Washington Free Beacon. “Franchising was the vehicle where I could build a company and hire people quickly. Where I could put it in the hands of local entrepreneurs to grow our brand.”

“I didn’t start collecting regular paychecks until 2014, that’s eight years running my own business with ups and downs, which shows there’s already so much uncertainty and risk,” she continued. “What concerns me is that the NLRB is adding uncertainty when we already have enough of it. Not knowing what I’ll be liable for and what part I’ll play in franchising makes me reconsider growing the business and hiring people.”

Jobs are created by people like Ciara, but regulations from the federal government keep that from happening -- whether they’re aimed at small businesses or not.

An Article V Convention of States can change the status quo. Rather than addressing each unreasonable regulation, a Convention of States can propose constitutional amendments that strip these regulators of their power, moving the regulatory authority to state and local governments, where policies can be modified for that locality's needs.

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