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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Think millions of illegals don't affect Pennsylvania, your city, town, and neighborhood? Think again.

Published in Blog on April 04, 2022 by Renate Sprung PA SCW

I never saw my father cry. Except, that is, the day he was naturalized as an American citizen.

Seven years old, dressed in my new poncho and good shoes, I remember being frightened that so many grown-ups were all in dressy clothes and celebrating, but my serious, stoic father was weeping.

Dad arrived after surviving a devastated, traumatized WWII Berlin. Had our family’s Jewish heritage not been successfully concealed, his and our family’s outcome would likely have been very different. 

In the dark days of his youth, the legend of America shone bright. He saved until he could afford the ocean voyage and at age 24 arrived with empty pockets but a heart full of hope.

Determination, optimism and grit saw him through many trials, countless ups and downs - and ultimately success in business. The business he founded with Mom, still our family business today. 

There have been many days in the last fifteen months when I have been grateful, he is not here to see what is happening to our beautiful Land of the Free.

For those who pay the slightest attention to current events, you know that our borders are being invaded illegally, at unimaginable scale.  It appears that by the end of May, we won’t have seen anything yet.

It is a sad irony that American freedoms and our economy have been pummeled by an endless assault of federal overreach and overregulation while deliberate lawlessness thrives at our border.  

If you think millions of undocumented, unvetted immigrants don’t affect Pennsylvania, your city, town, and neighborhood, think again. They must go somewhere, and they are arriving here too.

Can the resources and budget of your city hold up under the weight of thousands of new school children whose families pay no taxes? Tens of thousands who are receiving free health care and welfare.

Legal immigration following a legal process of vetting, with identification, process and background checks (like my father's) is a blessing, and a point of pride for every legal immigrant and our nation. We are, after all, the greatest of melting pots.

That being said, this full scale, illegal invasion will strangle our nation like weeds strangle a bountiful garden.

The Federal Government is intended to be the servant of the people. People on all points of the political spectrum recognize tyranny is here, full scale abuse of our money and the power entrusted to them. 

Tyranny has arrived. We allowed it into the people’s house. It has happened on our watch.

Now that the Federal government has passed the tipping point, we can wring our hands and surrender, or WE THE PEOPLE can FIX IT.  

WE CAN 1. Limit federal overreach.  2. Set term limits on federal officials 3. Impose fiscal restraints.

But miracle of miracles!  Our founders put a save our nation mechanism in place.

Article V of the Constitution gives states the power to supersede congress.  When 34 states agree to do so, they can propose amendments at a convention of states. The resolution proposed by Convention of States Project contains those three provisions.  Again, those are to 1. Limit federal overreach.  2. Set term limits for federal officials 3. Impose fiscal restraints.

We can pass amendments that bypass Congress and put the decisions in the hands of the states.

Pennsylvania is up in 2022 to pass the Convention of States resolution. Nineteen states have passed already!

Start by signing the petition at  Then stick around and learn more. Read for yourself how we will use the constitution to save the constitution.  

The time for action and to get involved is now.

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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