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Push Back and Dare to Hope: Happy July 4!

Published in Blog on July 04, 2021 by Kira Gilbert

The hour is late and though peril is everywhere in America culturally, intellectually, and politically, we have reason to hope. This Fourth of July, let's remember what it means to be an American. Let's remember the blessing of American liberty, which draws directly from Judeo-Christian values. There is no one who does not count nor is there a quantum of warm bodies required to unleash the power of truth. Finally, there are no limits on what God can do with His people. 

Because that is true and because we stand in, under and for what is true, good and beautiful, do not think it is too late for action, even at this late hour.

Although you may never know their effects, the actions you take will have consequences known to God. Once again, each life matters. Do not denigrate the weight He accords your life. He created you personally, knows you intimately, and loves you deeply. It is the truth that your actions will shape your soul for the long arc of eternity. 

By being aware that every action matters, by focusing on the day-to-day, moment-by-moment choices we make, we gain perspective. Do we make mistakes? Of course. Simply forgive others and ask forgiveness for yourself, and move back to correct action. 

Let go of passivity. Nothing is yet lost! On this Fourth of July, we are all standing on a magnificent legacy of freedom, bought with the lives of bold American men and women for the last 245 years. Now that freedom is near its tipping point, we must all stand together, pushing back the darkness, honoring their sacrifice. Dare to hope! 

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