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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Become a District Captain and Help Hawai'i Call for an Article V Convention of States!

Published in Blog on November 16, 2021 by Brett Kulbis

Aloha, are you fed up with Washington, with radical ideologies, and with politicians who just don't seem to care about us? If you answered, "YES!" you aren't alone.

All across our great country, Americans are standing up to tyranny, in what some are calling the “Great Pushback.” We see this happening all over the nation -- they're tired of unconstitutional vaccine mandates, they're tired of leftist "educators" telling them that they can't shape their kids' school curriculum, most of all, they're tired of an all-powerful federal government — controlled by know-it-all bureaucrats and politicians — telling them how to live their lives.

And it’s happening right here in our Hawai’i nei!

As a citizen, it’s our responsibility to be engaged. Not to remain silent. To get involved.

Many of us have sat on the sidelines way to long, hoping that someone else would step up. If we are going to restore America and Hawai’i, it will require every one of us. If we are going to stop the taking of our rights, we must stand together!

Doing nothing, gives us a predictable ending. One of my favorite quotes is from President Ronald Reagan:

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

I am asking for citizens of Hawai’i to take a stand, to raise their voices, to be heard across every county in this state, and join our team. Become a District Captain and help Hawai'i call for an Article V Convention of States. 

A Convention of States is initiated by state legislatures under the authority of the Constitution and has the power to propose constitutional amendments. These amendments can limit federal power, impose term limits on federal officials, and force Congress to be fiscally responsible.

If you really want to send Washington a message, unite behind the Convention of States movement here in Hawai'i and forever change the status quo in D.C.

COS Hawai'i's goal is to place District Captains in each State House District, and your district needs you!

As the most critical member of our grassroots army, your overall objectives as District Captain are to educate your legislators, friends and neighbors about Article V and advocate for Convention of States. Recruit, welcome, and educate other volunteers and petition signers in your local area, and be proactive in raising grassroots support. Don't worry, we provide all the training you'll need to be successful.

Please join us by filling in the info below and signing up to defend Hawai’i and America. We can't wait any longer, we have a country to save!

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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